Legacy of the Dark Sage

Chapter 371 Array Competition (2)

The people gathered on the balcony, watching the Array Creation competition, for once, were silent. They intently watched the participants while they worked, especially Kyran, Owen, and Hamish, who were bonafide Array Specialists.

To most, this kind of event was an excellent opportunity to observe their work. If they were fortunate enough, they would gain enlightenment or learn a thing or two about Array.

Although the former was only possible if they were observing an Array Master.

Nevertheless, the three Array Specialists below were from the Blacksmith Order, not to mention one of them was Chairman Noir's disciple. They were bound to learn something.

As these thoughts occupied the minds of most people in the audience area, magic energies gathered within the participant's area as all sorts of materials were being prepared for Array.

The two people with Matias flaunted their Array skills as they enchanted the items they chose: one a headgear, the other a plate. It seemed Matias had chosen to enchant the sword, just as Kyran did.

"Oh?" Few people exclaimed in awe while watching Matias, and the other two Lumley members enchant their items.

Matias also wore a gloating smile while breaking the material he needed to write his array formulas.

He had chosen a material called an Udrium that looked like a stoned magma. It was a semi-rare stone found in Archadia only, which, when used as a catalyst to enchant weapons, could amplify a mage's fire magic.

The Ylfaen Empire and the Archadia were at war. Thus the only way for each side to acquire materials available within their borders was by raiding each other's borders.

If one side was lucky enough to raid a camp with intact stored supplies, they usually get semi-rare to rare items.

It had been the case with the Udrium.

Few people from the audience recognized the Udrium, but they could sense the rich fire magic energy it emitted. If one was not careful enough and got too close to an Udrium without any protection against fire, one might end up getting burned.

That was how intense the fire magic energy within an Udrium was, assuming the stone was about a foot in size. If the stone was much bigger, a human might end up in flames, even when wearing protection against fire.

Matias's reason for using this to enchant his weapon was too apparent. He wanted to amplify his already powerful fire magic. This time, he wanted to unleash a powerful one strike that would burn 'Tyr' without giving him a chance to counter.

It would not kill him, which was regretful. But the damage Matias would inflict would be too severe; it would destroy his 'bright future.'

That was enough for now.

With this in mind, Matias looked at the most-loathsome-guy-to-him with a devious smile.

Alas, the said loathsome guy was so engrossed with his work that he was oblivious to Matias's glare.

Gritting his teeth in annoyance, Matias made a loud 'tch' sound before focusing on his work as well.

He thought, 'Just you wait, Tyr. I will return the humiliation you did to me ten-fold this time.'

As for the subject of Matias's hate, 'Tyr.' It was not that he was too focused on his work but that he chose to ignore him.

Kyran developed a new skill wherein he could easily sense other people looking at him from a distance. This particular skill he developed after being exposed to different people who directed such powerful killing intent his way.

Because of this skill, he also sensed someone— or something— watching him since the end of the Solo Competition yesterday.

In any case, Kyran could feel Matias's eyes on him but cared nothing of it. In the first place, he had no plans to participate in the mock battle.

Though he was worried that Owen or Hamish might suffer with whatever the Lumley Family was plotting against him, he would just need to warn them. Besides, he wanted to see the disappointment on Matias's face once he realized he would not do the mock battle.

With an inward sigh, Kyran looked at the materials he selected to enchant the weapon in his hand.

He had picked up two common materials that left the people watching him speechless and one unknown yet familiar stone. Because all three were very common, one would find them even in towns: a bundle of cinnamon ferns, a pile of dirt, and a stone that looked similar to a spirit stone yet seemed different.

Just what was he up to?

Apart from this, Kyran was the only one among the Blacksmith Order who had yet to do something worthy of being called an Array Specialist. Because, compared to him, Owen and Hamish already finished gathering their materials and taking the parts they would need. Even the base liquid they would need to mix the materials were ready.

Right now, they had already started the reheating process on their item and simultaneously added new materials to it.

The audience was at a loss for words.

They initially thought they had to keep a close eye on Kyran because he was Chairman Noir's disciple, but to think the three members of the Lumley looked more promising with them already starting with their enchantments.

Even Millie, who was among the Courtenay audience, looked at Kyran dubiously.

At Noir and Vaness's side, they watched their side's progress with furrowed brows. They did not hear what the three had discussed, but they more or less guessed Kyran was giving them some pointers and assuring them about something.

Both older men were curious about the two identical materials among the rest Owen, and Hamish took.

"Those two materials are common fire serpent scale and wolfram," Vaness remarked, recognizing the two materials.

"Hm," Noir nodded with a discomfited expression. Wolfram was a type of metal that was hard to work with. Because of its brittleness, one should purify it first.

"I understand they plan on reheating the item to achieve a forged magic item from scratch somehow, but..." His voice trailed off as an idea crossed his mind.

"No... maybe it is because of the wolfram's brittleness that they are using it?"

Vaness looked at him, "What do you mean?"

A wry smile appeared on Noir's face as he glanced in Kyran's direction. It went without saying, but both guessed that Owen and Hamish picked those two items based on Kyran's suggestion.

"Instead of adding the wolfram into the item, they will use it as another level or coating. Since the initial state of wolfram is brittle, it crumbles easily, making liquefication easier," Noir explained.

Vaness's eyes lit up in understanding. He might not be an expert in Array, but he was well-versed in materials and their uses, "Wolfram is brittle, but once it undergoes forging..."

"It will become one of the hardest metals out there," Noir replied and looked at Vaness. "I am guessing the fire serpent scale is needed to ensure the flames during the heating phase are maintained at the highest point to expedite the whole process."

"If I remember correctly, wolfram also has a high melting point."

Noir nodded and looked at Owen and Hamish as they started preparing their ink to write their array formulas.

"That is right. So its innate fire resistance is one of the best. But the most important point here is that, if they use the wolfram as another layer to the ready-made items, it can resolve the durability issue of the item during reheating process."

Vaness shook his head and looked in Kyran's direction, "To think he was able to come up with that."

"To be honest, I understand the theory behind it, but the calculation needed to ensure these two materials achieve their intended effect is something I have yet to form in my head."

"You mean to say he knows a calculation that you...?" Vaness looked at Noir and saw him smiling bitterly.

"It appears the disciple has already surpassed the master."

Though Kyran was not really his disciple, Noir admitted seeing him as one. He might have taught him only the fundamentals of Array, but Noir cherished those days he was teaching Kyran. After all, it was his first time meeting a younger generation who was really keen on learning Array.

Vaness saw the look in Noir's eyes and smiled wryly. He could somehow understand the latter's feelings. Seeing one's 'disciple,' even if it was in name only, achieve greater heights was a sort of pride for anyone.

At least, most masters would feel that way to their disciples.

Noir smiled contentedly as he looked in Kyran's direction again. He was about to say more praise-worthy words for the younger man when he saw him break the sword on the work table.

"Ah," Kyran uttered a monotonous gasp as he stared at the broken sword on his table.


An awkward silence filled the hall as everyone's eyes turned toward Kyran.

Noir's contented smile was frozen on his face in a very comical manner while Vaness gaped with a complicated expression.

Owen and Hamish were also looking in Kyran's direction with their eyes wide as saucers.

"D-Disciple Tyr..." they both muttered.

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