Legend of the Dragon King of Ice and Fire

Chapter 138

Chapter 131 : 1 pair of huge stone hands holding up

A cry and a strange cry tore apart the mist, sharp and stern.

Countless stone men emerged from the water, with dense stone hands resting on the battleship, Zhuo Ge looked down, only to feel a dizziness in his head.

“Oh my God! The gods save us.”

People of faith began to pray to the gods they believed in.

There is no wind in the sad collar, there are those living dead like stones in the low place, and the oars can’t function properly at all.

Zhuo Ge felt that if he wanted to leave, he had to drive away or kill the scalp-numbing monsters.

“Let go! Let go!…”

Under the orders of each commander, the crossbowmen drew their bows and shot a rain of arrows.

Seeing the tribes fighting in the same way as ordinary people, Zhuo Ge couldn’t help shook his head: “It’s useless, this will only hurt morale even more.”

As he measured, the rain of arrows shot on the stone man, and fell like a dragon.

Although Zhuo Ge slashed the stone man with a single knife, he used Valyrian steel weapons with his superior arm strength. Ordinary swords and arrows could hardly cause damage to the hard as the living dead.

The stone man’s body is very stiff, and he can’t grab a nut and climb on a battleship like Jon Clinton in the early stage of Grayscale. Move slowly upwards.

Cao ordered: “Pour sesame oil, use a rocket to light it.”

There is no time to boil it into boiling hot oil. This is the only way.

The sailors took out buckets of sesame oil and sprinkled them on the stone men, and the archers coordinated with them to light the arrows and shoot.

“Boom boom boom!”

Shimin, who was soaked in sesame oil, was instantly ignited by the rocket, but turned into a fireman, and they still struggled to make progress.

Many people exclaimed: “Those stone people are not afraid of pain!”

Zhuo Ge agrees with this point, and the stone people are wailing, only weeping about their tragic fate.

The living dead with the heart of stone have stronger stamina than the unsullied ones who quit the wine of courage!

People who are familiar with gray scale disease shouted: “You can’t let them climb onto the deck, otherwise we will enter their path of life!”

Stone people are not afraid of pain, but as long as their body functions are completely burned out, then they will not be able to cause chaos.

Seeing that the Shimins who turned into fire people became more and more excited, Zhuo Ge was ready to use his assassin to deal with those monsters who might be thinking of liberation.

Since ordinary flames can’t solve them all at once, the death flames sprayed by the magic dragon can burn them in an instant!

Zhuo Ge stood on the mast aloud, and when he saw the fire, the three-headed magic dragon was already excited and shouted: “Zo Geng, Vesselion, Lei Ge, burn the stone men!”

When the green dragon and the white dragon heard this, they immediately fluttered their wings and sent out.

But Zhuo Geng stared at the cabin below unmoved.

In an emergency situation, Zhuo Ge has no psychology to be abnormal about the Black Dragon. After all, his child is very personal, and he already thinks it is very good to be able to mobilize both ends to relieve his urgent need.

“Boom boom boom!”

The dragon flame poured out, and the charred stone people fell into the water layer by layer, making strange noises.

The dragon flame caused the temperature of the river to rise, and the rising water vapor melted into the dense fog, making everyone blind and blind.

But it is not that nothing is invisible, and the dragon flame is clear.

Soon, the chief mate was excited and exclaimed: “Move, the boat can move!”

There is no danger, Zhuo Ge let out a long sigh of relief, and shouted to the captain: “Kolenza, don’t leave in a hurry, wait until the warship behind is out of danger.”

Fortunately, the boat is high enough, otherwise it would have been fighting with the living dead.

If it turns into that situation, the magic dragon will not distinguish the enemy from us, and will burn all the people and boats into powder.

Zhuo Ge fumbled and climbed to the ship building, using Dragon Flame’s light to command: “Lei Ge, left, Dragon Flame! Vesselion, don’t burn the warship!”

He wants to burn all the living dead coveting his own side, and to prevent the dragon from hurting his people.

When raising land, a strong wind blew on his face, obviously Zhuo Geng moved.

Zhuo Ge was a little excited, because the black dragon’s destructive power was far more powerful than the other two children. If it were powerful, it would soon free the entire fleet from the entanglement of the stone men.

But what disappointed him was that Black Dragon did not follow the two younger brothers, but landed on the deck.

Even if Zhuo Ge couldn’t see it, he could still guess Zhuo Geng’s dynamics based on the sound.

About five minutes later, Zhuo Geng flapped his wings again and rose into the air.

“Zuo Geng, go and assist Lei Ge and Vesselion.”

But the black dragon ignored his father’s order, fluttering his wings and stirring the mist to fly into the unknown distance.

The strong wind fanned by the black dragon carries a fragrance of sweet fragrance, which is very prominent in the muddy air. Zhuo Ge thinks that it is possible that the smell of perfume on a certain maid was stirred up by the strong wind.

“Zhuo Geng, don’t fly far!”

Zhuo Ge was very worried that the black dragon would get lost, after all, the sadness of his collar was full of surreal weirdness.

Zhuo Geng is a good boy and the most obedient dragon, but today it is too abnormal.

But Zhuo Ge had no choice but to help it.

While Kao commanded the dragon to fight, he looked at the mist below from time to time, because his beloved wife was inside.

But Zhuo Ge was not worried, because Dany would not be in danger without a stone man climbing on the deck.

The efficiency of the magic dragon is extremely fast. Basically, the two dragons can be cleaned up and down once, and the battleship can get out of trouble.

Every time he heard the thunderous cheers, Zhuo Ge knew that the ship was safe.

Feeling that the more threatened battleship group was intact, he slowly guided the green dragon and the white dragon to the big ship where Missandei was imprisoned.

Looking through the dragon flames, he found that as expected, the ship was already crowded with stone men, and he did not see the guarding tiger soldiers at all.

Needless to say, the dead ghosts either got into the stomach of the stone man or were stepped on their feet.

As for Missandei, the new owner of the little silver horse, Zhuo Ge felt that she was still fine for the time being, because the little paper dyed with silver hair to replace Dany was the object of little Aegon’s focus.

In Sadness, the sight of ordinary people was blocked, and the eyesight of the living dead with petrified eyes would only be worse. Zhuo Ge felt that those living dead probably hadn’t discovered that the silver-haired girl was not Daenerys.

“Pseudo-dragon, are you in that boat?”

Zhuo Ge is looking forward to it. He hopes that Little Aegon will be in that boat.

Cao ordered: “All ships are one league away from where the dragon is!”

His voice was very loud, and the subordinates were transmitting messages to each other, and soon all the warships began to move.

In less than ten minutes, there was no more warship on the ship where Missandei was located.

There are few wildfires, but as Valantis is the most powerful free city-state, Dofas still obtains a pot of green demons from the hands of a Mir pirate king in the harbor.

Zhuo Ge quietly hid the can of wildfire in the debris compartment of the ship that imprisoned Missandei.

As long as he is sure that Little Aegon is on the boat, he will tell the hornman to sound a rhythmic horn, and the dead man guarding the wildfire will light the wildfire when he hears the signal.

It is more appropriate to order the dragon to burn the ship, but in order not to arouse suspicion, he can only choose to go around the corner.

“Mr. Chief Officer, turn the wind direction and steer the battleship towards the dragon.”

“Yes, Your Majesty.”

The two ships approached, Zhuo Ge stared at the stone man on the ship with the dragon flames that dispelled the thick fog, looking for the target.

Recruiting land, Kao saw an extremely shocking picture, and the ship slowly escaped the surface of the water!

Suddenly a pair of gray stone hands lifted the battleship weighing more than one hundred tons!

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