Legend of the Dragon King of Ice and Fire

Chapter 160

Chapter 148 : I am a **** above all beliefs!

Thousands of people gathered in the Sanctuary Square. They barely communicated with each other. They were at a loss. They were waiting for the arrival of the new king.

Zhuo Ge slowly moved around Longshi Island by the dragon, passing rows of tall towers, with a view of the inner courtyard, the city wall and the fishing village beyond.

In the yard, the Dothraki archer was shooting at the target with the command of “Take an arrow! Pull the bow! Release!” The arrow shook like a swordfish in the sea.

This is a free time game for the Dothraki people, and it is also training. They have lived in a barren land since they were young, and their competitiveness has made them more self-conscious, and they don’t need to be supervised at all.

The Unsullied Guards patrolled the passages of the city wall in stride, peeping out the army stationed by the city through the gaps and arrow holes between the gargoyles.

The campfire was full of smoke, the island was misty, and tens of thousands of fighters who took part in the battle sat under the banner of their masters to eat lunch.

Their diet is very rich, chicken, duck and fish are all available. This is the treatment they deserve. Zhuo Ge’s philosophy of governing the country always puts fighters first.

Across the vast military camp is the port crowded with ships. In the past six months, any ships that enter the line of sight of Longshi Island will be detained and retained by Stannis forcibly.

Because of the lack of pirate ships, his navigating tools are very scarce. In the eyes of many people, the Duke of Longshidao is a pirate king with the flag of the public.

The flagship of the Narrow Sea Prince “Valyria” is a warship with three decks, but surrounded by densely packed, big-bellied armed warships, it appears insignificant.

After two days of renovation, Longshidao gradually kept up with Zhuo Ge’s rhythm.

There are no slaves here, and there is no need to move out of Zogo’s former free trade city-state.

The Dothraki people have always been violent, but what Zhuo Ge did after he walked out of the sea of ​​grass can still prevent the common people who have heard of it from fleeing their homes.

Living in this fierce continent, it is common to change lords. Only the rich and powerful will worry about their immediate interests. After all, they have tried their best to make a good relationship with Stannis. Suddenly changing to respect Zhuoge will inevitably lead to They felt that their hearts were dripping blood, and they had to spend their money to please the new lord.

A small barren island, Zhuo Ge didn’t care about it, he was ready to leave all trivial matters to others to take care of.

So he was going to hold an imperial meeting and a city-wide announcement.


The huge wings that obscured the sky fanned the strong wind and rolled up the dust on the church floor. The crowd was so fascinated that they couldn’t open their eyes.


When the black dragon’s strong legs landed on the ground, they felt the ground tremble twice.


An excited dragon roar forced back the people standing in the forefront.

Feeling the power of the dragon up close, their legs began to tremble, and they almost leaned down to worship.

Zhuo Ge stood on the back of the dragon with his hands under his shoulder, swept the crowd with his agate-like eyes, and then shouted loudly.

“People of Longshi Island, who am I? I think you already know it very well, so I don’t need to introduce it anymore.”

“You are the dragon, the dragon king, your majesty Zhuoge!”

“Hey, Dragon King.”

Zogo liked this title, as the dragon knights of Ancient Valyria had such a title in the past.

“Zhuo, Your Majesty Zhuo!”

Driven by people who are very good at seeing things, the masses burst out with thunderous shouts.

“Your Majesty Zhuoge! Your Majesty Zhuoge……!”

Zhuo Ge knew that this was not what the people wanted, but the general trend. He was bathed in it for a long time before he spread his hand and pressed it down, signalling to stop the sound.

When the sanctuary became silent, he slowly said: “Stannis’ policy is not clear to me, and I don’t want to study it. From today on, everything in Longshidao will operate according to my Zhuoge’s will. Someone will issue regulations for me soon. I don’t care whether you believe in the King of Light or the Seven Gods. In short, you have to remember that in my territory, I can only fly the banner that belongs to me. God above all beliefs!”

After speaking, he drove away, leaving behind the crowd who became more dazed and panicked.

Zhuo Ge landed in Aegon Garden in front of the Stone Drum Tower, and he walked slowly.

He was about to step into the hall where he boarded the conference hall, when he suddenly heard a blazing bull bell, which could only come from a patched face.

The jester followed the little princess Shirin, like a faithful hound.

His body was doughy and limp, his shoulders collapsed, his wide face was covered with red and green grids, and he was wearing an old tin bucket toy helmet with two antlers tied to the top, and a dozen cow bells hung on it. , People clink when they move.

It can be said that the cow bell almost never stops, because this fool seldom stands still, wherever he goes, he takes the jarring bell.

Seeing Xi Lin who was picking and playing with her own flowers, Zhuo Ge was a little surprised.

Because the child was nine years old, even though she had been living in a dark prison since she was a child, almost all of her parents’ acquaintances left, and she could still play heartlessly under the envelope of enemies.

“Is this normal?”

This question kept echoing in Zhuo Ge’s mind. He glanced a few times, and finally shook his head and climbed the stairs.

The hall of Duke Stannis Baratheon is a wide round room with walls made of black stone without decoration.

There are four tall and narrow windows in the hall, facing east, west, south, north.

In the center of the hall is a large table carved from a giant wooden plank. This is why the picture table hall is named after it was built by Aegon Targaryen before the conquest of the war.

The map table is more than fifty feet long, about half the length at its widest point, and less than four feet at its narrowest point.

Aegon’s carpenter saw out bays and peninsulas according to the shape of the West Landing continent, and the entire table was not straight.

The desktop depicts the seven kingdoms of Aegon’s time, all the rivers, mountains, fortress cities, lakes, forests and so on…they are full of details, glowing with lacquer sheen that has accumulated nearly three hundred years.

There is only one seat in the whole hall , which has been carefully designed to correspond to the location of Longshi Island in the sea off Westeros, and is located on the raised platform, which allows you to have a panoramic view of the desktop.

The four Kou under Zhuoge, Qiaoge, Ago, Rakarlo, Old Mosuo, and the Unsullied Commander Grey Worm, the fleet commander Kolensa stood on both sides of the map table, waiting for him to take his place.

Dany was notified of this meeting, but the Silver Queen was absent because of her illness.

“Your Majesty, Kao.”

Zhuo Ge, who had different names, the same respect, and unruly nature, had no intention of correcting it. He walked slowly to the center and sat down, and glanced at both sides.

For this imperial meeting, he was going to grant a few high-ranking positions, and he was also preparing to recruit a few talented ministers.

After all, almost all his subordinates are fighters, with knowledge and strategy, and their lack of bachelors.


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