Legacy of the Dark Sage

Chapter 175 No Means No

There were three living rooms in the Ylfaen Palace. The biggest one, located on the ground floor, at the end of the reception hall and behind the grand stairs. The second one was located on the palace's left-wing ground floor and was close to the open garden. Last, the living room on the first floor was smaller compared to the two, but it was enough because the room was exclusive only to the Royal Family members.

The entrance to the living room on the first floor was a big wooden double door. Two palace guards stood on each side, guarding the outside.

As soon as the two guards saw Euan and Haylee, they saluted and opened the door.

Behind the doors, just opposite the entrance, was a wall with floor-to-ceiling glass windows and twin glass doors at the middle that led to an outside veranda. Red with gold accent curtains was drawn to the side of each window, while a crimson, white soft curtain hung behind the closed glass doors.

In the middle of the room were two long red couches facing each other with a long wooden table between them. Behind these couches, there were smaller tea table sets and cabinets with delicate designs.

Above the center of the room hung a golden chandelier that lit up the surroundings.

As soon as Euan and Haylee stepped inside the room, Haylee ran to the left couch where a beautiful, delicate-looking woman in her early thirties sat.

The woman had long, straight dark-brown hair and green eyes. She wore a loose long white dress, and there was an obvious bump around her stomach.

"Mother, Father is finally home," Haylee announced as she ran inside to a woman sitting on the long couch.

The woman who had turned her attention on the doors the moment it opened was smiling endearingly at them.

"Hahaha, your mother already know about my return, you did not have to announce it," Euan said as he walked over to the couch and stopped in front of the woman.

He smiled and said, "I'm home, Iulia."

The woman, Iulia, reached out her hand to Euan and replied softly, "Welcome home."

Euan reached for her hand and gently pulled her to her feet.

Seeing the two looking at each other lovingly, Haylee could not help but roll her eyes. However, the smile on her face was evident that she did not mind them acting lovey-dovey. It only meant that their relationship was still very good even after a decade of marriage.

Euan lowered his eyes and looked at Iulia's bump. He gently pressed one hand over her bump and teased, "Look how you have grown. I have only been away for three months."

Iulia giggled and placed her hand on top of his.

"I'm already two months pregnant when you left, what did you expect?" She replied.

Haylee also beamed and looked at her father, "Master Aiden performed a divination and we already know my baby... sibling's gender."

Euan looked at them with raised brows.

"Really? Why did I not receive a word?"

Haylee pursed her lips and rolled her eyes, "Of course we told them not to tell you. Because it is a surprise!"

Euan chuckled and nodded his head, "Indeed I am surprised right now."

He saw sadness flash across his daughter's eyes as he said this. But it was only for a second that he was not sure if he was mistaken.

Making a mental note to speak to Haylee alone, Euan turned his attention to Iulia and asked, "And? What is our baby's gender?"

Iulia giggled and shook her head, "Let's talk about that after dinner."

"Can't it be done now?" Euan asked in disappointment.

"No," Iulia replied firmly. "If I say it now we might end up delaying."

She took Euan's hand and locked it with hers. Then she gently pulled him out of the living room.

"Madam Jia, prepared all your favorite. Let us first have our dinner," she added.

Haylee also stood up and followed them.

The three went to the dining room, where a small feast was served. They ate while having small talks, and by the end of their dinner, Iulia finally revealed that she was expecting a baby boy.

This news brought great joy to Euan. Having a son ensured that the Arthall Family would live on.

While anyone who marries into the Royal Family would automatically carry the Arthall surname, having a direct descendant of the Arthall Family take on their name was still better.

The three happily celebrated the joyous news for the remaining of the dinner. When it was time for the Iulia to rest, Euan and Haylee walked her to her chambers.

Haylee was supposed to return to her chambers as well. However, Euan asked her to accompany him to the throne room first.

Euan was taught to observe and read people's expressions at an early age. He had been an emperor for more than a decade and had a lot of practice in this field. Thus, it was impossible for him not to notice how his daughter appeared happy yet sad at the same time.

On the other hand, Haylee, who was taught to succeed her father at a young age, already knew why her father suddenly asked her to accompany him. She did not want her emotion to be known, and she had tried to conceal it. Unfortunately, she was still too green compared to her father's ability to discern others' emotions.

Before Euan could start questioning her, Haylee made the first move and said, "Father, it is not what you think."

Euan turned to her and arched his brows, "Oh? What am I thinking?"

Haylee looked at him with pursed lips, "I already know why you want to talk to me."

With a smile, Euan looked away and turned his attention forward, "Is that so?"

Haylee also looked in front and replied, "I am not sad because I'll have a baby brother soon. Nor am I worried that... he might replace me."

Euan did not reply. He let Haylee continue to speak while he listened to her earnestly.

"To be honest," Haylee paused and took a deep breath before continuing, "I do... want you to reconsider your successor."

"You know that is impossible," Euan replied. His tone was neither stern nor harsh.

He looked at Haylee and smiled. "Are you really that against being the next ruler?"

Haylee looked at him in surprise. "'Really'? How...?"

"I am your father. Did you think I won't notice how reluctant you look whenever the successor to the throne is brought up?" Euan replied with a knowing smile.

Haylee pursed her lips and looked away, "No fair."

Euan chuckled and returned his attention in front.

"Are you still thinking of what happened that time?" He asked.

"Hm," Haylee replied with a short nod.

The 'time' Euan mentioned happened twelve years ago. When a Spirit suddenly attacked Haylee and the late empress, Haylee's biological mother.

What happened did not appear to be such a big event to the public. However, that event caused Haylee to fall fatally ill because the Spirit left a fatal curse on her. Afterward, the late empress did everything in her power to save her. And a year later, the empress succeeded. Unfortunately, it also caused her life.

Haylee was only four years old at that time, but because of her excellent memory, she remembered what happened vividly. It took her a good five years to recover.

It was all thanks to Iulia's patience and love that Haylee eventually made a full recovery.

"Though Master Aiden cast a spell to ensure that the Spirits will never be able to hurt me, the fact that they do not acknowledge me is still there. If I ascend the throne, won't the Dinaeri Family oppose and make trouble?"

"You do not have to worry about that. It is true that the Dinaeri Family's influence has grown over the years, but it is not enough to threaten us."

Haylee looked at her father in concern, "But they are still part of the Three Noble Families and they have a good foothold within the Royal Army now."

"What are the Three Noble Families? Compared to the old noble family, their roots are still too weak." Euan replied disdainfully.

After hearing her father's reply, Haylee's face suddenly turned red as a thought crossed her mind.

"Father, when you say old noble family... are you referring to the Regis Clan? You're not thinking of reconciling with them are you?"

Euan stopped in his tracks and heaved a deep sigh. Haylee also stopped walking and stood by his side.

"Alas," he replied with a mournful voice. He looked at Haylee with a smile full of remorse, "If your grandfather had not been a tyrant, the Regis Clan would have still remained under our rule. Still, it is not too late. Once the next Regis Patriarch assume the role, there is a good chance for us to reconcile with them."

Haylee pouted and said, "I know the current information of the Regis main family. Father, when you say reconcile with them, you are not thinking of having me and their young master..."

Her voice trailed off as her cheeks turned a deeper shade of red.

Euan smiled mischievously and replied, "Why not?"

"No!" Haylee's pout deepened as she stomped her feet.

Euan chuckled at his daughter's cute pout.

"You don't have to be opposed to it. The Regis Clan's military force, although your grandfather did his best to suppress it, has always been powerful. Having a husband who has direct influence to such a force is very good for us."

"No means no! Tell me the truth, Father. When you said that it is impossible for my little brother to be your successor is it because you have been planning to get the Regis Clan into the Royal Family?"

Euan's expression turned solemn as he replied, "You know very well that it is not the reason."

Haylee did not reply and only pursed her lips. His answer did not convince her.

"Though the Arthall Family has ruled the empire, you know that it is your biological mother's side who has the power. And you have your mother's blood. Not your soon to be younger brother."


"I won't force you to marry the Regis Clan's young master, however, you must give me a good reason."

"He is too skinny! I saw his picture and read his profile. He looked weaker than I am!" Haylee complained.

Euan could not help but laugh at her ludicrous reason.

"That is not a good reason. Besides, I am sure that the image in his profile has not been updated. I have also read his profile, and believed he is not weak at all."

Haylee glared at him, "How is he not weak? He does not even have magic!"

"But his combat ability is the best among your generation."

"No means no," Haylee replied stubbornly and crossed her arms.

Euan did not insist and only replied with a smile. His daughter acted stubborn at times, but she knew how to compromise once she calmed down and managed to see reasons.

Honestly, having Haylee marry the Regis young master would definitely raise opposition within the empire's parliament. However, all independent factions in the empire had always had a good impression of the Regis Clan. 40% of the representatives within the empire's parliament consisted of leaders among the big and smaller independent factions. Another 40% consisted of all the Noble Families representatives. The remaining 20% were representatives of the Royal Family. If voting were cast with the support of the independent factions, the Three Noble Families would not persist.

"We'll talk about it after my next visit to the Regis Estate next month. You can come with me and meet the Regis's young master so you can make your own 'assessment'," Euan said.

With a sigh of resignation, Haylee replied, "Fine."

The two of them continued on their way to the throne room.

Outside the backroom of the throne room, Haylee bid goodnight to her father and went to her chambers.

On the other hand, Euan entered the backroom where his assistant was waiting.

"Your majesty," the middle-aged man in red and white uniform greeted him in respect.

"Are they all in?"

The assistant nodded his head and replied, "Yes, your majesty. The Grand Marshal has also arrived a few minutes ago."

"Alright," Euan replied and walked over the red curtains that separated the backroom to the throne.

As soon as he stepped into the throne room, Euan saw Aiden and the four royal knights standing on the right side, while Gael stood on the left side.

"Your majesty," they greeted and bowed their heads in respect.

Euan nodded his head and sat on the high chair before saying, "Let's start."

The six people straightened and faced Euan.

Immediately Euan turned his attention to Gael, and he asked, "You requested for a meeting, but refused to give any detail, why?"

Gael lowered his head before replying, "I am afraid that my report might be intercepted."

Euan's eyes narrowed.

"Who would dare do so?"

"I am merely being cautious, your majesty."

"And? What will you report that you do not want to be intercepted?"

Gael straightened and looked in Aiden and the four knights' direction cautiously.

Seeing Gael's action, Euan sneered and said, "They are my people. You can say anything in their presence."

Gael turned his attention back at Euan with a slight frown.

He hesitated for a few seconds but eventually replied, "Very well."

He took a deep breath and finally said, "A few days ago, I met a man. And this man's body was supposed to have been found dead at a ruin in the Chaos Palace ten years ago."

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