Legend of the Dragon King of Ice and Fire

Chapter 110

Chapter 106 : Beware of the servant of the Red God L

Valentis is located to the east of the disputed land and west of Valyria. It is the free trade city state closest to the ruins of the Valyria Freedom Fortress. It is located at the mouth of the Lorne River. It is the first of the nine free trade city states. Lafoss is ranked as the most powerful city-state among the nine free trade city-states, and is known as the “Elder Daughter of Valyria”, the “Mistress of the Summer Sea”, and the “Queen of the Lorne River.”

After the apocalyptic catastrophe, the empire of the Freedom Fort collapsed and Valantis became independent.

After the apocalyptic catastrophe, the Valantes complacently considered themselves the orthodox heirs of the free city-states and the legal rulers of the world, but they had differences over how to rule them perfectly. The “old blood” was keen on force. , But merchants and lenders promote trade.

When they competed for the jurisdiction of the city, they formed two factions, the Tiger Party and the Elephant Party.

At present, Valantis has three governors, namely Maracio from the Tiger Party, and Nesiso and Dofas from the Elephant Party. In the past few centuries, the Elephant Party often held at least two seats among the governors. The Tiger Party can only control one of the consuls at most.

In the bloodshed era, Valantis continued to expand outwards, but they argued for hundreds of years about how to conquer the world. The Tiger Party tends to use force, while the Elephant Party supports trade.

Military and trade are the basics of maintaining a country. As a result, the two sides have checked and balanced each other, from independence to the present.

When Zogo’s fleet arrived at Valantis Wharf, the sky began to appear white, and the twinkling stars were gradually extinguishing. It was a vibrant morning because they had escaped from the ocean.

There are two Valantis Lancers guarding the gate leading to the pier, and the light of the torch that has not been extinguished shines on their vajra claws that protrude from the guard.

The pikeman on the left is wearing a tiger mask helmet, and the cheek under the helmet is pierced with green stripes as a mark.

The pikeman on the right of    wears a hieroglyphic mask and helmet, and the face under the helmet is pierced with white stripes as a mark.

Two gunmen, representing the Tiger Party and the Elephant Party, separated the many wanderers who kept muttering, and supported the three luxurious vehicles pulled by white dwarf elephants parked on the road between the two armies.

There was no one in the vehicle. The masters of the three elephants in the Chinese clothes were solemn, standing in the middle of the city gate, rubbing their hands, watching the army coming down from the boarding ladder quarrelingly.

They can’t help but be nervous, because the battle led by Zhuo Ge is estimated to be destroyed by the gods.

Three armies, giants, plus the three-headed dragon hovering over Kaor, who is not afraid of this majestic momentum?

Zhuo Ge only glanced at it, and he felt that the three of them were definitely the helms of Valantis.

Ago proudly said: “The Valantis are warmly welcoming us.”

Zhuo Ge also felt that the pomp was as he said.

Not yet close to the forefront of the spearmen, the three consuls suddenly raised their arms and waved down. The guards on the wall took the order, pulled them with ropes, and put down several **** and drenched corpses.

Those mortal corpses were all wearing Toka robes and wearing disgusting demon horns. It was obvious that they were all children of the Harpy.

Zhuo Ge thinks that those corpses should be the slave owners who fled from Freedom Bay. After all, the slave owners of Milin, Yuankai, and Astabo have a close relationship with Valantis.

Kao secretly said: “They are showing good, in order to protect the historical glory of Valantis.”

No dogs and chickens stayed where the horse king went. If he wanted to avoid the disaster of extinction, he had to give them a gift that satisfies them.

Zhuo Ge secretly despised the first gift from the Archon, because those guys are very smart and they want to turn enemies into friends.

Seeing that the King of Horse stepped on the road paved by silk, the helms of the Tiger Party and Elephant Party smiled and hurried up to meet him.

has the power to hook up with the son of the harpy, and Kao didn’t want to let it go, but he reached out and didn’t hit the smiley, he stopped the urge to push the horse directly into it.

The eldest Maraccio is very good at occupying a seat, blocking his own identity, and the elephant party leader who doesn’t want to be too dog-legged, first greeted Zhuo Ge, who was pulling the reins.

“Hello, Zogokao, I am Marachio, the archon of Valantis. The arrival of Cao has made Valantis a splendid place. I have prepared a splendid banquet for Cao. ”

Then he hinted: “Those Gith people hanging from the city wall, I think it will make Kao’s appetite very appetizing.”

Zhuo Ge stared at him with a faint smile, and asked faintly: “Just catch the wind for me? Let my soldiers drink cold wind?”

The elephant party leader was not good at interjecting. At this time, he seized the opportunity and hurriedly said in unison: “The stingy Maraccio doesn’t understand etiquette, and our elephant party has prepared a banquet for the great Zogokao and his heroic soldiers. A singing and dancing troupe was also invited to join the fun, and it was set up on the large square in front of the Temple of the King of Light, in order to drive away the fatigue of all friends.”

The tiger party leader glared at the two of them fiercely, and stopped talking.

Zhuo Ge looked in his eyes and felt that Maraggio was indeed inadequate for the guests, and his heart turned to the other two.

“Lead the way to the temple of the Lord of Light.”

The smiles on Neciso and Dofas’ faces became brighter. They made an inviting gesture and walked forward quickly, preparing to get on the elephant cart and join him into the city to wait for the two. After walking a certain distance, Maracho got two steps closer, and whispered to Zogo, “Cao, be careful of the chief servant of the Red God Lakhlo.”

Zhuo Ge pulled the reins tightly to suppress the fire-colored steed that was agitated by the white dwarf elephant, and asked thoughtfully: “Why?”

Maracho whispered under the cold eyes of the leader of the elephant party: “Because the leader of the red robe monk is a fan of the true dragon descendants.”

“Dani is my wife.”

Zhuo Ge replied, loosening the reins and slamming the whip. The painful steed rushed forward, but when it approached the white elephant, it forcibly stopped the momentum.

Kaao turned around and shouted: “Roman, open the way!”

After listening, the giant quickened his pace. In the consul’s shocked eyes, he slammed his hammer and killed the white elephant pulling the cart and smashed the vehicle into slag!

Zhuo Ge looked at the leader of the elephant party: “What are you in a daze, lead the way.”

Neciso almost couldn’t restrain his anger; “Kaor, you.”

But Dofas, who has a more general view, pulled him forward, turning his head and smiling at Zhuo Ge from time to time.

Zhuo Ge sneered and followed the four legs into the city gate. Before he thought about it, the two people in front of him dared to let his army into the city, and they must have relied on.

“What kind of crisis is lurking in Maraccio’s warning? What role does he play in it?”

Kao has doubts, but he is not afraid, because of the battle he has, who can match?

Looking at Zhuo Ge’s back, Maraggio nodded towards the black-robed man who was crowded in the golden group in the distance.

Jon Clinton jawed his head.

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