Legacy of the Dark Sage

Chapter 245 Aim To Challenge The Champion

True Void nearly fainted when they appeared in the Tower's 'special place.' When he first entered this place, he was only a new magic weapon and had no spirit but the memory of the battles he went through with his master was engraved within his body. It was because of this place that his master had done a number of adjustments and upgrades on him, and eventually bore a spirit.

After hearing the overlapping voices explain that each platform had a master, this made True Void reminisce of the time he had been there.

There were no masters on each platform the first time True Void came here. This meant there was no one to enforce any rules making each platform free for all to anyone who entered.

However, it was for this reason that this special place had been a nightmare to True Void.

Back then, there were more participants inside the tower, and getting a platinum key was not easy, but eventually, participants grew stronger with every training they passed. When they started to acquire SSS-result, the platinum key became available and more participants got to know about this special place.

When True Void and his master entered the special place, there were already a number of participants who possessed a platinum key. Most had used the key at the same time, which made the whole special room lively. But when they began going up the platform, with no rules on each, it automatically became a battle royale among all the participants.

It was very brutal and cruel.

The previous Void Master had always been a timid person, especially with the type of environment he grew up in, but because of this place, he developed a cold and ruthless side.

Thinking of this, True Void was worried. He looked at Kyran who was still looking at the hovering platforms. With a sigh, he also looked at the platforms and felt a weight pressing down on him.

"What happens when a platform master dies?" Kyran asked the overlapping voices.

Without a pause, the overlapping voices answered at once, "When a participant bested a master, the winner would only move up a platform. But if the master died, the winner had a choice to only moved up a platform, or become the new master. If the winner agreed to become a new master, the winner would have to leave his essence behind before moving up.

'Leave an essence?' Kyran repeated in his head with raised brows.

If he had not met the Sovereign of Ruin, he would not be able to understand what an essence meant.

"There is an advantage of being a platform master," the overlapping voices continued with their explanation.

"After leaving the Tower, their essence would remain inside the special place, making it possible for them to return without needing another platinum key at any time. Aside from that, all the items they won during their rule would be transferred to their original essence from a special storage item that the Tower would issue to all platform masters. However, if their essence was killed then the storage item would be destroyed and they would not be able to return to the special place unless they continue with their training and acquire a new platinum key."

Kyran suddenly felt an incoming headache. The advantage of becoming a platform master was tempting, but he knew it was not that easy. At the moment, it appeared there were barely new participants going inside the tower. If that was the case, then who would challenge him and 'win' items when he did become a master?

More importantly, the current masters might also be thinking the same thing, thus, they would be more cautious and calculating when a new participant arrived on their platform. They would definitely set a favorable rule for them.

There was also the matter about the 'item' that one could win. Kyran knew that the item was not provided by the tower but by themselves. It was like a battle and gambling arena.

You wager something before the battle, and in the end, you either win or lose everything.

'Becoming a master is not important,' Kyran finally told himself. 'What matters is taking this opportunity to broaden my horizons, as well as battling different types of mages.'

He looked at the farthest platform he could see above. If he did not miss his count, the platform visible to him was only the thirtieth one. It meant the 100th platform was still way above and going there was not going to be easy.

'I need to be very careful in dealing with each platform master,' Kyran thought and looked at the storage ring the tower had provided. 'This means I may have to employ everything I have.'

A thought suddenly came to him, 'Which reminds me...'

He looked up once again and asked the overlapping voices, "Did I not get any spoils from my last training?"

"Yes you have," the overlapping voices replied at once.

When True Void heard Kyran he could not help but look at him incredulously.

"Unbelievable! Simply unbelievable! While I am here worrying about your survival, all you think about are your spoils!" He complained.

Kyran scratched his head, feeling a little embarrassed. He could not help it. Being poor and low on resources as he was now, every item he could milk out from the tower was very important to him.

"Because of your rating, the Tower had decided to give you an additional reward."

As soon as the overlapping voices finished what they were saying, a black leather belt appeared before Kyran.

At first glance, the belt looked ordinary. But upon closer inspection, Kyran saw small runes written on the belt's edges and there were several small diamond orbs forming five layers around it.

Still, this was not the kind of reward or spoil he was expecting.

Where were his puppets?

Just as Kyran was beginning to feel disappointed, the overlapping voices spoke as if to quench it.

"This is a tool belt specially designed to store your automatons."

Kyran's expression brightened at once. That was what he had been waiting to hear. But then his expression turned serious as he noticed something from how they called his creation.

'They already considered my work automatons? But they are nothing compared to the real ones,' he thought, recalling his last battle in the puppet competition.

If he had not been matched up with the current champion, he might have been able to win first place. Unfortunately, he faced the champion who actually possessed five automatons.

Compared to his ten puppets, his creations were a far cry in terms of the speed and strength of an automaton. The advantage of his puppets was their seemingly inexhaustible energy. But when faced with automatons with more advanced capabilities, having unlimited energy was not enough.

Kyran's puppets were slaughtered almost at once—at least half of them. He admitted defeat before the automatons could destroy the remaining five. If not, he would not have any spoils left.

Nevertheless, Kyran was relieved that the three special puppets he made were intact. Recalling the black slip he took, and about what it was, he could not wait to study it and upgrade his puppets.

"Thank you," Kyran muttered out of habit before reaching for the belt.

"You can store as many automatons as there are diamond orbs on the belt. Please remember that upgrading the belt is impossible."

Kyran smiled wryly upon hearing the overlapping voices' reminder. He did not expect the tower to give him a freebie he could take advantage of, so he was not surprised that he could not upgrade the belt.

It did not matter, though. Having limited resources, Kyran would not be able to fill all the diamond orbs with new puppets, anyway.

"Oi, Void Halfling," True Void called while looking at Kyran nervously. "Are you really sure you want to participate here?"

Kyran looked at him and smiled. If he did not know better, that the reason True Void was worried about him was that he did not want to 'die' with him in this place, he would have feel a little touched. But since he knew, he just said, "Since we're here, then we might as well enjoy it."

"Enjoy? Enjoy? Do you think I can enjoy such a brutal and cruel place?" True Void exclaimed in exasperation.

"Relax. It may not be that bad," Kyran told him as he wore the belt around his waist.

"Are you ready to enter the first platform?" The overlapping voices asked him again.

"Is there a Recovery Room after each platform?" Kyran answered with another question.

"There is."

Kyran nodded feeling more confident in going up. As long as he won each platform, he could rest inside the Recovery Room.

"Then okay, I'm ready to go," he told the overlapping voices.

"Very well. Please prepare to be transported."

"Oi! Oi! Are we not going to have any strategic meeting before going?" True Void began to complain at the same time the overlapping voices had spoken.

Kyran looked at him thoughtfully and replied with a slight smile, "There are only two things. We win on every platform and aim to challenge the champion after the 100th platform."


True Void's outburst was cut short because it was at this time that a blinding light fell above them.

Immediately, the light took control of their bodies and they were lifted off the metallic floor.

"May you further refine your battle capabilities as you move up in this place."

The overlapping voices said just before the blinding light took Kyran and True Void to the first platform.

Meanwhile, outside the Tower of Tribulation, where Nolan and Gustaff were watching the projection. The two had a thoughtful look as soon as Kyran was taken away by the blinding light.

"He really went up," Gustaff remarked.

Nolan did not say anything but a smile had formed on his lips.

This place was actually where he wanted Kyran to train. Getting a key to enter the Tower's special place was not easy. At most, Nolan guessed it would take Kyran at least ten or so training before he was presented a  platinum key among his rewards. Even then, Kyran might not choose it. Fortunately, he got an SSS result which meant he would be presented with a platinum key. Not only that, but he also picked it as his reward.

'To think he got an SSS result on his second training, not to mention a knowledge training for crying out loud. He really is a monster,' Nolan chuckled to himself.

"Speaking of this place. I guess we'll be able to see his progress in real-time now. Since the arena is part of the tower," Gustaff pointed out.

Nolan nodded, "Hm."

Gustaff sighed, recalling his own experience in the special place.

"I managed to get to the 100th platform but was too scared to challenge the champion and chose to leave," he said. "I can't wait to see how he win his way up."

Nolan remained silent, but his smile had turned a little mischievous as he thought, 'Me too.'

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