Leaves of Dawn

53: Spear Delivery Service (Sonic Speed Guaranteed)

Sending down a rain of gleaming bright bolts, Aelius led the charge into the battlefield as the Church’s forces followed behind him. Dispersing large chunks of the storm with each strike, Aelius charged through the air towards where Casimir and Morgana were dueling. 

With Luna in the back defending the rear, Aelius wielded their shared divine artifact to level the playing field with the other two faction leaders. 

Their divine artifact was unlike most. Named the “Blades of Stars,” the divine artifact was a pair of throwable ring-blades. One, representing the moon, was smooth, while the other, representing the sun, was jagged. 

Used to wielding the jagged one only because Luna usually had the other, Aelius relished having both for a moment before refocusing and blazing forward. Leaving behind a trail of golden fire and lightning, Aelius laughed as he threw the blade forward towards the dueling Morgana and Casimir. 

Swooping downward in a blaze of fire, Aelius made a crater in the ground with his meteoric impact. 

““Aelius?”” Morgana and Casimir flinched and paused, looking at each other in confusion as Aelius pushed himself upward.

Opening his hand and pushing divine power into the bracelet on his wrist, Aelius dislodged the ring-blade from the ground and pulled it back to himself while raising an eyebrow. “What’s wrong? Didn’t expect the Church to hop in?” 

“... No, I did not.” Casimir faltered as he readjusted his suit. “I specifically planned for the battles to take place in a way that you’d never see an opening nice enough to jump in.” 

“Maybe you just miscalculated then,” Morgana sneered with a laugh before waving her staff to strengthen the already-furious storm. 

“I must’ve overestimated Aelius’s intelligence,” Casimir sighed to himself before leaping away. 

With Morgana leaping off to follow after Casimir, Aelius paused and looked off into space. Taking a second to mull over Casimir’s words, Aelius let out a long crestfallen sigh. “Did he just call me dumb?” 

Dismissing the thought, Aelius bent down before leaping up as well to run across the side of the building. Following along behind the two, Aelius threw the two ring-blades one after another to bother the two deities as they continued their dance through the battlefield. 

Ignored by the two without too much effort, Aelius sighed. Pumping more divine energy into the two ring-blades to make them glow red hot, Aelius threw them forward with as much force as possible. 

Missing the throw, Aelius shrugged with a slight smile as the ring-blades tore through the building like hot butter. Leaping forward, Aelius met up with midair as they soared back towards him. 

Getting up close and personal with Morgana and Casimir, Aelius threw a couple punches towards both parties before ducking and throwing his blades. Getting both of them to back off a few steps, Aelius began glowing orange as his eyes shined like fire. “Don’t ignore me because I'm the youngest!” 

Roaring, Aelius’s divinity exploded outward and engulfed both Casimir and Morgana in a ball of fire. Destroying part of the building as well, Aelius chased after the two as they both escaped with smoky grimaces. 

“We should work together,” Morgana slowed down and murmured as she sent shards of ice after Casimir. “Wouldn’t we both benefit?” 

Flying alongside Morgana as she proposed a temporary alliance, Aelius pondered it for a half-second before clenching his fist. Making eye contact with Morgana, Aelius shook his head with a grimace. “I’m here to torch both of you.” 

Following his statement, Aelius punched Morgana in the face, sending her spiraling downward before accelerating forward. Beginning to glow once more, Aelius’s eyes sharpened as he prepared to amp up the battle to a more serious level. 

“I’m prepared to let out some huge explosions,” Aelius laughed as he pounced onto Aelius and stabbed him with the ring-blades. “So it’s up to you whether it happens in the city or out of it.” 

Grabbing Casimir’s neck, Aelius took advantage of Morgana’s storm to strike both himself and Casimir with a deluge of lightning bolts. Setting himself and Casimir on fire, Aelius clung onto Casimir as hard as he could as they both went sailing into the ground like a meteor. His strategy was an attrition tactic. Relying on his natural resistance to his own elements, he hoped to take Casimir down with him. 

Smashing through a building, the Aelius-Casimir meteor halted the battle for a second as everyone stood in awe. 

A constant stream of lightning came crashing down on this fireball as it melted everything in its path. 

Hitting the ground with a huge explosion, Casimir and Aelius began skidding against the road. Tearing up the pavement and sending it flying outward in a wave of debris, Aelius stood over Casimir as blood began running down his forehead. 

Casimir, on the other side, didn’t look too good either, his suit was in tatters and he had cuts across his neck. With blood pouring out of the cuts, Casimir drew a stark image as the remainder of his suit was dyed red. 

Groaning and pushing himself upward, Casimir flipped backward in a flash as his and Aelius’s positions began getting bombarded with car-sized shards of ice. Running off towards the horizon, Casimir pulled out a phone and began barking instructions into it while his banner glowed red. 

One explosion of red divinity later from his banner and Casimir was ready to take the fight out of the city. Baiting both Morgana and Aelius to follow him, Casimir transformed his banner into a long spear while zipping through the streets towards the wilderness outside. 

“Why are you so hot-headed, Aelius?” Casimir murmured to himself while leaping upwards to dodge Aelius’s ring-blades. 

Aelius and Luna, compared to Morgana and him, were just far too young in Casimir’s opinion. Those two, along with their organization, had arrived in Marcen’s Cliffs long after Morgana and Casimir had established themselves. 

It was because of this gap in knowledge that Casimir felt they were... rash. He and Morgana kept their fighting to a civil level because they knew how bad it would be if Solomon or Joanna stepped in. They knew those two stepping in would result in not only their loss, but the ceding of territory, resources, and money that’d set each organization far back in their plans. 

“Well, at least we’re taking it out of the city.” Casimir chuckled as he threw his spear backward. “At least it’ll only be Sylvia who’s on our case.” 

Pulling the spear back to himself, Casimir squinted as he watched the two flying towards him in the air. With Morgana surrounding herself in a sphere of water and Aelius... just being blinding, Casimir wasn’t sure who to target. 

Twirling the spear around him to clear out some trees, Casimir squatted down as his divinity began thumping through his body in sync with his heartbeat. Closing his eyes, Casimir funneled it into the spear as both he and the spear began glowing a bloody red. 

Locating the two deities with his divinity instead of his eyes, Casimir took deep breaths as his weight increased to the point of cracking the ground below himself. 

Growling, Casimir bent back into an inhuman throwing position. Springing up like life after winter, Casimir launched the spear forward as a shockwave exploded in the sky. 

“Aelius, this spear is for you.” 

Don't have too much to say... been reading a bookkk it's very cute yes yes heheh

I don't know, I'm having fun with my friends tooo woot woot :D
Also been writing my new book, ever so slowly, really trying to focus on quality rather than quantity for this one- since usually i just post my first drafts for you all-

Anyway, thanks for readinggg~!!
Take care reader friends~!! <3<3

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