Legend of the Dragon King of Ice and Fire

Chapter 181

Chapter 168 : High Court Rose (2 in 1 large

“Note: The last few chapters have been written from Tyrion’s perspective, in order to better introduce the King’s Landing Nobles. After all, these people have a deep entanglement with Zhuo Ge in the follow-up.”

Bolon rode Tyrion’s mount and followed the master’s prison car, which was regarded as escorting him for the last time.

This was originally Podric Pine’s task, but the little devil left Pod in the Red Fort. In public, having this slender mercenary waited on him. It was even more reassuring.

In the narrow streets, the guards of the city lined up on both sides, blocking the crowd with spears.

Sir Jaslin Bywater led the way, with a team of Lancers in black armor and gold robes.

In front of him was King Toman’s carriage. Two Royal Guards in white robes and white armor followed him, and then the queen mother Cersei, accompanied by Sir Lansell, protected by Sir Marlin Tran and Bellos Blau Sir Grace.

Tyrion’s prison wagon was caught in the center following his sister.

Behind them were the archbishop in the sedan chair and a long list of courtiers, Sir Horace Redwin, Countess Tanda and her daughter, Jalaba Sol, Count Gales Rossby and others.

Finally, there are two guards behind the palace.

Heishuihe was chosen as the duel arena. Today, the weather is dark and windy, and the sun is trying its best to emerge from the clouds.

Tyrion is not sure whether the person on whom his life depends will eventually win.

Thousands of people came to watch his life and death.

They stood in a row on the walkway of the city wall, and squeezed side by side on the steps of the fortress and tower.

There were people everywhere in the stable door, in the arch bridge windows, on the balcony and on the roof.

The dock itself was even more crowded, forcing Jinpaoweitu and Yulin Tiewei to push and drive away, leaving room for the normal passage of important people.

In order to be able to see more clearly, many people choose to drive their own fishing boats, some of which are moved to driftwood, ready to follow the Royal Fleet to the center of the Heishui River for a while.

This duel should be held in the Dragon’s Den, Tyrion thought sourly, if you receive a copper plate or silver deer per head, you won’t worry about Joffrey’s funeral expenses.

After all, the royal family now owes a huge debt.

Many onlookers carried the child on their shoulders, and when they saw Tyrion appearing, they pointed at him and kept calling.

Under the **** of the two golden robes, Tyrion, shackled and handcuffed, stepped onto the deck first along the inclined wooden ladder. He felt bad looks from all around him.

The hull shook slightly, making him stagger harder than before.

I bet they want to laugh.

Only under the deterrence of the regent, no one dared, at least no one dared to laugh publicly, but he heard a small whisper, caught in the creak of the wooden board ropes and the sound of the river washing the stakes.

They don’t like me, he thought. Well, it’s no wonder.

I am full and look ugly, and they are hungry, even if I go to hell, I can enjoy and enjoy good food and wine.

Tyrion stood on the towering deck of the “King Robert’s Hammer” moored in the harbor, looking down at the prayer ceremony.

The King Robert’s Hammer is a giant warship with four hundred oars. The oarsmen call it “King Robert’s Hammer” for short. It is the main force of **** to watch the trial of the competition.

In addition, warships such as the Fury Lion, the Seven Gods, and Miss Lyanna will also travel with them.

There were many warships in the Royal Fleet in the evening when Duke Stannis attacked Dragonstone Island, but they never returned, resulting in the navy’s lack of vitality.

Tyrion watched the archbishop standing in front of the boarding ladder, seeking blessings from the ethereal seven gods in the sky, and blessing that the battle could proceed according to the king’s will.

The sun shines through the crystal crown and scatters colorful lights, shining on the archbishop’s raised face.

The noise on the shore made him unable to hear the prayers, and he had to hope that the ears of the gods had more earwax than him.

Once the archbishop speaks, Bippicher will pretend and talk like a bubbling cesspit.

Enough, old man, let’s end, Tyrion thought angrily.

The gods have heard enough of your nagging, if you don’t know it, your **** will abandon you.

After finally waiting for his chatter to end, the dignitaries headed by King Toman Baratheon began to board the ship one after the other.

King Toman wears a golden crown on his head. He is a fat man with golden curly hair and green eyes. He likes to read. He is docile and shy. He even cries at every turn.

Although he is not as strong and willful as his brother Joffrey, most people (except his mother) think that he will become a much better king than his brother.

In the eyes of the people, he was regarded as the youngest child of King Robert I and Queen Cersei Lannister, but Tyrion knew that, like Cersei’s first two children, his biological father was Cersei’s twin brother, Zhan. M, although none of the three children knew about it.

Toman was crowned king after his brother Joffrey died at his wedding banquet, and soon after that he married Margaret Tyrell as the queen instead of his brother.

Seeing the little nephew who is under ten years old, the little devil can’t help but pray for him secretly, hoping that he will not be squeezed out by the little fairies beside him when his mother and grandfather are regent.

Margaret Tyrell walked beside the king without squinting her eyes. Two Royal Guards guarded on either side of them. Sir Osment Kate Black was on the right of the King, and Sir Loras Tyrell was on the left of her sister.

Marguerite was very beautiful, with elk-like eyes, long brown curly hair draped lazily over her shoulders, covered with moonstone hairnets, and her smile was shy and sweet.

She looks a lot like her brother Loras next to her, the guy who is known as the most beautiful man.

Marguerite is the daughter of the Duke of the High Court Metz Tyrell. In the High Court, she is a noble lady who is famous for her beauty and is known as the “High Court Rose”.

At a young age, he has married three men, namely, the dead Renly Baratheon, Joffrey Baratheon, and Toman Baratheon, the lord of the Iron Throne.

Metz Tyrell followed his daughter. He has many titles. He is the Duke of the High Court, the guardian of the southern border, the guardian of the frontier, and the supreme commander of the river.

He is a man who declines before he gets old, is cumbersome and lacks political skills.

His only record is the Siege of Wind’s Breath.

Although he tried his best to use the Battle of Poplar Beach to prove his strategic talents, in fact he did not contribute anything in this battle. The vanguard led by Landau Tully did not reach the battlefield before his army. Victory has been achieved.

He is not as wise as other family members. Although he is the leader of the Tyrell family, he is nameless.

He was burly in the past, but now he is a little blessed, but he still looks handsome.

He has curly brown hair, and his beard trimmed into a triangle is slightly white.

Metz always dreamed that his daughter could become a queen.

When Renly Baratheon and Loras Tyrell proposed a plan to crown Renly king and marry Margaret Tyrell to him, Metz expressed their support, and he also Can become the former prime minister of Renley I.

However, before this marriage was consummated, King Lanly was killed in Wind’s Breath.

Metz leads his army to the Bridge of Suffering to plan his and his son’s next operation.

Under the lobbying of the King’s Landing Chancellor Petil Belishi, the Tyrell family accepted the invitation of the alliance between Joffrey Baratheon and the Lannister family.

Metz’s own troops also joined Tywin to defeat Stannis in the Battle of Blackwater.

The reward he received was a seat for the Minister of Maritime Affairs in the Imperial Council.

After the Battle of Heishuihe, the victorious lords discussed and divided up the spoils, and Metz obtained the territory of the Florent family.

The Duke of Tywin was very arrogant. He rode at the pier to prepare for the last climb. He was still wearing last night’s crimson armor, with brightly colored lions painted on it, and he was wearing a huge cloak made of gold thread.

After him were Sir Bellos Braun and Sir Barron, who held the king’s banner high, with Lannister’s roaring lion on one side and Baratheon’s crowned stag on the other.

Today, the queen mother looks very charming.

She wore a dark green velvet low-chested gown that matched the color of her eyes, her blonde hair was draped over her shoulders, and an emerald-embellished webbing was tied around her waist.

The newly promoted Captain of the Royal Forest Guard, James Lannister, dressed in a white robe and white armor, inseparably guarded her left side.

Cersei Lannister, she is the eldest daughter of Duke Tywin Lannister and Joanna Lannister, and the twin sister of James Lannister.

After the War of the Usurpers, she married the new king Robert Baratheon and became the queen of the Seven Kingdoms.

After marriage, they have three children: Joffrey Baratheon, Messara Baratheon and Toman Baratheon.

Cersei is very beautiful. She has blonde curly hair and green eyes typical of the Lannister family, and she has a slim figure and fair skin.

Even so, the experience of giving birth to three children still left traces of time on her body.

“The light of the torch cannot be compared with the rising sun.”

Cersei’s uncle Kaivon Lannister commented on comparing the looks of Lyanna Stark and Cersei.

In character and appearance, Cersei and James look very similar, like a sculpture carved out of a mold.

When they were young, they even exchanged clothes to pretend to be each other all day, even their father, Tai Wen, could not see it.

Sir Gregor is on the right, and the Cersei he sheltered looks like a child.

The magic mountain in armor is a huge monster. Under the long yellow robe embroidered with the emblem of the three black dogs of the Clegan family, the chain armor is covered with heavy armor, and the dark gray steel is densely covered with grooves and scratches left by the battle. , There are boiled leather armor and cotton padding under this, the big flat-topped helmet clasps the throat tightly, leaving only breathing holes for the nose and mouth, and there is a narrow hole for observation beside the eyes. The decoration of the helmet top is a stone fist.

If the injury suffered at Herrenborg weakened Sir Gregor, at least Tyrion hadn’t noticed the slightest from his move across the wooden steps.

He was born as if he was chiseled out of a boulder.

He was carrying the ugly greatsword that was six feet long, and Sir Gregor gripped the cross-handle with a pair of giant palms with lobster guards.

Seeing this momentum, even Prince Oberon’s love, the wife was moved by it.

Aralia Shad asked quietly: “You actually want to fight such a monster?”

“I’m going to kill him, if Zhuo Ge fails!” The Red Viper replied indifferently.

Oberon has a fierce temperament, his private life is promiscuous, sloppy, alert and venomous.

Oberon’s face had wrinkles left by years and thin eyebrows, as well as the eyes of a viper, dark as the night, with pointed nose and forehead.

His black hair is lustrous, with only a few silver threads in it, and his hair forms a beautiful tip above his eyebrows. This is a hairstyle that the Dorn nobles are accustomed to keeping.

He has eight illegitimate daughters, known as sand snakes, and the four youngest are born to his last mistress, Aralia Shad.

At the age of sixteen, he was found to have an affair with Lord Ormond Ellenwood.

Due to the prince’s birth and age, the duel agreed to stop at the sight of blood, and both of them were injured.

A few days later, Earl Ormond died of a festering wound. It is believed that Oberon smeared poison on his sword. From then on, both his opponents and friends called him the Red Viper.

He once studied in the Old Town School City, during which he also made a few chains, but later dropped out of school because of boredom.

Oberon traveled all over the world and even established his own mercenary regiment on the other side of the narrow sea.

He is very close to his sister Ilia, who was insulted and killed by the Devil Mountain, and they were always inseparable in childhood.

Therefore, revenge for his sister has become one of his long-cherished wishes in this life.

After all the dignitaries who were eligible to board King Robert’s hammer arrived, the capital’s garrison captain, Sir Adam Malbran, ordered the royal fleet to sail to the center of the empty Blackwater River.

The waves in Heishui Bay are turbulent and the turbid waves are overwhelming.

King Robert’s hammer moved along with the tide, and the sails were rattling with the fickle wind.

The Fury Lion and Madame Maria are separated on two sides, and the ship-to-ship distance is no more than twenty yards.

It seems that the golden robes who are not familiar with water war have learned to stay on the battlefield, and Cersei is very proud of it.

The rumbling warhorn crossed the sea, screaming hoarse and deep, like the call of the devil, from ship to ship.

The Madame Maria and the Angry Lion also spread their wooden wings at the same time. The speed of the three ships was the same, and the blades stirred the black water.

“Slow down,” Sir Adam Malbrand yelled.

King Robert’s Hammer had reached the predetermined position, and Madame Maria followed, but the Overwaver had just launched its oars into the water, the Swordfish was slower, and the lowering of the mast was not complete.

Sir Adam Malbrun looked towards the stern of the boat.

Sure enough, behind, far south, the arrogant Lannister family battleship Rage Lion slowly swallowed as always, dragging it to the end.

It has two hundred oars and the largest ram in the entire fleet, but the garrison captain doubts the captain’s abilities.

He heard the soldiers shouting from across the sea, encouraging each other, like a tiger out of the cage, this is suffocated.

Since the battle in Heishuihe, they have been stuffed in the cabin, doing nothing, can’t wait to fight, and are confident and convinced of victory.

Sir Adam Malbran asked secretly: “Will there be a fight? Will this trial be a battle for the Iron Throne?”

He squinted at Tyrion, the instigator, and found the dwarf staring at a behemoth covered by canvas, with doubts on his face.

Sir Adam Malbran thought to himself: “Did he find it? He found the weapon of war that is said to be capable of slaying dragons?”

Toman Baratheon sits in the middle of the towering ship, with his mother and wife separated by his left and right.

Next to Cersei sat his father, Duke of Tywin and Duke of High Court Metz Tyrell.

Beside Margaret, there was a red viper and his mistress, the wife, who had no one else by their side.

The little queen peeped at Oberon’s actions from time to time, and the red viper raised an eyebrow at him, with a smile on his face.

Marguely turned back quickly, because the mature man around her was very attractive and far stronger than her husband, and she was afraid of falling.

After waiting for a long time, no ship sailed out from the entrance of Blackwater Bay. The Duke of High Court couldn’t help but muttered, “The barbarians of Zogo are not afraid to fight, right?”

Tywin Lannister Zhenggu owed a reply, and suddenly heard that a loud whistle blew up the entire Blackwater Bay!

“Sissing quack, ang……!”

The gray clouds were torn apart, and a giant shadow covering the sky swooped down, shocking the entire Wang family fleet!

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