Legacy of the Dark Sage

Chapter 148 Search For The Rare Stone (1)

To discuss his plans, Kyran decided to return to the cabin first. They were lucky that they did not encounter anyone after leaving Nolan's domain and could go to the cottage without delay.

Kyran led the way, and upon arriving five meters from the cottage's array, just as Silas had said because of the key Kyran possessed, he immediately perceived the array formation. He was surprised to know that the array's calculation was directly shown into his mind the moment he touched the array's invisible barrier.

With the use of his magic, Kyran channeled his magic energy into the array calculation and made some adjustments. The adjustments he did were not too much because the changes must still depend on the materials used on the array.

Kyran could only strengthen the array's effect and grant Nolan, Gage, and the still unconscious Anette, who lay on the black wooden board Nolan was pulling with his magic, entry to the cottage.

All the while, Nolan was silently surprised to see Kyran's improvement. He had a vague understanding of Kyran's level in Array and made a mental note to test it out in the future.

At the cottage, when Silas felt some changes in the array, he decided to investigate the matter. He was utterly surprised when he saw Kyran return with Gage and two other people on the tow.

Silas ushered them inside the cottage without much vigilance since he trusted Kyran and Gage would not associate themselves with untrustworthy people. Besides, he was aware that the Lord of the Tower had asked another mercenary to escort Gage. Seeing the man with them, Silas reckoned he might be him.

Upon entering the cottage, Kyran noticed that Silas managed to clean up the place a bit.

Nolan laid Anette on the bed while he sat on the edge. Gage pulled one of the wooden chairs from the dining table and sat with his arms resting on the back of the chair. On the other hand, Silas leaned back on the sink, looking at Kyran, standing near the entrance.

It took them ten minutes of Kyran and Gage's joint narration to explain the situation to Silas.

He was surprised to know that Nolan, whom he confirmed was the mercenary the Lord had tasked to escort Gage, was also the cloaked man they met at the Mercenary Guild. Aside from this, the woman with them was actually an Alchemy hermit that Nolan personally knew. Silas wanted to ask a lot of questions, but he felt Kyran's impatience, so he decided to focus on the current situation.

"I am looking for the rare stone of the Shaiha Ruins," Kyran was saying. "It is the last material the Conclave needed to complete the new defensive array in the Tower."

Both Nolan and Gage frowned after hearing this. They were both familiar with the rare stone of Shaiha and how the Templar Code monopolized it. Getting it while they were on alert because of the recent break-in incident would double its difficulty.

"Why use that stone of all things?" Nolan grumbled. "The stone as an array material is too extravagant."

"I heard from Master Noir that the stone has the ability to store and absorb upto four types of energy in the surrounding—," Kyran explained.

'Master Noir?' Nolan thought, slightly surprised. It appeared a lot happened in the Tower while he was gone.

"—using the rare stone will completely remove the spirit stone consumption on the defensive array."

"I understand the idea, but getting it will be troublesome. Not to mention finding it inside the ruins in such a short time. Why the f*ck are you on a tight deadline anyway?" Nolan grumbled.

"It's a deadline I set myself. One week is the most I can give the Conclave to gather all materials and create a new defensive array. If it gets delayed, once the army does their routinal inspections next month and find out the Tower of Conclave's defensive array was destroyed, they will be suspicious."

"So you did not disclose the fact that you attacked them."

Kyran nodded.

"Disclosing my visit at the Mercenary Hall is enough. I can't have the army investigate the Tower of Conclave as well."

"They do not have jurisdiction to the Conclave. Besides, its not like they will investigate in the open. Remember they are using a pseudo when they issued the bounty." Nolan pointed.

"I know. But we're talking about the army here. They will definitely find a way to issue an investigation if they found out what I did in the Tower of Conclave and why they did not report it to the bounty issuer."

Nolan eyed Kyran. He had a vague feeling that he was no longer talking to the clueless kid he found in the cave.

"It seems you have learned quite a bit of the ugly side of empire," he commented.

Gage and Silas looked at the two in silence. They had their ideas but did not voice them because their knowledge of what was really happening was too superficial.

Even Silas believed that what he found out from the Regis was just the tip of the iceberg. There was more to why the army did not want to issue an open manhunt.

Kyran took a deep breath. He did not agree nor deny Nolan's remark but instead looked at him meaningfully.

Seeing Kyran's look, Nolan could only sigh and nod his head in resignation.

"Alright. What do you need help with?" He asked.

"I need you to take me inside the ruins."

Nolan frowned, "Take you? Did we not agree that getting in will be troublesome right now?"

Kyran shook his head.

"We're not going to get in. You will take me inside."

Silas looked at Kyran in concern. He immediately understood that Kyran planned to use the transmission scroll. However, if he created another scroll today, it would be bad for Kyran.

Realizing what Kyran meant, Nolan instinctively grasped his cloak and glared at him.

"How did you know?" He asked in a low voice.

"Know what?" Kyran asked in confusion.

"I don't care if you are Cade's son, I will not hand it over to you. I needed it."

There was a short awkward silence as the two stared at each other.

"Don't tell me!" Silas exclaimed, breaking the silence.

Seeing Nolan's defensive stance confused Silas. But after a short moment, he thought of an idea and came up with a possible reason why.

"You are the one who bought the three transmission scrolls auctioned by the Chamber of Commerce a few years ago?" He asked.

"Wait, what?" Kyran asked and turned his attention to Silas.

Gage recalled something. He also knew about the transmission scroll auctioned by the Chamber of Commerce. However, Gage was not really interested in it. Now that it was brought up, he remembered Nolan's short narration of their strategic retreat.

"The scroll you used so we can escape that time was a transmission scroll?" He asked.

Nolan scowled at Gage.

Hearing Gage's words, Kyran looked at Nolan.

"You have a transmission scroll?"

Nolan looked back at Kyran with a raised brow.

"Are you not asking for it?"



Kyran sneered.

"But if you have one, then we'll use it."

"I said I won't hand it—."

"I will make you a new one. Give me a few days and I can create a new one."

"Make a new one?" Nolan asked in disbelief.

Kyran nodded.

"Yes. But I just made one today and I need to rest first before making another one. Anyway, if you did not have one, I plan to buy a replenishing potion and make one." He explained.

"Then go buy that potion. Why do I have to give you mine. You have no idea how much I've spent just to—."

Nolan abruptly stopped. It was only then that he fully understood what Kyran was saying, and his eyes grew wide in disbelief.

"THE F*CK? You know how to make transmission scrolls?"

Nolan's delayed surprise amused Kyran. He replied, "I do."

"F*ck me. Don't lie!"

Silas could not help but sweat at Nolan's vulgar mouth.

"He does know how," he vouched for Kyran.

Nolan looked at Silas before looking back at Kyran.

"If you do then show me."

Kyran sighed.

"If I make one I will have to buy a potion."

Nolan sneered, "What the Conclave could not even give you an energy replenishing potion?"

"I need a different potion. Actually I'm not even sure if I there is a potion like that."

"What potion?"

"Blood replenishing potion."

"Why do you need a blood replenishing potion to create the scroll?"

Kyran did not reply and remained silent.

Nolan frowned. He turned to Silas, who instantly avoided his eyes.

Gage, who was watching their exchange in silence, sensed the sudden shift in the atmosphere.

"There is such a potion but I do not believe that it will be available in the open market. Nor in the Alchemy Association."

A woman's voice said, breaking the awkward silence.

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