Lazily Yours.

Chapter 511: Gullible

Gabi's voice sounded broken and sad. However, her face was telling the opposite thing. She was actually smirking. Since she had her head lowered, Alfons didn't see her reaction.

"Heath problems?" Alfons asked her. She immediately nodded.

"I heard that grandfather is having health problems this year." A loud sigh escaped her lips. "As much as I want to get closer to grandfather, I can't really work for him. After all, I lacked the confidence and background to do so."

"Little sister…"

It was starting. She smiled inwardly as she met Alfons eyes. Truth be told, Alfons really looked gentle. His smile looked warm and comforting. He could easily win some acting awards if he tries to act. "I believe your grandfather just wanted to spend time with you," Alfons added.

"Ah? What do you mean?"

"Now that he is sick, I believe he wanted to spend more time with you. After all, you are his only granddaughter."

"That— Do you really think so?"

"Of course! Why don't we do this? I will accompany you so you could apologize to your grandfather. Then you tell him that you are willing to work for his company."

"But — " She showed him a troubled face. Just as she expected, this greedy man would never decline an opportunity to use her. "But how could I work under him when…"

"Sister, why don't you lack confidence in your skills? You are a smart woman. You graduated top of your class. You were raised to become the heiress of the Ren Family."

Her mouth twitched when she heard his words. Earlier, she intentionally gave him some big news that could fluster him and make him unable to think thoroughly. Right now, all this man wanted was to get close to her grandfather.

"But I— "

"You should have more confidence. Hmmm…. Since it's like this. I have decided I should accompany you to see your grandfather for some… moral support. After all, I am always here for you."

Gabi fought the urge to laugh out loud. The fish has taken her bait! Now, she had reasons to work under her grandfather without any suspicions. Moreover, Alfons would never stop her from managing the lawyers now as she could easily use 'building her confidence as an excuse. And most importantly, a new sinister plan should have sprouted in Alfons' mind now that he knew that the old man was sick.

Gabi couldn't help but wonder when would Alfons approach the people from the Sealey family and helped them schemed against the Ren Family. Now that he had false information about her grandfather's sickness, Alfons would want to take advantage of this opportunity to take the Ren Family from her.

Ah, this man… his greed knows no bounds.

Ultimately, his greed would become his downfall.

"But brother, I am scared of grandfather. What if… what — "

"Let me handle this for you. I will ask the old man not to let you work a taxing job, after all, you still have a weak body. If you want… since I am about to graduate, I can also help you work under your grandfather."

"That — I know that brother was just thinking about me, but I don't think that would be possible."


She lowered her head and bit her lips.

"Why? Did your grandfather say something?"

"Well… I really don't want to talk about it. Brother."


"Sorry, but I don't think it's appropriate for me to talk about it." Gabi stood and walked towards the door. "I am getting tired… I will sleep first."

Without waiting for him to say anything, Gabi walked out of the room with a smirk on her face. She purposely baited him and make him curious. Right now, Alfons must be wondering if her grandfather knew about his real background.


"Brother?" she glanced at the man who followed her out. She was already walking towards her room.

"You are still weak. You should not work too hard. You need to call me once you are about to see your grandfather so I can act as your support."

"But brother is really busy. How could I let you accompany me in doing things like this?" she gave him a sad smile. "As much as I would want brother to be with me, I am not that shameless to act as a weak damsel again. I am not a burden."

"Gabi, just who told you this nonsense?"

Again, she didn't answer him. "Don't worry, brother. I will definitely make you proud."

"Eh? What are you— "

"Now that I thought about it, I realized that the reason why you wanted me to work for the company is that you wanted me to become closer to my grandfather." She stopped in front of her door and lifted her head to met his confused eyes. "You even said that you would accompany me and support me. This only shows that you really cared for me. Because of that, I have become more determined to make myself stronger. I will gain confidence. I will become someone that you will be proud of."

With that, she gave him a quick hug before she said, "I will rest now, brother. Thank you so much for your care. I will definitely pay you back soon."

Then she went inside her room and closed the door behind her.

Meanwhile, Alfons stood in front of the door in a daze. What was that? What just happened?

He stared at the now-closed door in a daze. Earlier, he was so confident of his success. What the hell happened just now?

He raised his hand; he wanted to knock on the door but paused midway when he realized something. Why does it feel like Gabi changed? No. How could it be? Isn't she the same gullible woman that he knew?

He could easily manipulate her into doing his bidding.

But this was not the first time that she did something like this. It was as if, she was purposely creating drama to avoid him!

He gritted his teeth and turned around.

Impossible. No. Gabi would never change overnight. This should be because of their father's death!

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