Legacy of the Dark Sage

Chapter 268 White Lily

It was common knowledge to most citizens of the Ylfaen Empire that there was a concealed antagonism between every faction in the empire. Because of this, the sudden formation of the Elite Force left them shocked. Yet, at the same time, they were also scared, knowing something big was about to change.

The information network of the Conclave had identified several movements from almost all factions that had joined the Elite Force. This proved how shallow these forces' cooperations were.

Early morning the day after the Elite Forces had gone out to every location with magic detectors in the empire, one white envelope had arrived at the Mercenary Hall.

There was nothing special about the envelope. The paper used in making the envelope was from a common wood found in nearly every forest. Even some small households probably had it. But it was because of this it drew the attention of Hela, who immediately told Marley.

When Marley saw the envelope, she understood why Hela found it a little strange. However, she also wondered why the white seal on the envelope had no symbol, which was commonly seen on envelope seals.

Without wasting any more time, Marley decided to have Hall Master Celine inspect the envelope's contents.

Celine, as always, was buried deep into her books when Marley arrived at her office. Usually, Celine did not want others to disturb her and preferred every mercenary hall employee to announce their arrivals first. However, recently her character appeared to have changed. She was waiting for someone to come, and she did not want the employees to prevent that someone from entering.

Who that someone was, only Celine knew the answer.

"Hall Master," Marley called as soon as she arrived inside Celine's messy office room.

Books, crumpled papers, and even clothes were scattered on the floor. There was even a soft white linen hanging on the chandelier that Marley could not help but sweat at Celine's lack of decorum.

"Hm?" Celine replied without looking up from her book-filled study table. She was currently reading a thick old worn-out book and appeared to be engrossed in something.

"We received... a letter to which we think it is a little strange," Marley replied, pausing a bit because she suddenly thought showing the letter might not interest Celine.

As Marley expected, Celine simply waved her hand and replied, "If you think it is strange, then have one of the hall managers inspect it. Don't come to me every single time."

"I..." Marley could not help but sweat, "... am a hall manager, Hall Master."

Celine stopped short and finally looked up. Her long black hair was currently messy, as if she had not combed or even cleaned her hair for days. As for her clothes, it was still the same one Marley remembered her wearing three days ago.

"Oh, right. I thought you're Hela, sorry dear." Celine said and smiled.

Although she looked disheveled, her face radiated as soon as she had spoken, and she even seemed very alluring.

"Please, don't use your magic on me, Hall Master," Marley replied with a twitch of her lips.

Celine's expression turned serious as she cleared her throat. Then she waved her hand, and in an instant, her appearance changed. She looked as if she had just finished cleaning up.

"Let me see," she said while reaching her hand toward Marley.

Marley drew near and gave her the envelope.

However, Celine's eyes narrowed as soon as she saw the envelope. Before Marley could pass the envelope to her, Celine withdrew her hand and said, "Contact the President. Tell him that we need the Chairman's guidance."

"H-Hall Master?" Marley stopped and looked at Celine questioningly. She was not thick-witted to not notice Celine's apprehension. So she withdrew her hand holding the letter and nodded at once, "Yes. As you wish."

Before she could turn to leave, Celine asked, "Who else saw the envelope?"

"Hela and me," Marley replied.

With a slight nod, Celine, with a grim expression, warned Marley, "Don't tell anyone about seeing that letter. Warn Hela as well."

Marley nodded, "Yes. Hall Master."

Celine watched Marley leave and close the door to her office before leaning back on her chair with a sigh.

'The last time I have seen a similar envelope was twenty years ago, soon after Gray's matter happened,' she thought. 'I wonder if his appearance was connected to the envelope appearing as well. Or if this time, it is of a different matter altogether."

Even when she was engrossed in her research, she was aware of the changes within the empire, not to mention the secret movements of other factions. She could more or less guess that something big was about to happen.

An image of a young man flashed through her mind, and her face changed into several expressions which ended with a sour look.

'Is it connected to him this time?' She wondered.


After Marley relayed the envelope to President Callan, Callan immediately called Chairman Hugh and sent a message to Head Master Malek.

Three hours later, the aforementioned envelope was now in the hands of Stella.

Currently, she was seated on the high chair on top of the raised platform in the middle of the receiving area of the Tower of Conclave's South Tower. She was silently looking at the blank white seal with an unreadable expression.

Before her stood Malek, Hugh, and Callan. All of them wearing grave expressions.

Finally, after a long pause, Stella took a deep breath and lifted her right hand. A small gold ring made up of clocks appeared at the tip of her pointing finger and touched the seal.

A blinding light erupted from the white seal when the gold ring touched it. Soon after, the light distorted and formed into long white flower petals. The petals swayed and distorted, which in turn began to crystallize. As the crystallization of the petals was completed, the white flower now looked like a crystal lily.

The crystal lily shot out a beam of light which soon projected a square transparent screen above.

They all looked at the screen just in time to find a silhouette of a woman with flowing hair, with a similarly flowing dress appearing on it.

"Greetings, Lord of the Tower."

A soft yet powerful feminine voice spoke through the projection.

Stella looked at the woman's silhouette and replied, "White Lily, it has been a while."

The silhouette moved and seemed to cover her mouth and said, "You don't seem happy to see me, milord."

Stella smiled. However, her smile did not reflect in her eyes.

"The previous Lord of the Tower warned me of you."

The woman giggled. Feeling not one bit offended, she replied, "No wonder. But milord, regardless of everything, I only come with good intentions."

Stella nodded her head while taking a deep breath. Then, leaning back on her chair, she said, "Fine. So what do you want to tell us this time?"

The woman leisurely shifted in her position before answering, "The Winfrey's Ancestral Lands has opened."

Malek, Hugh, and Callan's complexions instantly paled as soon as the woman finished her words.

Stella's expression, on the other hand, remained unreadable. However, her eyes narrowed, and even her heart had started to beat heavily in her chest.

"Since when?" She asked after a short pause.

"Yesterday afternoon," the woman replied. "You understand what this means?"

Stella nodded, "We have less than three days."

The woman nodded slowly, "Correct."

She paused for a moment before continuing, "If the Crown Princess succeeds, the Soul Emperor will arise."

Stella's hand tightened around the edge of the envelope.

"Can we still prevent it?" She asked.

The woman shook her head, "We all know that one cannot find the exact location of the Winfrey's Ancestral Land unless the Royal Family has allowed it."

"How did you know that it is open?"

The woman laughed softly and waved her hand, "I have my ways."

"Can't we use your 'ways' to find the place and prevent it?"

The woman sighed.

"Unfortunately, no," she replied, disappointment visible in her voice. "Besides, if we somehow find the location, right now, the entrance is guarded by the Royal Guards and three Royal Knights."

"A group of Grand Masters and half a step Magus," Stella replied, her eyes reflecting exasperation.

"Oh?" The woman tilted her head to the side while giving Stella a look over before adding, "You already know about the level of the Royal Knights?"

Stella smiled bitterly, "One of the reasons the emperor left for several months is that they found an inheritance. Now that he has returned and even issued a decree without hesitation proves that he had acquired it. Right now, I am 99% sure he is already a Magus. As for the Royal Knights, they are all bonded with the emperor. So when the emperor achieves a breakthrough, they will experience the same."

The woman nodded and covered her mouth, "Correct. It is best to let our young friend know about this as soon as possible."

Stella's brow furrowed at once. She looked at the woman but did not say anything.

Laughing softly, the woman waved her hand dismally and said, "I also know about him. But you don't have to glare at me like that. I was indeed in love with his predecessor, but he was not him."

Then the woman leaned forward as if to give Stella a meaningful look before adding, "You too have to understand that fact."

Stella's complexion suddenly paled as her frown deepened, "I-I don't know what you're talking about."

The woman only gave a soft laugh before leaning back and covering her mouth. Then she changed the subject by saying, "Our young friend will soon return. You have to tell him what you know."

"You don't have to worry about that. I know," Stella replied stiffly, apparently bearing a grudge at the woman's words earlier.

"Alright," the woman replied softly, seemingly not offended at Stella's undisguised irritation. "I will then take my leave."

However, before the woman disappeared she suddenly said, "Right. One of my cute descendants is with you. Tell her I do not take offense to her disrespectful attitude for not greeting me. Next time, however, I will not be as forgiving."

With that, the projection shimmered, turning into several small crystal lilies that erupted in the air. It filled the receiving area and the scent of lilies assaulted their sense of smell.

Malek, Hugh, and Callan, who had been silent the entire time, finally let out the breath they did not realize they had been holding.

Stella also took a deep breath and pinched the bridge of her nose before saying, "You heard what she said."

A small puff sounded as Lumi appeared, her usual stern expression filled with dread.

"She's really... scary."

Stella looked at her with a slight smile, "Is that how you describe, the Fae Queen?"

Lumi shivered before she spread her arms with a shout, "AAAAAAHHHH!!"

Countless snowflakes erupted from her.

"That's why she's scary!"

"Milord," Malek started, sounding a little hesitant.

Stella sighed and looked at Malek, "I know. I cannot interfere even if I wanted to. But we need to let Kyran know about this as soon as possible."

"I will let you know once we received word of their whereabouts," Malek said.

Stella nodded, "Thank you."

Then she looked at the Hugh and Callan before adding, "Whatever you heard and saw inside here, must remain here."

The two lowered their heads, "Yes. Milord."

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