Legend of the Dragon King of Ice and Fire

Chapter 1

Chapter 1 : Those who do not burn

The damp Liaoyuan, copper grass luxuriant, blown by the high wind, like a raging sea, rushing and rushing towards the extreme end!

Several almond-eyed men in painted leather vests jokingly swayed half-like swords and half-scythe blades. They rode tall horses to block small grass waves, and surrounded a lonely white-haired lion. A frivolous howl like a wolf declaring a strong self.

Their sturdy bodies are like copper castings, with their low-hanging long beards interlocking with silver rings, and braiding their black hair, exuding a sense of fearlessness and savagery.


The fierce king of beasts roared and struggled to break through the encirclement, but he was repeatedly forced by the sturdy men with superb equestrian skills and dexterous posture with odd-shaped scimitars. There was nowhere to escape. After the attempted fierce attempt, he could only accept these barbarians Arranged for the battle of the trapped beasts.

And its object of venting anger is just a child who was forcibly thrown into the encirclement from the horse, about ten years old, he wears a short braid with a bell tied to the end, and trembles holding the machete with both hands.

Facing the suffocating white lion with grinning teeth and stepping forward, the child, what a suffocating Beastmaster’s coercion, retreated and shouted in panic: “No, no, father, I can’t do it, I can’t do it!”

When he retreated to the horse with the longest braids and beards of the crowd, the claw-like colored mud smeared on his body, and the bossy temperament of the burly man, an angry shout of hatred for iron and steel burst into his ears: “Zogo, you It’s the son of Palbo. Once you hold the Arak Scimitar in your hand, you should move forward, and cowardice should not appear on you. If you want to be the strongest Kao in the Dothrak Sea, you must bear its weight and become The best one who keeps coming! Karratha can’t tolerate cowards, do you want to die by my sword, or by the mouth of a lion!?”

The child named Zhuo Ge listened and turned to look at his indifferent father. His small body gradually stopped trembling, and a resolute color appeared. He realized that he had no support, only to fight with the beasts, there would be a chance of life!

Unknown to the change in his son’s mentality, Palber fulfilled his wish in time, grasping the reins, and his sturdy body leaned right away from the saddle, clinging to the right side of the steed, with the right foot on the stirrup as a bearing. The supporting point of the most body weight, and then the silver-handled long whip held in his right hand was heavily drawn on his son’s back!

Zhuo Ge was pushed by the intense pain, and staggered uncontrollably towards the fierce beast.

The white lion was originally stunned by the deadly dominance that Talbo had just shown when he blocked it, and could only stop trying to move around, but at this time Zhuo Ge, who had no deterrent to it, left the umbrella, and his bloodthirsty desire was completely released.

The distance between the two sides is not far, the lion spread out four powerful legs to run for a while, then opened his blood basin and jumped up, trying to press the weak human under his body, bite his neck, and end his life!

At this moment, Palber quickly took off the huge double-curved bone bow that he was carrying, and took out from the quiver a sculpted blood-weeping face, a gray-white arrow on the string, aiming at the center of the beast’s eyebrows. Vital point.

Although he is harsh and cruel to his son, Zhuo Ge is his son after all.

However, Zhuo Ge, who fell to the ground, didn’t know it because of being fed up by the seedlings. He only felt angina, thinking that it was his father’s means to prevent him from retreating again.

The bigger threat is the mad lion. Without thinking about it, Zhuo Ge quickly turned his head and stood up to prepare for the battle.

The strong wind, the clansmen’s instigation went unheard, he only heard the thumping of the heart pumping blood!

The ferocious lion’s mouth quickly enlarged in his pupils, and the hot and humid smell that he sprayed had already washed his face. At this moment of life and death, Zhuo Ge had no time to be afraid.

Just as his father had demonstrated to him several times with the lion-slaughtering sword method based on hegemony and hegemony, Zhuo Ge mobilized his entire strength to gather it in his arms, raised the scimitar that was very heavy for him, and saw the male. The lion’s neck fiercely drew a silver arc from right to left, from top to bottom.

When he was thrown down by the lion, and the scimitar was thrown into the thick black soil, “Zhuzi!” A red pillar shot towards the face, spraying his face!

Although the dying white lion placed its sharp teeth on Zhuo Ge’s neck, it had little bite force, and it did little harm to him, only a few blood stains were worn out.

Not waiting for the lion to breathe, after being baptized by the blood of the Beast King, Zhuo Ge, whose fighting spirit has been sublimated, pushed it away and stood up, raised his small chin, and looked at his father proudly, showing a sense of provocation.

His eyes met, but Palbo showed a gratified smile, and slowly relaxed the tight bowstring, and Zhuo Ge’s invisible heartstring also relaxed.

hated his father’s ruthlessness, but the Dothraki people were like this, “huh!” Zhuo Ge snorted angrily, drew his machete, and continued to complete the coming-of-age ceremony that was forced to be held in advance.

Waiting for him to put the terrifying lion holster on his body, it indicates that he will be an adult when he is only ten years old. This is his first adult gift.

The lion head just forms a hood, covering the short braid that highlights the weakness, and the lion skin becomes a natural cloak. The heel hangs from the shoulder to teach him to look majestic!

The thrill of slaughtering a lion with a knife gave birth to a domineering spirit from the bottom of Zhuo Ge’s heart. He opened his arms and faced the sky, ready to welcome the moment of glory that belonged to him.

At this moment, he was surprised that there was a red comet slowly moving in the low eastern sky, it was blood red, fire red, and it was dragging a long flame like a dragon’s tail!

When he was about to share this strange celestial phenomenon with his tribe, something that made him extremely frightened happened!

Father, his people, and the horses they praised on the moon were suddenly wrapped in blazing flames, like a night messenger from hell!

This sudden change made Zhuo Ge stand on the spot, a little at a loss.

But this is just a prelude. Soon the copper grass burned and burned, spreading outward, and quickly developed into a prairie fire. The wet grass gradually dried up, leaving only black embers!

The water vapor that melted into the thick smoke was guided by the strong wind, and suddenly formed a dragon-shaped storm, and absorbed the sundries to continue to grow, producing the power of thunder and lightning, until it was so violent that it could blow down a mountain like a dead leaf. Annihilation! !

Seeing that there is a tendency for giant storms to sweep over, this crisis is definitely beyond human power. Zhuo Ge aroused a stronger desire to survive than before.

He wanted to escape, but he was surrounded by ruthless flames on all sides, and his life was cut off!

Just as he was anxious and anxious, his unrecognizable father who had been burned by the treacherous flames spoke up.

What he said, Zhuo Ge only heard the first few sentences clearly: “Wait for the sun to rise from the west and set to the east, when the sea dries up, and the mountains fall with the wind like dead leaves, and when the baby in the nursery moves again, the king Wake up Kui!”

What do you say later?

Zhuo Ge did not hear clearly, only vaguely distinguished a few words: “Child, dragon, demon, heart tree, lake.”

Palber closed his mouth without skin and flesh, only his white teeth, and showed a warm and vague “senran” smile at his son. He threw the silver-handled long whip, bone bow and arrows at his son before driving. Rising up with the flame horse, rushed to the high sky, shining like the sun, and finally landed in the farther east!

Zhuo Ge subconsciously caught the bow and arrow, picked up the whip, too late to be sad, and ran to the way his father gave him the fastest speed.

Just as he crossed the wall of fire, he stepped into the air inexplicably, as if he had fallen into the abyss!


“Boom boom boom! Ah! It hurts!”

Qin Lang’s heart rushed wildly, screaming to wake up from his dream, and found that he was deeply embedded in the red sand from the back, and the smell of strong sesame oil and smoke penetrated into his nostrils. There was a fire-colored comet sweeping the night sky. The Quartet is still blazing!

What made him even more terrifying was that not only the crackling firewood crackling, but also the howling female voice from nearby, shrill, high-pitched, and terrible!

So weird, Qin Lang struggled to stand up, but he couldn’t do it, he couldn’t lift a few traces of strength at all, and his body was as uncomfortable as falling apart.

At this time, being able to move his head slightly to look around and find the source of the sad sound is already the limit.

He didn’t see a person, only about two meters to the right was a high platform made of combustible materials such as bushes, tree trunks, branches, etc. The other areas were also flames caused by these combustible materials. ring.

Qin Lang, based on his own situation and the depth of the sand, realized that he had definitely fallen from a high platform, and that the scent of sesame oil came from himself and the burning material.

What made him more frightened was that his weak body, who had been tortured by stubborn illnesses, turned out to be as long as a bodybuilder!

And the chest is grey and red, and the very hideous scar is slanted!

Qin Lang was dumbfounded, his head buzzing.

I am suffering from incurable spinal cerebellar degeneration, and my body functions are degraded to the point where I can no longer take care of myself. Apart from letting my family members and doctors stay in the hospital bed holding a mobile phone, where else can I get it?

Recently, I have become fascinated by the hot TV drama Game of Thrones adapted from the epic fantasy novel A Song of Ice and Fire. I think day by day and dream at night. I fall asleep without knowing it, and make dreams that deviate from the plot like a fantasy. That’s all, why have you come to this scene of a serious departure from modern civilization! ?

even changed! ?

looks almost the same as the Dothraki in his dream!

In the dream, I was like that young Zhuo Ge, even his mental activities were vivid, as if he had experienced it personally!

And as soon as I stepped into the air, I really fell off. I felt a lot of disobedience, but a little fit!

But Qin Lang doesn’t think he is still in a dream, because it is maddening, and the skin is so hot and sore by the heat. What can dreams give?

There is a wailing, it means that someone wants to call for help, but his throat is dry and tingling, and there is no sound at all.

Lying in such a hot cage, not even a drop of sweat was secreted, I can imagine how short of water this strange body is!

The red sand is soft, and a deep hole can be made to prevent the body from being burned by high temperature, and the hands cannot be moved.

Ren Qin Lang racked his brains and still had nothing to do. He could only lie down and wait for death, hoping for a miracle.

, an anxious man roared from outside the wall of fire: “Your Majesty, the deceased is gone, why are you so stupid? Come back, stinky woman! Come back to me!”

These almost cursing shouts and what the barbarians in the dream said are two different languages, which are different from the earth languages ​​Qin Lang knows, but he just understands it, just like his mother tongue.

There is life if there is a living person, but he is speechless and can only miss it with hatred.

But Qin Lang soon raised hope again. In his eyes appeared a stunning woman with a petite and exquisite figure, a pair of big violet-like pupils embedded on a delicate western face, and the skin was white as snow.

I saw that unbelievably beautiful woman walked through the wall of flames like a phoenix bathing in flames, still holding three oval stones of strange colors in her arms. With her appearance, the violent wind blew up, and the fire rose more and more by the wind. It’s getting more and more prosperous!

She is as open as a primitive, because her clothes and silver blonde hair are about to be burned out by the flames.

Qin Lang was so shocked that his heart almost mentioned in his throat: “This is definitely not the scene of the filming, after all, which actor dares to kill his life like this!”

Looking at it, Qin Lang discovered the magic. Except for the hair, the other parts of the woman were not invaded by fire!

But he has no time to think deeply. He just opens his eyes, his face is full of expectation, his mouth is wide open, and he makes a silent cry from life.

was too conspicuous, the woman also found him, and then she was taken aback, and after a few breaths of silence, she ran towards him with a look of surprise.

As she approached, she knelt on her knees, loosened the strange stone, spread her hands, and held Qin Lang tightly in her arms, and said in a mournful voice: “Oh, my Sun and Star, why did you fall? You are not By me…? Why, why did you open your eyes again? But what about when you open your eyes, you are no longer you.”

was hugged by a stunning stunner, but Qin Lang didn’t have a hint of blasphemy, only felt that she was holding on to suffocation!

Qin Lang, who could only move his head, was extremely uncomfortable, opened his mouth and bit on her shoulder, and forced her to let go of herself in this rough and only way.

But instead of letting go, the woman clasped her arms tighter, and murmured nervously: “Zo Ge, my blood is the blood of a true dragon, which can resist the erosion of flames, so that you can run through the night country without The fire of the red star burns, oooo, but you promised me to take me across the black salt water, land in Westeros, and give the Seven Kingdoms and the Iron Throne as gifts to our son! , Our son Rego can’t wait for you to fulfill his promise, he has already gone to you, oooo…”

Qin Lang felt that her tone seemed to regard herself as a living dead with her eyes open, and the sentence was full of Quan You lines, calling herself Zhuo Ge?

“Is it?”

Qin Lang’s inspiration flashed, combined with this familiar scene, there was an inseparable guess.

But it was very terrible at this time. He had to push the crazy woman away first, so he increased the strength of his teeth. In this way, he tasted the salty fish.

The taste was very bad, but Qin Lang was so thirsty, he couldn’t bear to let go of the hot juice that seemed to be infused with magic power, and sucked with all his strength.

As the juice enters the abdomen, it spreads to the whole body through gastric digestion, and he is shocked to realize that the hot scorching anger has been blocked by an inch, it is wonderful!

And my strength has increased a lot, my lungs have vitality, even if I am hugged, my breathing is much smoother.

As the source of life was sucked away, the woman’s crying became weaker and weaker, and she finally made a deep, uncomfortable hum: “Hiss…”

Qin Lang’s fascination was awakened, and he pretended to let go of his mouth, and subconsciously asked: “You, you won’t be the princess of Longshidao, will the storm give birth to Daenerys? ”

The spicy throat is moisturized, and his voice can be released.

When the woman heard this, her trembling body instantly shook more severely, and she replied with extreme excitement: “Horse god! My sun and stars, you finally recognize me, and your soul has returned from the kingdom of night! Yes, I am your moon, your Karishe!”

Qin Lang also trembled and murmured: “Special, special, I won’t really wear my soul!?”

The woman questioned: “Soul wear?”

Just as Qin Lang was about to dig into the roots, “Crack!” The violent wind blows down the already crumbling fire platform!

In a flash of light, his instinctive anti-cuddling was overwhelming, and he was very stupid and manly to protect her.

“Boom!” The two and three stone eggs were buried by red or semi-coked fuel!

Fortunately, he was only pressed down by small objects, which did little harm to Qin Lang, and he didn’t feel hot, he just felt depressed.

But he was already messed up like a muddy brain, and his consciousness became more trance. He had never experienced them one by one, but it seemed that the memory fragments that belonged to him, flooded into his mind like a torrent!

is all about the legendary growth process of the little Zhuo Ge in the dream!

This unspeakable dizziness made Qin Lang’s eyes closed tighter.

In the dimness, he not only sensed the more powerful heartbeat under him, but also vaguely heard the infiltrating “crack” sound like a cracked eggshell!

I don’t know how long the fire was finally extinguished, and the cold hit, Qin Lang was awakened by a “sand” stepping on the ground, opened his eyes that were no longer confused, let go of the woman under him, and supported the ground with his hands. Stand up.

The rustle of firewood fell on his body, his swaying squinting eyes hung on his shoulders, resembling a lizard, with a pair of bat wings, his eyes resembling a pool of magma, and the scales were as dark as ink clouds, and the blood on it was slippery and black. Red and white monster.

looked down, and in the arms of the stunner who slowly got up, he also held two similar to his shoulders, one gray and golden, and one bronze and green monster.

Qin Lang is not afraid of this, because the monster on his shoulder feels intimacy with him.

But he knows that he can be connected with this monster, and he benefits from the stunner around him.

Qin Lang looked everywhere, it was full of charred charcoal and ashes, as well as some charred bones.

And the sound of footsteps was made by a handsome, bald middle-aged man with thick black hair on his arms and chest. At this time, he had stopped and his face was full of surprise!

Behind him, three young men with weapons in their hands lead a group of old and weak women and children slowly, their expressions are no different from him.

The bald man took the lead to kneel down on one knee, and the three young men stepped forward, and placed the gold-plated scimitars, silver-handled long whip, black and shiny double curved bone bows, and gray arrows respectfully at Qin Lang’s feet.

Then they knelt down one by one, with deep reverence on their faces, and loudly shouted: “The blood of my blood, the blood of my blood!…”

Qin Lang, who merged Zhuo Ge’s memory, accepted this respect frankly, looked down at the people, and muttered inaudibly: “The previous life has been buried as dust. I should live in the present. From now on, I will no longer be named Qin Lang.”

At this point, a high-ranking man’s domineering rushed into his mind. He clenched his fists, bulged his chest muscles, and roared in response.

“I am the unburnt! The undefeated king on horseback! The strongest Kao in the sea of ​​Dothraki! The father of dragon Zhuoge! The world of ice and fire, I am coming!”

Daenerys hesitated slightly after hearing it, and forcibly swallowed the heroic declaration that was about to be reached, and smiled sweetly when she looked at the hot monster in her arms.

The three monsters seemed to be infected by Zhuo Ge’s pride. They spread their translucent wings, slapped them and the air endlessly, spraying thin white smoke from their mouths and noses, and uttered “hiss, quack… “The sharp and screaming sound, to declare that they have come to the world!

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