Legend of Concubine's Daughter Minglan

Chapter 16: No One Left Behind

Chapter 16: No One Left Behind

Translator: Rebirth Online World

Minglan only saw Concubine Lin glide to the middle of the room gracefully. Firstly she bowed towards Sheng Hong, then softly and tactfully spoke to Governess Kong “Beg Governess to not blame me. Initially, it is not my place to speak out however there is uneasiness in my heart. I humbly ask to pour out what is on my mind and greatly hope that Governess will forgive this lowly one. On today’s matter, undisputedly it is caused by Molan’s immaturity and she is the root cause. In particular Sixth Young Lady is still young and has to being dragged to be beaten. My heart truly feel very apologetic. Why not let Mo’er take the place of Sixth Young Lady’s ten planks...”

Concubine Lin already was frail looking. However, at this moment tears were welling in her eyes, her tone apologetic as she gazed at Sheng Hong with eyes full of sincerity. Sheng Hong felt touched and turned his gaze to look at Molan. Unfortunately, Molan was still young and was yet to understand, she merely looked at Concubine Lin in shock.Surprisingly, it was Hualan who stiffen her neck and loudly proclaimed “I am the eldest sister, my younger sisters’ faults are also my faults. I insist, let me take the place of Sixth Younger Sister’s beatings.”

Minglan sighed internally but had to strongly refuse “No, no, Big sister still has to still embroider your dowry, I insist let me endure the beatings by myself......” Hualan was touched by her thoughtfulness and glanced appreciatively at her. At this moment, Molan finally clicked and hurriedly fought for the honor “I insist, let me take it, let me......”

For a brief moment, taking the beatings for Minglan became the most popular auction item.

Seeing his daughters display their sisterhood, Sheng Hong finally felt he could breathe properly. He cupped his hands in admiration towards Governess Kong’s methods. Governess Kong acknowledged with a nod but remained unmoved “Concubine Lin words have erred, The reason I have punished the young ladies together is to mend their sisterly affection. Beating them equally today, they would be able to carry the lesson together. If I were to favour one and discriminate another would it not renew this hostility? Concubine Lin’s intentions are good but methods are lacking.”

Concubine Lin gripped the handkerchief firmly with both hands with tears glistening tears in her eyes. She sadly said “Governess Kong is right, this lowly concubine is truly ignorant and has caused the young ladies to be punished. This concubine is sorry, it is all because this concubine has not taught Mo’er well enough. Governess please punish me as well! Allow me to make up for my mistakes.”

Sheng Hong seeing that she was so delicate that it was touching and was finally moved. Unexpectedly before he could finish savouring being moved, he heard Governess coldly laugh.

Governess Kong sneered in her heart because she was patiently waiting for these words and coldly said “It would seem that Concubine Lin has yet to properly learn etiquette, the more you speak the more inappropriate it is. Concubine claims that she ought to be punished because she did not teach Young Lady Mo well enough but Young Lady Hua and Young Lady Ru are nurtured by Madame. Furthermore Young Lady Ming is being taught by the Old Madame’s, could it be that Concubine Lin means for even Madame and Old Madame to be punished as well? As for me being their governess am even harder to escape from blame! Are you implying this as well, Concubine Lin?”

Concubine Lin’s face turned pale white and in a trembling voice stuttered “No no, no... I did not have this intention... how would I dare...? That is I am ignorant...”

This chaotic day, the girls are already weary in spirit and exhausted in strength. With this matter coming to a conclusion, Rulan then slept in her birth mother’s arms, Hualan was supported by the wet-nurse to go take a rest. Minglan was also extremely tired. When she was carried out by Sheng Hong and separated by her father’s shoulders, she did not forget to instruct Xiaotao who was waiting outside to pack her little book basket and bring it along.

Sheng Hong cannot help but laughed “Obviously did not hit you hard enough, still have the energy to be concerned about other things.”

Minglan kneeled for half the day and was also beaten and still copied an entire afternoon. This moment with the cold wind blowing, her mind is not very clear. While rubbing her little hands, she foolishly said “I have already copied most of that《Examples of Women》and I will be done after copying a little more later. Naturally I must bring it along, if not how can I go and see Governess Kong tomorrow.”

Sheng Hong looked at his little daughter from the lantern up ahead and saw that her features are vaguely similar to Concubine Wei. Seeing that her nose bridge is elegant, faintly like when he was a child. Recalling the time when she was just born, he has carried her before, kissed her before and loved her. After that Concubine Wei tragically died and so many things happened, he felt ashamed and pitied this daughter and then did not love her dearly anymore. He only remembered to take care of her everyday life and never loving her like that of Hualan and Molan.

This time, he had another doting heart and then kindly smiled “Governess Kong beat you, you are not angry with her? Still hurriedly looking for punishment?”

Minglan let out a small small sigh “Older sisters have all taken a beating, how can I alone be innocent. One daughter errs, all daughters are implicated and punished. But this is also good, next time older sisters would not dare to quarrel anymore. Ai-”

Sheng Hong was very happy and blew on Minglan’s small nose “Little Girl, a mouthful of nonsense, still sighing like a little adult! Do you know what is being implicated and punished.” Having said that, he extended a hand to hold on to Minglan’s left hand and when he touched, it was a little warm and swollen. Sheng Hong took pity on this little daughter who suffered and warmly said “Painful?”

Minglan inhaled and in a crying voice said “Painful.” Pausing for a while, she felt wronged and unknowingly the tears started falling. She said in a sobbing tone “Very painful.”

Sheng Hong with love embraced the little daughter in his arms tighter and coaxed “Next time when your older sisters are quarrelling, you just come to tell father secretly. If father is not at home, just hide far away or find the Old Madame. Our Minglan is a good child, ignore them, okay?”

Minglan buried her small face into her father’s neck. The night wind is cold but resting on his upper body is warm, the sniff of a father’s smell. This made Minglan think of when Father Yao often piggyback her when she was still little. She used her short and tiny arm to surround Sheng Hong’s neck and with strength nodded her head “En!”

In no time, both father and daughter reached Shou’an Hall. Once they entered the main door, Sheng Hong said to Danju who was waiting at the door “Go and find Steward Laifu and ask him to go to the study to look for that ‘Zijin Huayu Ointment’, quickly bring it here.”

Danju was so scared and hurriedly replied and went. Sheng Hong carried Minglan into the main hall and saw that the Old Madame was waiting on the couch, he then place Minglan on the couch. T

he Old Madame then took Minglan into her arms and with a touch, felt that the girl is freezing cold and hurriedly wrap her in the black and gold with eight auspicious circled soft fabric that was on her body. Waiting for Sheng Hong to greet her first, she then said “Just now Governess Kong has already sent someone to clearly explain the cause and effects. Today Master has been put to a lot of trouble. After working and still unable to rest, hurry go back and rest.”

Sheng Hong looked a little ashamed and said “Not that tired but has caused Mother to be worried. Afraid that you still had not have your dinner yet.”

Old Madame Sheng embraced the drowsy Minglan, saw her exhausted little face and turned to speak to Sheng Hong “Governess Kong is the one that control the rules in the palace, her words inevitably a little crude. Master must not take offence.”

Sheng Hong hurriedly said “There is no such things. No matter how muddle-headed this son is, also would not be unable to distinguish the good from bad. Governess Kong’s health is not good and originally to return to her hometown. We relied on Mother’s face to invite her, there is not enough time for me to respect and admire Governess Kong’s conduct, how to have other thoughts? Talking about it, it is all because this son is useless, did not teach the daughters well.”

Old Madame Sheng saw that he looked sincere and did not appear to be fake. She was very satisfied. She has mothered Sheng Hong for ten over years, more or less understands his character and knows that he was his words was sincere. When she saw that he personally carried Minglan back, her heart became a little more agreeable.

Both mother and son conversed, Sheng Hong then returned.

After a while, Mama Fang then ordered the maids to carry a few food boxes in, taking out the warm dinner from the basket and arrange it one by one on the couch. Old Madame Sheng shook Minglan to wake her up “Take your meal first, it is not too late to sleep again.”

Minglan was tired and carelessly said “I am not hungry, not eating.” How can the Old Madame comply and drag Minglan up. Mama Fang wrung a hot handkerchief to wipe Minglan’s face, then she sobered up. The Old Madame personally took an ice handkerchief and applied it on the injured hand. Mama Fang saw the Minglan’s tiny hand red and swollen and carefully applied the ointment fetched by Danju. She said in a displeased tone “This Governess Kong is really something, our young lady is not at fault in the first place. Punishing them altogether is already wronging her, still did not hit her lighter!” She lightly blew onto Minglan’s palms while speaking.

Old Madame Sheng’s heart actually ached but she still seriously said “What together and not together. It is normal for the governess to punish children who do not follow the rules. Even when I was little, do not tell me I did not suffer governess’ scoldings.”

Minglan was confused and tilted her head, simply staring at grandmother for a while. She suddenly realised “So it is because we did not keep the rules that we are being beaten. Oh, then we ought to be beaten.” -just like this, the sisters’ quarrel gradually disappeared.

Mama Fang immediately smiled, the Old Madame also secretly thought that it was funny after listening to it. She knows that this child understood everything and was mentally consoled. She lightly rubbed her granddaughter’s hair and said “Good child, the days ahead would be smooth.”

So sweet to see this relationship between Old Madame Sheng and Minglan. Old Madame really cares for our little protagonist. Next up, the other girls back to their mommies!

In the Lin Pavilion, the lights were dimmed and only one room was brightly lit. Molan half sprawled on the couch and was still crying. A thick dull green medicine cloth wrapped around her hands as the faint scent of the medicine hung in the air. Concubine Lin embraced her daughter and softly cooed “It’s all because mother is useless, blindly wanting you to be ambitious and forgetting to teach you to lie low and avoid crashing into a sharp wave.”

Molan’s small face was dead white and said worriedly “Everyone says that Father loves me. Yet this time he would rather plead for Ming’er than say half a word for my sake. He must be really angry with me.”

A fair young lady stood at the side, she was wearing a deep purple dress embroidered with apricot yellow Ruyi. She smiled and said “Young Lady must not be anxious. Master just now was only giving Governess Kong face. Punishing Young Lady, Master’s heart is also in pain. As a matter of fact, he sent over ointment for Young Lady.”

When Molan heard the words, her heart slightly calmed down. Concubine Lin coldly laughed twice “If it were before, Master would have already come. Shockingly he scolded me today as well. Humph, Humph! What a fearsome Governess Kong, what a fearsome Old Madame. Xue niang[1] don’t tell me you didn’t realise?”

Xue niang said in shock “Young Miss, can you please explain? Could it be there is another interpretation.”

Concubine Lin brushed the hairs from her temples and the corner of her mouth pursed “This time it was me who ran into the wall, only focusing on telling Molan strive to perform and forgot the fearsomeness of that one at Shou’an Hall. Today Governess Kong reprimanded each of the four young ladies, on the surface, it sounds fair and just but if you listen carefully it is far from it. Rulan and Minglan, these two small ones were still okay, merely going through the motions. The words that she said to Little Girl Hua seem to be strict but are actually words of praise and teaches her how to handle manners and conduct herself better. But the words she said to Mo’er? Criticising with every sentence, only short of actually saying that Mo’er is selfish and does not care for her sisters! Humph, what ‘everyone has their own destiny’. She is trying to say that my family’s Mo’er is concubine-born and should not have wishful thoughts of wanting to climb the ranks through a good marriage like that Little Girl Hua!”

Xue niang thought of this and said “Young Miss meaning is that, this is all arranged by the Old Madame?”

Concubine Lin humphed “You didn’t hit the mark but it is not far off. Governess Kong said what was not convenient for the Old Madame to say, did what was not appropriate for her to do.

Molan turned pale in fright “If it’s really so, then what should I do? Father will detest me.”

Concubine Lin smiled gently “Silly child, what are you afraid of? If enemies come, a general should stop them, if the flood comes, the earth should stem it.[2] We only need to hold onto your father and we do not have to fear for anything, nothing will be able to penetrate through.”

Meanwhile in the Weiru Pavilion, Wang Shi embraced the sleeping Rulan while Hualan was still copying《Examples of Women》. Wang Shi’s heart ached for her daughter and said &

ldquo;Have you not already finish copying fifty times already? Why don’t you rest, you still have not applied the ointment Master sent over.”

Hualan straighten her neck and said in a dignified tone “I am the eldest in the family. If there is any mistake, then I am the greatest culprit. Younger sisters are all punished to copy fifty times, I ought to be punished more.”

Wang Shi attitude was usually seventy percent love and thirty proud towards this eldest daughter. She naturally beamed “My Hua’er has grown up and actually understands this principle. When Governess Kong sees your kind intentions tomorrow, she will naturally like it.”

With the mention of Governess Kong, Hualan suddenly became spiritual “Mother, what I have seen today can truly be considered to be fearsome without showing your intentions! Take a look at Governess Kong, usually she does not even raise her voice and she is friendly and kind, but when it comes to punishing, she is clear and logical, the ones who are scolded have nothing to say but be convinced in their hearts by her words. Now take a look at her conduct, she knows that we have wronged but did not hastily ask difficult questions. She simmered the fire down and then slowly brought us under control. So capable! Not even a word said and she has already prepared praying mats for us to kneel. After caning us, even ice cloths has been prepared. She should be praised for calculating her scheme perfectly! From tomorrow onwards, I want to learn doubly hard from Governess Kong to further increase my knowledge!”

Radiating with delight as she spoke, suddenly she turned to her mother, sighing “Mother, if you have half the ability of Governess Kong then that Lin would not even have the chance to be insolent.”

“This mouth of yours ah, ought to be controlled. I’m just afraid that you would still be like this when you go over to the in-laws.” Wang Shi was instead worried.

Hualan smiled lovably “This is all the result of Mother’s cultivation.”

Wang Shi became more worried “I am most afraid of this temper of yours, fearing nothing under the heavens or on earth. If you talk about it positively, it is competent but the negatively it is sharp and unkind. When I married your father, it could be considered marrying beneath but you are marrying above. Which mother-in-law would be like your Grandmother, pleasant to talk to and not meddle in things? Adding concubines into the house, showing favour to another daughter-in-law, deducting your monthly silver... all kind of things you will have to suffer when the time comes.”

Hualan raised her head conceitedly “I am not afraid. In the future, no matter within or outside the household, do not think that anyone can put themselves before me!”

[1]. 娘 (Niang): Usually meaning mother but in this case would mean young lady, there is really no equivalent for it in the English

[2]. 兵来将挡, 水来土掩 (Bing Lai Jiang Dang, Shui Lai Tu Yan): It is a proverb meaning to adopt measures that suited to the particular situation

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