Legend of the Dragon King of Ice and Fire

Chapter 178

Chapter 165 : The Lannister Giant is a joke

The friendship between Zhuo Ge and his wife ended unhappily. That night, the two of them had been sleeping with their heads side by side. They were in the same bed with different dreams.

Of course, they both dreamed with their eyes open.

Zhuo Ge, who couldn’t sleep, got up and poured himself a glass of Qingting wine, sweet and sour. He liked the taste, which had the taste of the drink and was intoxicating.

He walked slowly to the window, looking at King’s Landing across the river, looking at the dim lights, and there was a strong expectation in his heart.

Because he will face a familiar figure in Quan You tomorrow.

“Tywin Lannister, James Lannister, Cersei Lannister, and Tyrion Lannister, whether those four lions with different personalities are the same as me, look forward to my taboo What about the characters? Life is just a gambling little devil, what are you doing now?”

In Junlin City, the former imperial prime minister, the cruel Meige built a four-story dungeon for the Red Fort.

The first floor is a large room, used to detain ordinary prisoners. They can only huddle together. There are narrow windows on the high walls to provide airflow.

The second floor is a trumpet, used to guard the noble prisoners. There are no windows, but the torch in the corridor does not go out all year round.

The third floor is the smallest cell, the door is made of sandalwood, known as the ‘black jail’, where Ed Stark, the hand of the king, the duke of the North, was once held here.

What is not known is that there is another layer below this. Once someone is brought into the fourth layer, it means that he will not be able to see the sky anymore, listen to the voices of people, and suffer forever in torture.

The fourth floor of the Meige Dungeon is the torture room, at the bottom of the stairs.

This kind of **** has not been imprisoned for a long time, but a few days ago, a big man was admitted, a big man accused of poisoning the king.

Here, Tyrion Lannister was not tortured, but he had a bitter life, and his heart was bitter.

Tomorrow morning, he will be judged by fate.

Life and death are unpredictable, the little devil thought to himself, if he could become a ghost after death, with the grievance he has accumulated now, he would definitely become Li, a ghost!

At that time, he would first strangle the woman Shae who betrayed him.

Xue Yi used to be a “maid” serving soldiers in a military camp. She was very young. She was only eighteen years old. She was petite and beautiful, with big deep eyes and black hair.

During the Battle of the Green Fork, the Duke of Tywin decided to let Tyrion and his mountain tribes act as forwards to defend the upcoming northern army. Tyrion wanted to find a woman to accompany him before the battle. The mercenary Bolong found him Shae.

Tyrion spent a few sweet and sweet nights with her in the army, and he liked her very much, and decided to take her to King’s Landing to take office as the acting king.

Although his father had clearly ordered him not to bring that kind of woman into the palace, he still disobeyed.

The little devil who has lacked love since childhood, he is sure that he has fallen in love with Shae.

But love is deep and hateful, and Shae’s lie is a fatal betrayal.

“She once praised me for being tall, saying I was her giant, I was her Lannister giant, she called me that way, but during the three trials in the Throne Hall, tears slowly fell on that false beautiful face Slipping off, she betrayed me. She said that I had poisoned Joffrey with Sansa. It was a lie, but she said that.”

Tyrion murmured, but tears had slipped out of his eyes.

The dwarf still remembers that when Shae said she was forced to call him the Lannister Giant, Osmon Kate Black was the first to laugh.

Then the front iron guards Bellos and Marin joined in, followed by his sister Cersei, Sir Loras and his incalculable old ladies.

This sudden laughter spread like a hurricane, until the entire throne hall began to vibrate, their mouths twisted in joy, their stomachs trembled, and many people laughed so much that their noses splashed out of their nostrils.

In the throne room, hundreds of dignitaries, except for his father, everyone laughed at him.

Even the red viper Prince Oberon Martell, who was about to borrow him for revenge, giggled endlessly, and the Duke of the High Court, Metz Tyrell, seemed to be vomiting.

Lord Tywin Lannister sat between them, as calm as a rock, with his fingers crossed and against his chin, giving the dwarf son a cold and angry look.

The little devil thought it was indifference, not sympathy.

Tyrion thought: “I have saved all of you, I have saved this sinful city and the boring lives of each of you, but you all miss me to die!”

He was pretty sure that now Xue Yi’s lies had spread throughout King’s Landing, and everyone was laughing at the self-deception that Xue Yi had imposed on him.

Tyrion poured a glass of wine, and cheese, roast goose, bread and olives were placed on the rotted table, but he couldn’t eat anything heavy at the moment.

He hasn’t eaten for several days. He only used fine wine to drunk and paralyze himself, but the shame was too deep for him to forget.

“Do you think I will be slaughtered, father? In this regard, you have inherited too much from me. Although you will never admit it, I am your best child, of course, except for this ugly little body.”

He laughed at himself and asked about the shadow of the candle on the wall. That was the only “person” willing to listen to him.

He slowly became calm, because now he finally took the power of life and death from his father and gave it to the gods in the sky.

Assuming that the heavenly gods really exist.

In fact, his life is in the hands of the Dothraki.

But no matter what happens tomorrow, Tyrion is satisfied that he tore Duke Tywin’s plan to pieces.

If Drogo wins, Donne, who has a **** feud with the Lannister family, will definitely be grateful to the Dragon King, and Donne is likely to favor the conqueror.

And Mace Tyrell would never tolerate the dwarf who nearly poisoned his daughter to escape the punishment he deserved.

When the time comes, Gao Ting and King’s Landing will be in a line, and Dorn may rise up with the powerful Dragon King force, and a melee will break out.

If the magic mountain wins, the Dothraki will crown Daenerys and retaliate wildly against the lion.

“That’s the mad king’s daughter! She is full of the mad blood of the Targaryen royal family, and the dragon flames will be burned by then, and she will be devastated!”

Tyrion is looking forward to both results, but he may not see the other result and will go to **** with Zogo.

When he toasted and drank again, he found that the glass was empty.

Looking around, UU read www.uukanshu.com, but he could only find the remaining liquor dripping on the dirty and wet floor. It was the smell that made him find it.

He couldn’t drink anymore, he slowly slid down against the wall, staring blankly at the flaring candlelight, hypnotizing himself and trying to fall asleep.

I don’t know how long it took, maybe three hours, maybe only ten minutes.

Suddenly, the heavy prison door opened, and the blazing fire shone on his face, and he raised his hand to cover it.

“Are you going to kill me now? Come and kill me, Ye Hezhong raised by the female cousin.”

Since he hadn’t spoken loudly for a long time, his voice was hoarse.

“So what about our mother?”

The opponent walked in with the torch in his left hand.

“The sky and the sky in Runliu City are not so wet and cold, but it is much more gloomy.”

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