Legend of the Dragon King of Ice and Fire

Chapter 197

Chapter 184 : Puppet of the King of Light

Stannis set up a weak red-robed woman who was like a puddle of mud, ready to go down the tower and leave the Wind’s Breath by boat.

As for where to go, he already had a destination in his mind.

This is the Great Wall that Meili Shandro has been persuading him to go to.

He dismissed the letter from the man in black for help, but the suggestion of the lady in red felt necessary.

Melisandre spotted the point and told him the terrible ghost, Stannis didn’t take it seriously, he just trusted the red-robed priest.

Because the strange ghost is only a legend about eight thousand years ago, time will make everything eight thousand years ago illusory, and it is difficult to distinguish between true and false.

He still remembered the red-robed woman’s warning at the time: “If the Great Wall is lost, the night will come, and the long night will never end. This must never happen, and it must never happen! The King of Light sees his people where they are. In danger, a leader was sent for them, Azor Yahai was reborn.”

She waved at him with a hand, the big ruby ​​in her throat gleaming with dazzling light.

“A false king will only bring death, despair, and failure to the people. Only you are the real king! Only you can dispel the darkness and bring light to the entire world!”

Regardless of vanity or ambition, Stannis likes such words.

Regarding the king’s decision, Melisandre has always retained the veto and the right to decide, but all these decisions depend on the enlightenment given to her by the Lord of Light in the flames.

This time, what seemed to be the King of Light’s foreshadowing went wrong.

Although she didn’t want to confess, she recognized the failure in her heart, and Stannis took her away.

But Melisandre’s heart was still bright, and she had never doubted the aura of the gods.

Watching Stannis and his party move, Daenerys only felt extremely depressed.

“Damn it!”

Zhuo Ge coldly looked at the fleeing enemy: “Can’t escape, as long as they escape from the Wind’s Breath Fort, then it will be the end of their lives! I promise!”

With that said, he drove Zhuo Geng to keep up with the progress of Stannis and his party.

The magic defensive array prevents people or things that also possess magic from entering, but it does not hinder Zhuo Ge’s sight.

He wanted to stare at Stannis, making him feel the fear of the imminent passing of life.

The shadow of the dragon never moved away, and Stannis gradually hesitated.

Finally, he stopped.

He realized that he could not do without Wind’s Breath.

To die early and die late, he chose to die late without hesitation.

Melisandre understood the predicament better than the king. In order to arouse Stannis’ survival, she suffocated her breath and shouted: “A kingdom, a god, and a king!”

The guards who followed Stannis were touched, deriving a heart of decisiveness, and they beat their shields with their sword hilts.

“A kingdom, a god, a king! Stannis! Stannis! A kingdom, a god, and a king!”

Their voices are not enough to cover the entire Wind Breath Fort, but they can allow people with the same feelings to respond and pass them to those with one heart.

“A kingdom, a god, and a king!…”

Soon, Stannis’s remaining guards all shouted to the rhythm.

Gradually, the people who had been brainwashed by the doctrine of the red-robed woman also screamed.

What Stannis got was not popular support, but a puppet corrupted by feudal ideas.

Zhuo Ge is very disdainful, he is confident that he can truly win the hearts of the people.

As long as he captures the Fortress of Wind’s Breath, he will imperceptibly and gain real popular support in a short time.

Dani doesn’t know what feudalism meant?

But she can also feel the same feelings as Zhuo Ge.

Daenerys, who was irritable at hearing, stretched out a finger to point at the red-robed woman, and shouted: “I heard about your red witch, yes, she will force you to betray the seven gods of your original beliefs, to a flame The devil bends over and knees!”

What is a **** who needs human life and fire sacrifices, not an evil god?

At this moment, a cloudy thunderbolt pierced the sky.


The explosion shocked Daenerys and made her stop talking.

“This is a warning from the gods, to warn those who have a dark heart and believe in the King of Light, and you will shine forever!”

With this warning like the King of Light, Mei Li Shan Zhuo immediately added fuel and jealousy, and once again won the hearts of the people.

In such weather, it is normal for a flash of lightning to strike, and Zhuo Ge is happy for a group of idiots to clamor underneath.

The more they believed in the Lord of Light, the more they turned to Stannis, when the army broke the city, he would not feel the slightest guilt.

Stannis no longer flees for his life, Zhuo Ge no longer pays attention to him because of his contempt, and tells Zhuo Geng to be taller, he will watch the army come and kill a big hidden danger for him.

Stannis summoned the remaining soldiers, inspired by Melisandre’s approach to vomiting blood, showed decisive expressions one by one, pulled out the sharp blades around his waist, and rushed towards the wall with the king.

This is bravery, Daenerys is used to seeing it. She looked down on the followers of the Lord of Light and coldly witnessed their end.

The land was raised, the thick clouds that had never faded, once again added a dark color, and the wind intensified at the same time.

Zhuo Ge, who has always maintained the best demeanor of the king, gave up standing upright with his hands. Like his wife, he tightly grasped the dragon’s tentacles and pressed against the dragon’s back.

“Crack! Click!…”

The hurricane stirred the ink cloud, inciting the speed of lightning derivation, and the snake-like electric current tore the sky into cracks!

But even if the thunder and lightning were violent, they couldn’t disperse the tumbling ink cloud that kept falling down.

The heavy rain was pouring down with thunder and lightning, and there was a dull roar from behind the wind’s breath, it was the sound of the waves hitting the city wall!

The gloomy sky, the bitter cold wind, and the rain that keeps beating on the body are accustomed to the eyes of the people of Fengxibao.

But Zhuo Ge and his wife felt it was not that simple.

Because this scene resembling the end of the day gave them a feeling of deja vu.

Zhuo Ge, who has the deepest feelings, couldn’t help but uttered, “Should it be such a scene!?”

Daenerys knew what her husband wanted to express She wiped the water stains on her face and shouted loudly: “It’s like the scene encountered in the sea of ​​summer when the fleet moved westward! ”

“His female horse! Let’s go!”

Zhuo Ge turned the faucet and gave a loud reminder.

Melisandre followed this doomsday scene, combined with the revelation he saw in the holy fire, and suddenly stood up and laughed: “Hahaha! You can’t escape, ready to endure the wrath of the King of Light, and welcome from The great horror of the deep sea!”

The flame of her residence never went out, she prayed all the time, waiting for the king of light to give her a foretaste of the future.

One day, she saw a huge horn in the flames, a horn that was taken from the Great Terror of the Deep Sea, which can summon the Great Terror of the Deep Sea and can fight against the dragon. The location indicated by the scene was on Crab Island, so Daves There will be the task of leading the team to clear the crab island.


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