Legacy of the Dark Sage

Chapter 208 Tower Of Tribulation (3)

At first glance, one would think Gustaff was only wearing a black long-sleeved shirt. But if one had a closer look, his arm was actually charcoal black. To be exact, his arm looked as if it was burned into a crisp, making it look like charcoal.

Kyran's scalp had gone numb just imagining what might have happened to him that his arm ended up like that. However, what dreaded him the more, was although Gustaff's arm had been charred black, he could still use it.

"This happened because I lacked resolve," Gustaff continued as he looked at his arm with a pained expression. Except, his pain seemed more because he failed because of his shortcomings, not from what became of his arm.

He looked at Kyran with a faint smile, "Though I failed, my arm only lost the sense of touch. It still let me keep my arm and let me leave that place."

'It?' Kyran wondered while keeping an indifferent expression.

He might wonder why Gustaff talked of that place as if it was alive, but he did not want him to ask more questions. Kyran preferred asking questions instead of answering. Eventually, he would have answers to his doubts. He would be entering there after all.

"Another thing I can tell you, is the difference of time in that place. You may end up staying inside for three years, but outside, only a day may have passed."

'Time magic?'

Kyran kept a calm expression. However, his heart had started to pound at the idea. He suddenly recalled his conversation with Stella back in her study about Ancient Magic. When she said without the four Ancient Magic, the world would not function. Kyran voiced his doubt since, at that time, he thought no one possessed Draconic magic. But Stella answered that even if no one else possessed Draconic magic, it did not mean that it was gone. Her words implied that Ancient magic was still present as long as others had the requirements to tap into them. Then Kyran recalled his conversation with Nolan on magic arrays. If a person knew the runic writings of specific magic, he could call upon it. Kyran then remembered what he knew about Array Creation. Array Specialists were rare because it was hard to study and understand formulas written in different runic writings. On top of that, they had to learn all types of physical materials that could draw on specific magic.

If this was the case, the creator of that 'place might be someone who knew the runic writings of Time magic and was able to create an array to incorporate it.

The more Kyran thought of this, the more he was convinced that it might be true. Wasn't there a huge array within Stella's study that could amplify her Time magic?

The idea further ignited Kyran's excitement. The creator of that place must be someone who knew Stella's predecessor to write Time runes. And most likely, the place was built when Ancient magic had not been categorized as forbidden-type yet.

Another thought crossed Kyran's mind, and he frowned slightly. Why was that place accessible by others? Wouldn't the Royal Family have that place barricaded because it might possess information about Time magic?

Because Kyran was engrossed in his thoughts, he forgot to keep his emotion in check.

The moment Gustaff saw Kyran's frown, he immediately asked, "What's wrong?"

Upon hearing Gustaff's question, Kyran mentally kicked himself, but then he thought the question was not personal, so it was okay.

"I was just wondering, why the Royal Family left that place open. If what you said is true, that place has secrets," Kyran replied.

Nolan, who Kyran thought had fallen asleep beside him, suddenly snorted. But he did not say anything.

Gustaff, on the other hand, was the one who laughed out loud. Then he said, "Even if the Royal Family know about that place, they can never claim ownership. As to why? The answer is simple. That place is not in Ylfaen. Nor can it be entered by just anyone."

"What? Not in Ylfaen?" Kyran asked incredulously. He had never been outside the empire. More importantly, he never knew they could go outside the empire.

The whole Ylfaen Empire had been closed off to the outside ever since the surrounding nations started expanding their territories. Hundreds of years ago, the Ylfaen Emperor of that time decided to stop expanding the territory because the war waged with other nations had been wearing off the empire's resources. The emperor arranged for the Royal Army to barricade the empire's borders and appointed officers to guard over them. These officers held the highest position in the Royal Army. Not long after, the emperor decided to focus on politics to reform the whole empire. He appointed a Grand Marshal to oversee the Royal Army and Deputy Marshals guard the three corners of the empire. Since then, citizens of the empire had not been able to leave. No one dared to. Because of the cruelty of the previous emperors, most nations did not welcome any Ylfaen citizens.

Because of this, that the 'place' not being in Ylfaen never crossed Kyran's mind.


"How are we going to leave the borders then?"

Gustaff bellowed in laughter once again, "Ahahaha, Nolan. You might not be allowed to say some things about that place, but you can at least tell him this much. Do you want to embarrass himself with those people there?"

Kyran reddened at Gustaff's reply. He looked at Nolan, who again pretended to be asleep and did not react.

'Damn this uncle. Is he really related to my mother? How come he enjoyed messing with me?' He thought, glaring at Nolan.

Images of all his uncle from his father's side flashed through his mind. Immediately his expression turned sour. They also loved messing with him, especially in combat training. He always ended up mopping the floor with his face. It only stopped when he went to military school. After that, when he returned from military school, it had always been his father and grandfather who had been using his face to mop the Regis's training ground floor.

"That place is not in Ylfaen, neither can it be found outside," Gustaff continued. His eyes shone in mystery as he looked at Kyran.

When Kyran heard Gustaff's words, he suddenly remembered the Regis Terram. That place was not considered in the human plane even though it was inside the Regis's Ancestral Lands. Could that 'place' be similar to the Regis Terram? The mysteriousness of that place was too much for Kyran's mind to process in a short time.

"It is in a place where those who seek strength can go to, and yet it was nowhere to be found," Gustaff added, his words full of profundity.

"You don't have to think too much about it," Nolan suddenly spoke as he straightened and opened his eyes. He looked at Kyran and added, "Just know the Royal Family doesn't know that place. Even if they know, they can't go in."

"Gustaff also mentioned they can't claim ownership on that place, what does it mean?" Kyran asked.

Nolan snorted and closed his eyes, pretending to be asleep again.

Kyran scowled at him.

Gustaff, seeing the exchange between the two, bellowed in laughter. He said, "He's right. As I said, that place cannot be entered by just anyone."

Kyran turned his attention to Gustaff. He did not ask anything and waited for him to continue.

"Those who managed to go to that place are 'chosen' by it. And those chosen who managed to enter and go up a higher floor and yet failed can return to try again if they want to."

"Then what about me?" Kyran asked.

"What about you?" Gustaff repeated with raised brows. "Nolan's with you. And he conquered that place with the great master Cade. Because of that, you can enter as someone recommended by Nolan."

When Kyran heard his father's name, his heart made an involuntary jump. He already knew his parents had entered the place with Nolan and Anette and conquered it. But hearing others mention it made him feel proud, and at the same time, pressured. Good thing Gustaff did not know that he was the son of that great master.

"So anyone who conquered that place can recommend someone else," Kyran said more to clarify than to question.

Gustaff nodded, "Yes. That's why I thought you're Nolan's son—."

"Ah, f*ck. Seriously?"

"—don't you think something as precious as a recommendation to that place is such a waste to just give to anyone else?" Gustaff continued ignoring Nolan's sudden outburst.

Nolan glared at Gustaff, "He can be my disciple, why the f*ck did you even consider he is my son. We don't even look the same. Besides, I'm a busy man, do you think I have time to sleep around and have a bastard son?"

Kyran could not help but clear his throat at Nolan's vulgarity. For some reason, the way Nolan said those words implied he had no time to do that, which might also mean he was inexperienced. Besides that, what was he even saying about being a busy man? To Kyran, Nolan was as free as a man could get.

Gustaff laughed heartily, not minding Nolan's rude tone, and said, "You don't strike me as someone who'll take a disciple. Sleeping around on the other hand—."

Kyran cleared his throat loudly and said, "Can we go back to the topic?"

Gustaff grinned at him, "Right, we've got a kid here. Can't let him hear stuff like these."

His words somehow annoyed Kyran. He did not interrupt them because the topic unsettled him, alright. He only wanted to return to the main topic.

Nolan scowled at Gustaff before glaring at Kyran. Today proved to have made his mood go from good to foul and now worse. It was as if someone was conspiring against him.

"Can you tell me about your experience in that place?" Kyran asked Gustaff. He decided not to ask any more questions that would encourage conversation and just let Gustaff talk.

"My experience in that place?" Gustaff repeated with a thoughtful expression. "Hm. I guess I can share a little. But, you have to know, my experience inside will not be of help. Because everyone experience different things inside."

"That's okay. I just want to hear some," Kyran insisted.

"Alright," Gustaff replied with a smile.

For the next couple of hours, Gustaff talked about his experience.

Kyran was amazed that this burly man could talk non-stop and with zeal far longer than Nolan.

Once again, Kyran was given another example: there would always be other people better than you.

In this case, Gustaff was a far better chatterbox than Nolan.

Finally, after almost three hours of travel, Gustaff stopped talking as he looked at the caravan's forefront.

"Will you look at that? Time flies when you are in the company of good people. We have arrived," Gustaff told them.

Kyran immediately looked out the window. However, he did not see anything but the darkness of the forest.

"We have? But—."


The whole caravan suddenly jerked, and Kyran had a feeling of being lifted off the ground.

'What—' Kyran gripped the side of his seat as he looked at Gustaff.

"What's happening—?"

His words were cut off midsentence when a sense of falling replaced the feeling of being lifted. He looked out the window again and almost cursed out loud after seeing that the forest around them had disappeared. Instead, they were now suspended in midair—no, not suspended, because they were now free-falling into who knew where.

Gustaff, who saw Kyran's shocked expression, bellowed in laughter as he said, "Welcome Nar, to the entrance of the Tower of Tribulation."

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