Legacy of the Dark Sage

Chapter 112 Killing Spree

Kyran twisted his body and avoided the arrows aimed at him.


The three arrows missed him and hit the ground.

He jumped up a tree branch, and the moment he landed, a long whip slashed from the side, wrapping his leg around the tree branch.

'Tsk,' Kyran gritted his teeth. 'Just how are they tracking me?'

He summoned his Void Armor, and immediately the whip on his feet disintegrated, and he jumped to the next branch.

As he jumped, he heard a whirring sound coming from above.

He looked up in time to see a huge axe coming down at him.

Kyran was tempted to use his Void Scales. But he endured and instead took out a sword from his pouch.


Because of the momentum of the axe, Kyran only managed to deflect it to his left using his sword.

He landed on the next branch and was about to jump again when another set of arrows rained down on him.

Kyran's eyes narrowed. He jumped and did a side whip kick in the air, shooting out a dark purple force at the incoming arrows. As soon as the two connected, the arrows disappeared.

Using the momentum of his kick, Kyran twisted his body and kicked the side of a nearby tree to propel himself toward a tree branch above. He grabbed on a tree branch and hoisted himself up before swinging to another tree branch.

These bandits were getting on his nerves.

A few minutes earlier, after Kyran dealt with the three bandits. He left the scene and continued on his way. However, after only a couple of minutes, he was intercepted by another group.

This group also had red scarves hiding half of their faces, and Kyran guessed they belonged to the same group as the three men he killed.

Because he did not want to delay, Kyran urged his magic and molded a few needles to deal with them. He used one on each and aimed at their heads to finish them off.

After that, he initially wanted to check their bodies for clues about how they could hide their presence from his detection. However, before he could approach their bodies, he was bombarded by another round of attacks.

He could have dealt with them efficiently by using his needles. But this group might have watched what happened to the previous group and decided not to get close to him and only attack at a distance.

Kyran had no choice but to flee.

Of course, he was not planning on escaping. He still had to get rid of them. All he needed was a chance. Once he knew their positions, all he needed was one needle each to deal with them.

However, Kyran had a feeling that his needles would not be enough to deal with all of them. It was not because he had doubts about his ability but because he could only make nine needles at most. He admitted that using the needles was very efficient in dealing with the bandits. Unfortunately, creating and using them was both mentally and physically exhausting. Mainly because it was his first time trying it out.

The truth, when Kyran was training with Sigma, he thought of how he could hide his magic's Void property.

His reason was simple. If he used a different identity to move around, he needed to 'show' a different set of abilities.

For example, when he was posing as Tyr, then he had to use the recorded abilities of Tyr. Fortunately, Tyr's abilities were easy enough to replicate. His innate magic was strengthening, and his combat ability was average. Lastly, his weapon of choice was a long staff. All of which Kyran already possessed.

Then there was Nar.

Nar's identity had been on Kyran's mind for some time. He already decided what Nar's background would be, but what about his abilities?

After much pondering, Kyran finally settled with 'explosion magic'.

Though he dare not admit it, this idea was inspired by the psycho bastard's magic.

Kyran reckoned that Malek's magic was related to air. When Malek used his magic during their fight, and Kyran felt his insides were being crushed, he somehow sensed that the air inside his body and surroundings was pressing down on him.

He felt that this kind of magic would make 'Nar's' life easier when dealing with enemies.

However, making his magic explode became Kyran's next headache. Aside from this, he also needed to learn how to summon his magic at a targetted area. After all, if he did succeed in making his magic explode, he could not keep on touching his target before he could use it. That would become an obvious weakness.

When Kyran was training, he practiced summoning his magic at a specific location. However, he failed miserably.

How could Dante make it look so easy? At first, Kyran thought that maybe Dante used magic arrays to locate a spot where his magic would appear. But Kyran soon realized that using magic arrays had nothing to do with it. When he asked Sigma about its concept, Sigma only looked at him with a scowl and said: "I just know how to do it. There is no concept whatsoever behind it."

His answer made Kyran depressed.

Stella could do it. He also remembered Nolan could do it as well. Even the psycho bastard.

Why couldn't he?

It was so unfair.


Okay, maybe it was not unfair given his practically god-like magic. But still.

After much pondering, Kyran finally came up with a solution. If he could not summon his magic at a targetted location, why not mold it into something where he could throw it at his target?

That was how he came up with using needles.

Needles were tiny and could be hidden easily. Before his target could see it, it would already enter their bodies.

The idea Kyran came up with on how the needle would explode after entering a target was to manipulate the needle's shape and expand it. Then the expanded needle would push out anything outside it. If this needle entered a human's body, once it grew, that person's internal organs would be pressed, and the human's skin would not be able to handle the pressure, thus, resulting in their body exploding.

However, there was still one flaw in this idea. Kyran's Void magic had no 'solid' state. When he molded his magic into a weapon, it only appeared solid because he could touch it. But if other people tried, they would have to be prepared to lose a hand at most.

Kyran had no choice but to put this idea on hold. He decided to talk to Nolan about it when he got back.

Fortunately, the incident near the Chaos Palace happened.

Kyran's talk with his predecessor about his magic cores and central core inspired him.

The idea was simple. All Kyran had to do was integrate his Regis technique into his needle. Pretty much like his Void Scales but vice versa.

Because the Regis Body Tempering technique could strengthen an object, he could apply it as the needle's coating.

So when the lanky bandit attacked earlier, Kyran tried it for the first time.

He used three needles to test out different magic inputs. Sure enough, if the needle had to expand on a bigger area, then the magic energy he consumed was larger. Based on this, the lowest consumption of energy was when he targeted a human's head.

Still, doing this was draining Kyran's energy faster than he could say no.

Anyway, right now, he was not using Nar's identity but since these guys would end up dead anyway he did not care. Besides his face was hidden so he was not really worried.


Kyran suddenly stopped.

'Stupid idiot!' He scolded himself.

Why was he being cautious right now? It was true he could not show the abilities they submitted to the Mercenary Hall, but did he not possess another magic that the army was unaware of?

The moment Kyran stopped, different types of projectile weapons rained down on him.

A sneer appeared on his face.

Too bad his face was hidden and the bandits hiding in the shadows did not see it.

Kyran was also wearing a mask, they did not see his eyes glinted silver and turned into slits.


An oppressive pressure burst out from Kyran as he urged the Regis Blessing to its fullest.

All weapons aimed at him lost their momentum and fell to the ground.

He faintly heard a gasp from all the bandits hiding in the shadows. And that was enough for him to locate some of their positions.

"It's my turn," he said and vanished.


One bandit hiding a few meters away from Kyran's left exclaimed. Before he could move, something cold went past his neck.

The next thing that happened, his head rolled on the ground, and blood gushed out from his headless body.


Another bandit shouted but then, he felt a prick on his forehead and the next thing his head exploded.

"This guy is a monster! Retreat-!"

Another head rolled on the ground.


Screams filled the whole air as one after another, heads exploded or rolled on the ground.

Blood, flesh, brain matters filled the place.

After a few minutes...

Kyran appeared in the middle of the bandit corpses.

The metallic smell and stink of the human internal organs filled the air.

He looked at his left hand holding a molded Void Dagger. Right now, his hand was trembling slightly.

Taking a deep breath, Kyran lowered his hand and released his Regis's Blessing.

'How convenient. With my magic, I don't even have to worry about being stained with their blood....' He thought with a bitter smile.

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