Legacy of the Dark Sage

Chapter 160 Quilin (2)

Kyran abruptly stopped his pursuit and hid behind a wall of a dilapidated house less than fifty meters away from the Quilin and the three Templar Code elite mages.

He felt a little unhappy after realizing that his Draconic core was resonating with his thoughts.

To be honest, when he learned of having a Draconic core, he had not fully adjusted to the idea of also possessing Draconic Magic. He was even feeling awkward referring to the Regis Blessing as such. However, he could not deny that the reason why his magic went out of control back at the Misty Forest was because of it.

However, the reason why he was unhappy right now was not that he possessed two powerful magic, but because he did not like having his own thoughts being influenced by another. Knowing one predecessor's experience affecting his emotions was already bad enough, now there were two.

Kyran heaved a sigh as he closed his eyes. He needed to calm down first and try to look at this discovery from a different perspective.

Since his Draconic core resonated when he thought of releasing the Cloaking Array to see how the Quilin would react if it sensed his Draconic Magic, it meant the previous Dragon Lord might have a similar experience.

Kyran was not sure what kind of experience it was. He would not be surprised if the previous Dragon Lord met a lesser dragon or even a real dragon of a lower grade and thought of testing it with his Draconic Magic. After all, lesser dragons were not extinct, and real dragons still existed a thousand years ago.

Kyran concentrated and delved into the feeling the Draconic core was sending in his central core. Then he compared it to his experience when it was the Void core resonating with his thoughts.

From his experience, whenever he thought of trying to use the Void Magic in a way he had not tried before, his Void core sends an affirmation to his central core based on his predecessor's experience. In turn, this affirmation gave him confidence that he could do it.

Kyran concentrated and tried to figure out what information the Draconic core had sent to his central core. After a few seconds, he finally opened his eyes after understanding the message.

Taking a deep breath, Kyran could not help but smile bitterly. He was beginning to understand what the previous Dragon Lord was like from the information he got from the Draconic core.

The Dragon Lord and the Void Master were the complete opposite.

With a shake of his head, Kyran pushed these thoughts at the back of his mind. He then looked through the gap on the wall. He watched the three mages and the Quilin. The four of them were steadily gaining distance away from him. But he remained still and did not make any move to follow them.

Even if they gained another hundred meters, he would still be able to see them, especially when he was under the Regis Blessing.

The body enhancement Kyran received when using the Regis Blessing compared to the Regis Body Tempering Technique was more than double. If he could see, hear, or smell as far as thirty to fifty meters with the Regis tempering technique, under the Regis Blessing, it would improve to a hundred to hundred-fifty meters.


After Kyran found that his 'Regis Blessing' was him using Draconic Magic, the improvements multiplied. It was not an exaggeration if he said he could see, hear or smell clearly up to a thousand kilometers ahead. Of course, this was possible if he was not deliberately suppressing it.

'I need to time when to release the array,' Kyran thought and finally made a move.

He dashed to the right and maintained at least a seventy-meter distance from the other four.

The Quilin flew toward a valley.

From a distance, Kyran saw there was an entrance on the left wall of the valley. The entrance was different from the mutated Basilisk's cave before the Valley Morte. It was more like a shrine built within the wall.

'Is that where the Quilin plan to escape?' Kyran wondered with a slight frown.

If the Quilin entered that shrine, would it not limit its movement? The shrine appeared to be small, and given the strength of the three mages chasing the Quilin, they would definitely prefer to fight in a space where they could limit the Quilin's movement. This way, it would be easier for them to corner it and aim for its horn.

An idea crossed Kyran's mind as his eyes narrowed while looking at the Quilin's back.

'No. This Quilin will not deliberately trap itself. If I am right, it had a lot of experience dealing with the Templar Code. So this shrine may have a trap it prepared to deal with them,' He wondered.

If what he thought was true, then the Quilin's intelligence was good. But if he was wrong, then the Quilin was just a complete moron.

'Let's see what it is up to,' Kyran decided as he continued to follow them.

When they were only about sixty meters away from the shrine, the mage carrying a bow suddenly launched an attack. The mage released five magic energy arrows and flew in different directions aiming at the Quilin.

Without looking at the incoming attack, the Quilin's horn glowed as five white magic orbs appeared around it. It circled the Quilin and shot out dark red beams at the incoming arrows.

A couple of the arrows were destroyed while the remaining three moved around, avoiding the red beams.

The mage with the long staff abruptly stopped as he raised his weapon. Small green magic arrays appeared on top of the Quilin's magic orbs. Slowly, the orbs stopped in midair as if being restrained by the magic arrays.

Kyran's eyes narrowed. He was familiar with the small green magic arrays because it was the same arrays those guys from the Royal Army had cast when they tried to restrain his movements.

One of the arrows hit the Quilin's back. However, it did not show any signs of getting hurt and just continued to fly toward the shrine's entrance.

The last two arrows kept on chasing the Quilin. Soon the green magic arrays restraining its orbs broke. Immediately, the orbs flew toward the two arrows shooting red beams at them once again.

It was during this moment that the mage with the golden spear made a move.

He raised his left hand aiming at the Quilin's back, and a one-meter radius light golden magic array appeared in front of his opened palm. Another two light golden magic arrays appeared before the first array, and both arrays were smaller than the one after it.

Then a light gold magic energy condensed in the middle of the third array.

Kyran felt the magic pressure around the mage with the spear increase as the light gold magic energy thickened.

As if sensing an incoming danger, the Quilin stopped and turned to face the three.



Kyran's eyes widened.

'What was that?' He wondered.

The Quilin roared while its horn glowed, releasing another of its shockwave.

The mage, with the long staff, immediately cast individual magic barriers to the three of them.

At this time, the mage with the spear had completed gathering the magic energy on his magic array and released it toward the Quilin.

The Quilin's scales glowed as a semi-transparent barrier formed around it.

However, when the light gold magic energy was ten meters away from the Quilin, the mage with the staff cast three green magic arrays around the magic energy. Immediately, the magic energy grew in size.


[Not good!]

The Quilin roared, and another semi-transparent barrier appeared around it.

Just then, the mage with the bow also made a move.

Two huge white magic arrays appeared on both sides of the Quilin.

When the light gold magic energy collided with the Quilin's barrier, several white arrows shot out from the huge white magic arrays and bombarded the Quilin.


A series of explosions followed, and a mixture of dust and smoke slowly filled the valley.

The mages from the Templar Code did not stop.

They summoned more magic arrays and aimed concentrated magic energies at the Quilin.


Kyran's brow creased as he felt the Quilin's pain. What was more, his Draconic core was sending new information into his central core because of his fluctuating emotion.

Kyran clenched his fist. He had thought his predecessor, the Void Master, was the annoying one. But it appeared that the Dragon Lord was the more annoying one!

'Damn it, just because it was an offspring of a lesser dragon you're reacting? A lesser dragon is not even considered a real dragon!' Kyran thought gritting his teeth.

However, the more he heard the Quilin's pain. The more his emotions became unstable.

If this went on, his Draconic core would go out of control once again.

With a sigh of resignation, Kyran finally moved.

Utilizing his Regis Blessing, he shortened the distance between them.

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