Le Ziren's happy life in Marvel

Chapter 20 A SOS from Jarvis

Chapter 20 A SOS from Jarvis
It was a pleasant evening. In Karma Taj's library, Sherlock and Wang did not rest. They were reading a magic book and coffee in the library carefully.

In Wang's hand is the first-grade Transfiguration textbook that Sherlock gave him, and in Sherlock's hand is the legendary Kama Taj's most powerful attack magic that Wang found for him.

The two of them looked like eminent monks, reading their respective magic books in their hands while drinking coffee and chatting. On the surface, the two appeared to be in unusual harmony.

But in fact, both Wang and Sherlock have a classic expression pack of Wang Baoqiang looking at his mobile phone: What?What?What?What the hell are these?

Although the two looked at the magic book in their hands, they knew every word, but they didn't know each other when they were together, but because of the relationship (the strange desire to win between boys), neither of them said anything. I can't understand it myself.

When the two of them couldn't understand the magic book in their hands, the remaining two people who talked about it naturally became more concerned, especially under the strange desire to win, whether it was the king or Sherlock , neither of them meant to stop.

Sherlock kept fooling the king to go to the temple in Hong Kong to order supper for the whole night, such as skewers, beer, barbecued pork, crayfish, fish eggs, grilled seafood and the like.

The reason is also very simple. After getting acquainted with Wang, Wang invited Sherlock to eat it once, and Sherlock never forgot the familiar taste, and would fool Wang for a meal from time to time.

Faced with Sherlock's cpu, Wang naturally refused, especially after Wang knew that Sherlock was much richer than him, he even rejected Sherlock's cpu.

After all, according to Sherlock's deception, at this time Sherlock already owed Wang a 125 howitzer, two double-shot anti-aircraft guns, two AR series rifles, one HK series rifle, three AK series rifles, and several pistols. A box of defensive grenades and a box of nine-link flash bombs.

At first, Wang was still immersed in Sherlock's so-called cpu, which is much easier to use than magic. After all, Wang's background has already determined that he must be rarely exposed to Sherlock's Muggle weapons.

But with the passage of time, Wang gradually changed his mind.

Damn it, I'm a Karma Taj magician, so damn it, everyone else uses magic with both hands, the special effects are extremely cool, and they can be called budget killers.

Why is it my turn? This is the appearance of cannons and firearms all at once, with firepower paramount?
What's more, if this thing is really useful, Kama Taj's head, Gu Yi, must have been in the state of a weapon angel long ago, and the first thing to do when facing the enemy is to shoot a volley.

Afterwards, various gun barrels and gun barrels formed a steel-cast wing behind Gu Yi. He looked at the various intruders with a smile and asked, do you know what's wrong?
Just thinking about such a situation is enough to break out in cold sweat on Wang Yi's forehead and repeatedly call out his guilt.

What's more, Sherlock, a big dog, holding dollars in his hand, and the uncle of the world's richest man, actually came to squeeze his little pocket money every month?

Just thinking about it, Wang felt that even his uncle and aunt couldn't bear it.

Along with Sherlock's cpu, Wang also practiced a very good trick. Every time he wanted to eat supper with Sherlock's cpu, Wang used his own trick to fool him.

Today was no exception, although under the influence of winning and losing, neither of them revealed whether the other party had found a fake magic book to fool themselves.

But in fact, both of them have already determined in their hearts that the book that looks like bullshit in their hands is definitely the result of the other party's mischief.

Naturally, the kung fu of the mouth will not stop.

Just as the two were coming and going, and fighting fiercely, Sherlock's cell phone rang very abruptly.

Looking at the mobile phone in his hand with some doubts, Sherlock found that there was no incoming call information on the screen of his mobile phone.

Generally speaking, such a situation is either a call from a government secret department such as CIA or Fobo, or a call from a pure scammer.

Sherlock thinks that he has absolutely no ability to get a call from the secret department, so he is very sure that this is a scam call that will have a strong curry smell after being answered.

Faced with such a fraudulent call that interrupted his thoughts, Sherlock naturally pressed it to death angrily, and had no intention of answering it at all.

Just when Sherlock turned off the phone, sorted out his thoughts and planned to continue to line up with Wang, the phone rang again.

Still familiar with the phone without any incoming call information, Sherlock frowned, and answered the phone angrily.

"Loved. Don't date. Lan Xiang. Baoda. Save my mother. Don't regret it. I won't do this question. I have something tomorrow. I used to lose weight. I'm not a Virgo. I don't have much money. I haven't finished my homework. I don't know about Amway.

Drink yogurt and lick the lid.Eat potato chips without licking your fingers.I don't know why the pigeon is so big.I didn't buy insurance or express delivery.I spent the money when I was not in China. The giant panda I just bought has already been eaten, and the meat is not good.

The force of the slap on the face just now was 32.2 N. At this moment, the damage I have done to you has caused the area of ​​your psychological shadow to be about 9 square centimeters.

It only takes 2.7 seconds to jump from here, the probability of falling to death is 92.4%, and the probability of being disabled is 7.58%. The miracle solution of being safe and sound includes but is not limited to: someone below puts you on your back and blows you away with a strong wind.

Is there anything else you need? "

Listening to Sherlock's words like the name of the dish, Wang, who was sitting opposite Sherlock, couldn't react for a while, especially for Sherlock's blue shit, Wang had to react for a long time before he knew what it was.

Facing Sherlock's fluent speech that didn't give the other party a chance to speak, it wasn't just Wang who was silent, it seemed that the person on the other side of the phone was also silent for a while.

After a long time, Jarvis' electronic voice came out of the receiver.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Sherlock, I don't understand what you are talking about. I just contacted you because your uncle Tony is in danger at this time and may need your rescue."

As Jarvis' voice fell, Sherlock went through the plot of Iron Man in his mind for a moment, and then it seemed that he had reacted to something.

"Oh shit! Oh shit! Jarvis sent me Tony's location, and I'll rush over there right away! Wang, tell Master Ancient One for me, I'm sorry I can't say goodbye in person!"

Sherlock jumped up from the chair like a cat whose tail was stepped on. After seeing the location sent by Jarvis in his hand, he just greeted the king and swiped a The portal disappeared into the library.

Seeing Sherlock leave in a hurry, Wang put down the Transfiguration textbook in his hand, rubbed his chubby cheeks, sighed that the young man was so fucking strong, and then stood up and faced Go to the ancient hall.

After all, Sherlock looked very anxious, no matter what, he should tell Master Ancient One about this matter.

(End of this chapter)

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