Legacy of the Dark Sage

Chapter 273 Puppets

The instant they heard Gunter, almost every eye of the blacksmiths and specialists inside bulged open.

"What did he say?"


"Did I hear it right? Disciple Tyr?"

Conversations suddenly erupted inside.

Those blacksmiths and specialists who chose to ignore what Gunter planned to do also perked up and looked at the entrance again.

Kyran sighed in his heart. He knew he could not avoid facing these people. But he wanted to work on his 'project' as soon as possible. He did not want to go through all the trouble of showing his face and meeting the rest of the order's members. As far as he knew about Tyr's character, he did not like showing up in front of others. Besides, he was not really Tyr. However, there was not a real Tyr in the first place.

Apart from this, Kyran did not want these people to have any ideas of sucking up on him or something, now that he showed up.

"It's fine. Just be mindful next time," Kyran told Gunter while slipping the token back in his coat pocket. However, before turning and making his way to the staircase, Gunter stopped him again.

"Disciple Tyr! This won't do! I will be troubled if I don't-."

"Stop. If you don't back now, I'll take it as your second offense and have your token confiscated for a month."

Kyran cut Gunter midsentence. He really did not want to deal with anyone right now.

After what he learned from the Gustaff, Kyran had a bad feeling. Like he was running out of time, and if he did not make his move now, his clan would be in a very precarious situation.

Gunter's expression turned grim.

A member of the order getting his token confiscated for a month was not a good thing. They all had pre-orders they had to finish, and if they could not work for a month, it would negatively impact their reputation and relationship with their clients.

Besides, Gunter had just failed with his creation and had to start from scratch. If he could not work for a month because he did not listen to Tyr, Gunter would be pressed for time once he could resume work again.

Why did he have to vent out his frustration on Tyr anyway?

Suddenly, Gunter's face distorted when he thought of something. He looked at Tyr from head to toe and cleared his throat.

No one had ever seen Tyr in person. They saw only a small photo of him from when Chairman Noir had announced he had taken a disciple. Gunter even remembered there had been speculations that the Chairman's disciple was not real because as someone as famous as Chairman Noir, why did he not organize a formal gathering to introduce his disciple?

Seeing Gunter's expression, Kyran could more or less guess what he was thinking. Since he only wanted to avoid unnecessary attention from people outside, Kyran did not hesitate to lower his hood and removed the black cloth covering half of his face to show them his appearance. Then he said to no one in particular, "I'm going to my workstation and don't want to be disturbed."

Without waiting for a reply, Kyran turned to the right and made his way up the staircase.

As for the people downstairs, they gaped at Kyran with mixed expressions. Some wore expressions of surprise. Others had blank expressions. Some even had their eyes glow in excitement after finally seeing the Chairman's disciple in the flesh.

All in all, everyone looked on in amazement. It was not because of Tyr's looks but how young he looked!

They could not help but follow Kyran's movement as he walked up. Even when he reached the mezzanine area and was now walking toward his workstation, they still looked on with gaping mouths. There was even one who failed to remove the metal he was heating and had now melted.

Even when Kyran had already entered Tyr's private workstation, they kept staring at the closed door. It was as if they had been dumbstruck to see the Chairman's mysterious disciple finally.

Who could blame them? It had been more than a year since the Chairman announced taking a disciple, yet none of them had seen him in person. Not even his shadow.

The rumor that Chairman Noir's disciple was not real had even been cleared after Tyr supposedly reported the whereabouts of the one-million-high-grade-ss-bounty. They all knew that the client behind that request would not accept a report without proper identification and proof.

Finally, after almost five minutes, all blacksmiths and specialists burst out in a lively conversation.

"That is the real Disciple Tyr!"

"What do you mean the real? Have you even met an imposter?"

"No, but we haven't seen him in person and it is a real surprise!"

"I agree! Goodness, he looks so young! I wonder how good he is to have gotten the Chairman's favor."

"Argh! Being able to see Disciple Tyr in person is a little frustrating! How can someone have everything? A famous master, talent and looks!"

"Hush! Who cares about the looks. It's not like our items will have our looks imprinted on them when we sell them."

"That's not the point. Why did he suddenly show up here?"

One after another, they voiced their opinions.

Now that they had seen the elusive disciple Tyr, they could not wait to boast to all the ranked members of the order. Because the latter were all in the Tower of Conclave, and none of them had seen Tyr yet.

While the members of the order were busy talking about Disciple Tyr's sudden appearance, Kyran had already begun to familiarize himself inside Tyr's workstation.

The workstation was big and had every machine and smithing tools available. Using his magic sense, Kyran determined that all the machine and smithing tools were of top quality, albeit in Human plane standard. Back in the tower, the workstation he used to create the ten puppets had far more sophisticated machines and tools.

But Kyran was not after how good a machine and tool he was about to use.

A good blacksmith could make items even while using low-grade tools. And a good specialist could make a scrap item into something special with the use of their own skills.

Taking a deep breath, Kyran walked over to the middle of the room where the work table was located. The furnace which was already filled with burning coals was attached at one end of the work table.

'The furnace's temperature has reached the minimum,' Kyran noticed with a slight nod of satisfaction. It appeared even when 'Tyr' was not around, the members of the order had maintained the furnace.

'My target is to finish before sundown. After that, I'll contact Byron and see if he is still in Starhorn,' Kyran thought while lightly tapping five orbs on his belt.

The belt was one of the tower's special rewards and it was where he stored his puppets.

With every tap Kyran made, the orb would flash and a bare-skinned puppet with some visible wirings on it would appear before him.

In a blink of an eye, there were five bare-skinned puppets in front. All five had the body shape of a real human. If not for their metallic features as well as the wirings, one would even think they were real humans.

However, upon closer inspection, these puppets seemed to have some damaged parts, as if they had experienced countless battles. This conjecture was actually correct.

Kyran had used them during his heart and resolve training. Initially, he did not want to use them because if their parts were damaged, it would be hard for Kyran to repair them.

His Void magic might have creation ability, but he could only recreate things that had been created on the plane he was in. Thus, he could not recreate the puppet's parts in the Human plane because their parts were not created there.

Anyway, Kyran had already completed the blueprint for the three puppets. That was what Kyran wanted to do here. Before sundown, he planned to apply the completed blueprint on the three puppets. Afterwhich, he planned to use Light Arts to further enhance them.

Bearing this in mind, Kyran waved his hand and a rolled-up blueprint appeared, hovering before him. He reached out and spread the blueprint on the work table before he waved his hand another time and several items appeared, instantly filling the floor.

These items were the new parts and add-ons Kyran would use on the three puppets. These items were not available in the Human plane, thus, Kyran planned to include a restorative array on all three puppets.

As for the materials in creating the restorative array, Kyran already had most of them. For the materials he did not have on hand, all of them were available in the Human plane. Acquiring them would not be a problem.

'Apart from this,' Kyran thought as he waved his hand one last time.

Three blank masks appeared on the side of the work table. If one would look closely, the masks had intricate lines on the surface and it actually resembled the face-altering mask.

'With these masks, my puppets would look more life-like,' Kyran thought, his eyes glinted mischievously.

Right now, the masks were also incomplete, but once Kyran completed them, they would also have the same function as his face-altering mask.

As to why he would let the puppets use face-altering masks, the reason was obvious.

Kyran's plan would only be perfected with the help of the three puppets with face-altering masks.


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