Lee Seob’s Love

Chapter 53 - Changes (1)

Chapter 53. Changes (1)

Translator: Aura

Minkyung leaned her back against the headboard and pulled her knees up to her chest. As she buried half of her face in Lee-Seob’s fleece jacket, which she had yet to take off, she felt a warmth as if she were trapped in his arms. His scent permeated her nostrils.

When she closed her eyes, she remembered Lee-Seob, who stated with the utmost seriousness.

— I don’t want you to see me as a beast. At least, not like this.

‘What is the difference between how you see a beast and how you see a person?’

Minkyung had intended to ask him that question, but refrained. She presumed that if she did, he would throw a tantrum like a disrespected child.

‘Ah… Tae Lee-Seob. Good heavens… Why do you make it so complicated…?’

Minkyung felt a sudden wave of tiredness, so she pulled her knees even closer to her chest.


At that moment, she let out a slight cry of pain. This was because the tips of her sore breasts rubbed against the fabric of her clothes.

“Oh my, really…”

Minkyung punched her mattress. She didn’t check, but her face heated up just imagining what they would look like. The marks that he had made last night on her neck were now left on her breasts.

— No one will notice if I leave marks on you here, right? Is that okay?

She felt as hot as fire itself. It was as if those words rolled down her body like hot beads, marking her private parts.

— You’re even prettier than in my dreams.

Minkyung pressed her burning eyes against her raised knees. It had been more than 11 years since she joined TK. The foundations of the castle that Kang Minkyung had diligently built for more than 4,000 days were beginning to shake.

‘I’m different from you, Crown Prince of TK.’

She had wanted to criticize and curse Lee-Seob for disturbing her life, but in the end she couldn’t.

— You’re my employee…

Minkyung remembered his words in front of her building. When she saw him so affected, she was about to say to comfort him,

‘Listen to me, Executive Director. It’s not fair that you beat yourself up like that. The heart sometimes doesn’t understand reasons…’


“Good morning.”

In front of the fitness club, Lee-Seob was the first to greet.

“Good morning, Executive Director. Did you do well in today’s workout routine?”

Lee-Seob nodded and lightly placed his hand on her back. It was just to tell her where to walk, but even though she was aware of it, she felt her heart stop.

She was embarrassed, while Lee-Seob acted as natural as ever.

Already in the car, he said while eating the egg sandwich she had prepared and drinking his coffee,

“I will have to assume the duties of fashion representative even before the official appointment. I’ll find out more about it at today’s meeting. There is also the matter with Director Choi. As soon as I arrive at the company, I have to meet with the Director of the Operations Department. Please confirm the time.”

“Yes, sir.”

“I’m going to die.”

Minkyung looked from the front seat at Lee-Seob, sitting in the back seat. The man who had exaggeratedly said that he would die, raised one side of his mouth and smiled playfully,

“So please take care of me, Senior Manager Kang.”

“Yes, Fashion Representative.”

“Don’t call me that, it makes me feel suffocated. Call me Executive Director as usual.”

“It wouldn’t be right.”

“Okay, whatever.”

Lee-Seob looked down at his tablet and drank the hot coffee.

From time to time, on the short drive to work, she would glance at Lee-Seob’s face in the rearview mirror. Thick, silky hair, dark, even eyebrows, seductive eyes, a sharp nose, and full lips.

Last night, Lee-Seob rubbed his nose against her neck and his lips ran over her breasts. When she thought about it, her heart warmed. Just then…

“Senior Manager Kang.”

At his call from behind, she was so startled that her neck stiffened, like a child caught in mischief.

Since she didn’t respond immediately, Lee-Seob called her again,

“Kang Minkyung.”

“Yes, yes.”

When she turned her head completely, her eyes met Lee-Seob’s. He was staring at her, his eyes lighter because of the sunlight coming through the car window. She couldn’t help but freeze, as if captivated by his gaze.

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