Legacy of the Dark Sage

Chapter 171 A New Lead

Nolan and Anette's expressions changed after hearing Zephyr's remark.

The more they talked to this guy, the more they were reminded of their past 'mission' that they had failed to accomplish. Hearing these bits and pieces of information from the past fueled their curiosity. After all, this was a piece of information related to the truth of what happened a thousand years ago.

Since Nolan and Anette were associated with Cade, whose clan was related to Ancient Magic, and Rin, known as the Spirit Child, the two more or less had an idea that what happened with the 'Dark Sage' written in history books had been fabricated by the Royal Family.

Unfortunately, they did not know how much history had been fabricated.

If the Regis Patriarch from a hundred years ago did not discover a piece of an ancient record within the Regis Ancestral Land, no one would question the history the Royal Family made everyone believe. Unfortunately, the Regis Patriarch of that time could not confirm the ancient record's authenticity. They could not even compare the ancient records of the Regis Clan because the Regis ancestor did not keep any records of his time.

In order to investigate the truth, the Regis Patriarch decided to close off the Regis Estate and subtly cut ties with the Royal Family. Then he chose the most exceptional Regis members to investigate in secret.

Years after, the Regis started their investigation. They discovered another clan, the Ada, who was also searching for a piece of an ancient record. When the two met, they learned that each of their ancient records was only part of a bigger record. The Regis also found that the Ada Clan belonged to the 'Dark Sage' surviving family members, the Ashton.

To protect them, the Regis Patriarch of that time hid them inside the Regis Estate.

This was the situation that Nolan and Anette knew. In their early years, after getting the approval of their master, they inherited the task to continue the search for the remaining pieces of the ancient record.

Unfortunately, they failed to find clues for years.

Then twenty years ago, Nolan found a lead. However, while investigating the lead, he ended up killing someone. Worse, that person actually possessed a Legendary Badge and was under the Royal Family's protection. Nolan ended up as a wanted man, and for this reason, he had to 'vanish' from the empire. In this incident, Cade got his magic core destroyed after helping him escape.

With their leader getting incapacitated and one member 'vanishing', their investigation came to a standstill.

Nolan had always blamed himself for what happened. After he vanished, he did everything in his power to become a Magus, took on a new identity and returned to the Ylfaen Empire to continue searching for clues as well as finding a cure for Cade. But years had passed, and he had yet to find any lead.

All the information Zephyr had given them, not to mention the possibility that he knew what happened a thousand years ago, made Nolan excited. Not only had he found a clue to Azaloth's Inheritance that could help repair Cade's magic core, but there was now a living clue to their failed mission.

Anette was feeling the same. She knew she had to focus on fixing Kyran's magic core as soon as possible, but the allure of finding out the truth of what happened a thousand years ago was too strong. Besides, it would also help Kyran's situation. After all, he was related to the Dragon Lord and the Void Master.

After seeing Nolan and Anette's zealous expressions, Zephyr tilted his head to the side and asked cautiously, "What? Why are you looking at me like that?"

Thinking that their zeal was because of their 'lack of knowledge,' he added derisively, "Don't tell me that you don't understand what I'm saying again?"

Nolan felt a vein pop on his forehead from Zephyr's mocking tone. He wanted so much to hit this Quilin-that-looked-like-a-kid.

Was he doing it on purpose, spouting things that arouse their curiosity? And once they got hooked, he would act all-knowing?

But Nolan had to reign in his annoyance. After all, this guy possibly had all the answers to the truth of what happened thousand years ago. Aside from this, he knew how to deal with Kyran's situation.

Except Zephyr's solution was impossible.

Anette sensed Nolan's annoyance, and she replied instead, "We are just surprised that you know so much about what happened in the past."

Zephyr looked at her with raised brows.

"Well, the memory of that war has been passed down by our ancestors after all. Though I have no clue to what happened afterward. Anyway, I know it is impossible for you to find someone with the power of souls."

"Not really," Nolan replied. "Contrary to what you said, the Soul Emperor's Clan still lives. Unfortunately, they... are not really someone we can go to."

"The Dragon Lord spared them?" Zephyr asked incredulously. Then his expression became thoughtful and added, "Is it because he thought killing the Soul Emperor was enough to stop the demon's invasion?"

Once again, Nolan and Anette's expressions changed.

What did he mean? Was it not the 'Dark Sage' leading the demon's invasion?

Zephyr shook his head with a sigh, "Alas. In the end, he was still a human. I do not know his reason for sparing her family. He should have known that killing the present Soul Emperor does not guarantee that the next one would be righteous. Or was he riddled with guilt after killing her that he decided to spare—."

"YOU!" Nolan stood up abruptly and pointed at Zephyr.

He could not take this anymore! All this information was too much! It was like hearing a thousand-year-old family secret that could either ruin the whole family or save it.

"What the f*ck are you saying?"

Zephyr fumed at Nolan's behaviour.

"I already warned you human. I told you not to—."

"Listen, brat. I don't care if your a thousand year old crackpot, but you can't just spout things as if it was common knowledge." Nolan berated.

"What are you talking about? I am saying this because it is common knowledge," Zephyr retorted.

Then he paused for a moment seeing the look of disbelief on both human's faces. His expression slowly turned solemn as he said, "No way. You mean you don't know?"

Anette, who was already dizzy from all the information she heard, sighed and said, "It has been a thousand years and what happened that time had been fabricated by the Soul Emperor's family."

Zephyr's reptilian eyes immediately contracted after hearing this.

"What?" He exclaimed as he sat up straight. "And the Dragon Lord's descendants let it happen?"

He subconsciously turned to Kyran.

Anette shook her head, "We don't know what happened. The Regis's ancestor had not left any record. But what we do know, it was the Void Master who was leading the demon's invasion. At least, that is what the Soul Emperor—or rather— the Royal Family has made every one in the world believed."

Zephyr looked at her with a frown, "The Void Master? The human with the power of nothingness? That can't be right."

Nolan took a deep breath, "This part of the history, is also written on an ancient record we found."

"Ancient record?"

"Let's not talk about that for now," Nolan shook his head impatiently. "How much do you know about what happened a thousand years ago?"

"I have no clue what you want to know," Zephyr replied. When he saw Nolan's angered expression, he hastily added, "Don't get me wrong. It is just, I don't understand what you mean about 'a thousand years ago'."

Both Nolan and Anette looked at him skeptically.

"What do you mean?"

Zephyr took a deep breath and leaned back once again. He answered, "I was born two years after the Dragon Lord killed the Soul Emperor. As I said, the memory of what happened in that war has been passed down on us. Five years after I was born, I, with a few of my brethren was tasked to guard the Shaiha. It was also during this year that my previous masters decided to leave this plane. However, they could not take the Shaiha so we stayed behind."

Zephyr paused to collect his thoughts before continuing, "The truth, it was not necessary to have all of us guard the Shaiha at once, so it was decided that we will take turns in guarding it. I was one of the few who went into deep sleep, first. Basically I had no knowledge of what happened after my previous masters left. As well as what happened all those years I had been asleep. To be honest, I just recently woke up and... found that I was the last one left. I have no idea what happened to my brethren or how much time had passed since I went into deep sleep. And since I could not find my brethren, there is no one who could pass on the memory of what happened during the time I was asleep."

After Zephyr's explanation, Nolan and Anette fell silent.

They could not help but feel bad for this Quilin.

It was very tragic to awaken only to find that you are the only one left of your kind, not knowing what happened to them.

After a moment's pause, Zephyr spoke once again, "I'm sorry. I can only answer what I know but not what happened after."

Nolan halted after his words.

That was right. Though this Quilin did not know what happened after the Soul Emperor died, he still had the memory of his ancestors of the war.

"Please tell us what happened in that war," Nolan solemnly asked Zephyr.

Anette could not help but look at Nolan in surprise. She rarely saw him appear solemn, and whenever he was, it meant that he was desperate.

"Alright, but..."

Zephyr looked at Kyran, "Aren't we going to talk about how to help my master first?"

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