Legacy of the Dark Sage

Chapter 379 The Conclave's Stance (3)

Kyran had no plans of telling them who they were up against. At this point in time, they did not need to know that. His only goal was to open their eyes and stop being complacent.

"Most of the factions in the empire have started to move. Not to mention, they started to form alliances."

What he said was not entirely a lie. While the Royal Family began their conquest by assimilating most of the large factions in the empire, most small to medium factions had begun to form alliances.

This was something Kyran learned from Byron.

But Kyra did not plan on telling the members of the Conclave all the details. They did not need to know all the details at this point in time. They only need to understand the gist of the situation and hopefully, improve their mindset before it was too late.

"This all started after the emperor organized a meeting," Kyran paused to let them recall this incident, before continuing, "You know what happened after that, right?"

"They suddenly upgraded the magic detectors all over the empire," Styx replied, recalling how inconvenient it had been the first few days that the Starhorn's magic detector was improved.

As a mercenary, he possessed items with questionable backgrounds. Some of which exuded magic energies that were considered forbidden. Previously, because of Master Noir's Array in place, the army's magic detectors failed to detect them. But with the improved detectors, it was impossible to completely conceal it.

In the end, Styx and a few other members of the Mercenary Hall were forced to find a hidden location to hide their items. Whenever they wanted to enter a city or a town, they had to leave their items there first.

"But the reason behind the improvement of the magic detector is to catch the infamous Gray, isn't it?" Emir asked looking at the others questioningly as if trying to confirm his knowledge was correct.

Carol and Decan nodded in agreement but was looking skeptical.

"True, but that is not the only reason," it was Callan who answered him.

He continued, "This information is considered classified. I trust that everything you hear here stays here."

Carol, Decan, and Emir all nodded.

"I am willing to do a Soul-binding Oath," they all said at the same time.

Styx and Dante on the other hand did not respond. As part of the Elite members of the Mercenary Hall, they possessed a certain level of authority and were privy to classified information up to the 2nd level.

Since Callan only addressed Carol, Decan, and Emir when he spoke about the information, Styx and Dante guessed the information was, at least, in the 2nd level.

"No need for that," Callan replied with a smile. "As I was saying, after investigating the detector's calculation, it is concluded that it also possessed a tracking formula of some sort."

Noir nodded, before he could say something, however, Kyran spoke up.

"The tracking formula is connected to the Royal Army's branch office in the city, wherein it displays in real-time, each and everyone's movements within the magic detectors area of effect."

"What?" Styx and the other four members exclaimed with wide eyes.

This was the first time they were hearing this.

Actually, this was also the first time the Conclave council members were hearing this.

Noir, Malia, Vaness, and Callan all looked at Kyran, trying their best to conceal the shock on their faces.

Stella looked at Kyran, her brows furrowed slightly as she recalled how he summoned a purple projection of the map of the whole Starhorn City in her office.

At that time, Kyran mentioned having full control over the army's magic detector in Starhorn, but before she could ask anything further, he cut her short.

Stella did not tell the other council members of this because she knew it was a piece of highly classified information. That was why she felt somewhat troubled when Kyran told them about it without batting an eye.

"This..! Then does it mean they know our movements even now?" Carol asked.

Kyran shook his head, "We are already outside the area of effect of the magic detector in Starhorn. We're safe."

With a wry smile, he added, "Then again, I doubt the Courtenay Family will suggest a location to host the joint military exercise within the magic detector's area of effect."

"Does that mean they know about the tracking formula?" Emir asked.

"I don't have proof, but it is highly likely. The Three Noble Families has had close ties with the Royal Family for years, after all."

"Royal Family? Wait a moment, are you saying the improvement on the magic detector is the Royal Family's idea? I mean, nowadays, the emperor does not have a tight reign on the Royal Army, right?" Decan voiced his doubts. "We all know the Royal Army is under the Grand Marshal's rule."

"Oh, but it is a decree of the emperor. The Grand Marshal may have full reign over the army, but under the Royal Family's Royal Decree, they can't say no," Emire told him.

"You don't have to dwell on those things for now," Kyran told them, ensuring the discussion would not go off track. "Just know, that once the other factions finalized their alliance, the Conclave will not remain unaffected by any changes in the empire just because of its neutral status."

"He is right," Stella finally spoke after remaining silent.

She looked at each one of them, "We believe the Three Noble Families' wanting to participate in this event is to assess whether they can oust the Conclave's neutrality and, who knows... maybe 'threaten' us into forming an alliance with them."

To be honest, this was something she, Kyran and Malek came to conclusion only a few hours ago.

Kyran confirmed that the Three Noble Families was not under the Royal Family's control yet. And so far, the Crown Princess had not taken any actions in marking them.

With the emperor's 'supposed-real-purpose,' in seeking a talented Array Specialist, Kyran had to re-evaluate the whole situation.

But right now, he first wanted to prepare the Conclave for the worst-case scenario, which was an all-out war in the empire. As to who their opponent would be, that was something Kyran still needed confirmation.

"Having the Conclave as an ally will not only boost their influence within the empire, but will also secure resources, both manpower, and materials," Stella added.

"Does that mean the Three Noble Families wants to overthrow the Royal Family?" Carol asked as soon as the idea crossed her mind.

They all knew the Royal Family's authority was on the decline over the years and many guessed that it would only be a matter of time before a large faction declare hostility and overthrow them.

"Let's not jump to conclusions," Kyran told them. "The alliance might only be due to the fact that they wanted an assurance once the Royal Family make another big movement."

"Quite right," Noir agreed. "The improved magic detector is only the beginning. What the Royal Family wants to accomplish... well, we don't know that yet."

"If I may ask," Dante spoke up after falling silent for a while.

They all looked at him.

"Go ahead," Stella gave him the go signal to continue.

"Who really organized the joint military exercise against the Royal Army?"

"The Royal Family," Kyran answered at once Stella and the rest of the council members could not help but look at him sharply as if to tell him:

'Oi! Stop giving them ideas!'

Dante looked at him with a slight frown, "And the Royal Army—, no, the Grand Marshal and the Deputies agreed? Just like that? Without a catch?"

"As I said, you don't have to dwell on those things for now," Kyran replied with a meaningful smile. "In any case, it is better to show those noble families we are not to be trifled with."

"Yes," Stella agreed. "And to be honest... I... no, Malek and I, feel that it is only a matter of time before we are forced to break out of our neutral status."

The effect of her words was visible among the people in the room, except for Kyran.

They fell into a tense silence as they waited for Stella to continue.

"When that time comes, the Conclave will stand as another faction, opposing the other factions."

None of them tried to ask which faction they would end up against. Because it was easy to guess and at the same time, horrifying to consider.

And that was, the Royal Family backed by the Royal Army.

Their discussion shifted after that and focussed on the strategy they would do for the next events.

It took them a couple of hours to finalize their strategies, with the council members sharing their insights. They also voted who would lead the Beast Hunt and the Field Operation events.

Styx was voted to lead the Beast Hunt, which was headed by the Mercenary Hall and the Chamber of Commerce. As for the Field Operation, which would have members from all constituents of the Conclave, Styx, Dante, Carol, Decan, and Emir all agreed to let Kyran lead.

Their unanimous decision had something to do with the suggestions he pitched in while they were finalizing their strategies for the rest of the event.

After dismissing the acting leaders of each event, Stella and the rest of the council members remained in Noir's room.

Kyran also left, but only for show. Instead of openly showing his 'special' status in the Conclave, he decided to show he was only a regular member, or at least, as regular as a disciple of one of the council members could be.

When he returned to Noir's room, he warped all of them back to the Tower of Conclave to continue their discussion.

There they discussed countermeasures.

Surprisingly, none of the council members opposed the idea of the Conclave leaving its neutral status when the time comes.

Surprisingly, even Hugh looked determined. When Malis saw his expression, she became determined to find a real cure for his condition. If she had to seek Kyran's help, she would do so.

When they adjourned, Kyran, Noir, Malia, Vaness, and Callan returned to the Courtenay Family's land. Of course, Stella promised to come again tomorrow.

To be honest, Noir and the others did not even know why Stella went to the Courtenay Family's land in the first place. While her presence would prevent the council members from asking unnecessary questions to Kyran, she could have sent them a coded message explaining the situation.

But recalling Stella's excitement of being able to leave the Tower of Conclave, the rest of the council members— Malek included—, decided to keep their thoughts to themselves and let their young Lord do as she pleases.

As Kyran entered his room, he opened one of his storage rings where he stored all of his communication devices. He took out a two by two inches purple disc, which blinked continuously, meaning it received a coded message.

He opened the disc and a smile tugged at the corner of his lips upon reading the message.

'So he has decided,' he thought. 'But then, he understands better than anyone that with his current condition he will not be of much help to the Conclave.'

The coded message came from Hugh, and it was a response to Kyran's invitation.

Kyran sent this invitation the same day the Crown Princess visited the Tower of Conclave. It was inside the token he asked Stella to give to Hugh after telling her to hide them in her quarters.

'With this, I have one more card up my sleeve,' he thought.

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