Legend of the Dragon King of Ice and Fire

Chapter 206

Chapter 192 : Everyone has their own standards of th

The tsunami that wanted to be higher than the sky swept through, and the howling sound was like a troll roaring, and that kind of advancing situation, at first glance, was not caused by the force of nature.

The dying Naga was held tightly in the claws by the white dragon. There is no energy fluctuation at present, so she must not be making waves.

Obviously, another powerful enemy has appeared.

But Ma Wang is not afraid, he is safe with the shadow around him.

If he loses, he feels that Shadow will not leave him alone. After all, he has saved him several times, so he shouldn’t mind saving him again.

Zhuo Ge think about Quan You Ice Fire should belong to the low magic world, except for some common witchcraft juggling on the streets, few people can witness the powerful real magic.

What miracles and legendary creatures the public has seen more.

But with his rebirth and the appearance of the magic dragon, the world has changed, magic has recovered, miracles have appeared frequently, and humans have become more vulnerable.

Although he is the most powerful leader in Westeros, he is always hindered by the endless emergence of extraordinary things. Who can stand it?

Essos, who is more mysterious in vertical and horizontal directions, hasn’t encountered the situation of a strong enemy like one step at a time, and it is a fatal threat!

Experiences beyond human imagination made his mentality disordered, and he couldn’t help but yelled: “His female horse, I’m just a relatively special mortal. Why am I stuck in the magical queue!?”


Black Shadow is a little confused, thinking that the term magic is very new, but it can understand.

The strong wind struck, interrupting the shadow’s thoughts, and with a wave of its hand, it released a turbulent heat wave, easily rushing away from the dragon mother and child who were approaching here.

With such a majestic power fluctuation, Zhuo Ge almost touched his throat while smacking his tongue.

Fortunately, Dani was innocent. The heat wave seemed arrogant, but she was very gentle with her, otherwise Dani would have turned into a fan.


The dragon and Dany retreated involuntarily, shocking her to scream again and again.

This is something that even Naga can’t do!

The vague appearance of the humanoid shadow, as well as the words and deeds, basically coincide with the mysterious shadow-bound warriors, so Zhuo Ge, who is in love with her, feels that he will not be in danger.

After all, that woman, but she kept saying that she was his guide.

“I thought this woman was just a witch, but she was as powerful as a god!”

Zhuo Ge has never seen a god, but he has never seen such a powerful magician, so he thinks that if there is a **** in this world, it might be considered as a god.

After all, Kao saw that she could easily kill the dragon.

He was afraid that Ewha’s wife would be worried, and he shouted: “Dani, I’ll be fine, don’t come here and leave, go and meet Karratha.”

The husband’s shout was not mixed with a trace of fear, and he seemed to trust the human shadow.

But the great horror that transcends ordinary people’s perception, how can she compromise with a single sentence.

Being unable to get close to her husband does not mean that she will choose to ignore it. She is a stubborn woman.

When the heat wave dissipated, she drove the dragon to lean over again.

staring at the shadow of the galloping sea, raised his arm again.

She had an idea, and ordered Lei Ge to dive down towards Fengshibao.

Dani’s clever choice made the shadow hesitate slightly, and then put down the fuzzy and twisted arm.

How could the stone houses resist the heat wave that can rush through the dragon? If she waved her hand, the Wind’s Breath Fort might be reduced to ruins.

Quili is hard to distinguish between good and evil, but the world is like this, there is no absolute goodness, and there is no absolute evil either.

But her actions are enough to convince Zhuo Ge that she is more kind than evil.

Under the impact of the sly flame that just exploded, the green magic circle that resembled a rippling moat was like a clear sky after pulling away the clouds and mist. It was eroded and disappeared a little bit.

The legendary magic defensive array was arranged by the son of the forest called the “green man”. According to the color of the ripples, it is enough to make people believe that the legend is true.

Without hindrance, the three-headed dragon successfully descended to the high tower of Wind’s Breath Fort. With increased weight and momentum, they crushed the spire of the tower in one fell swoop, causing the entire tower to crack.

The cries of Fengshibao resounded instantly.

Some of them were crying for loved ones who died in the heat, and most of them were crying for an unknown destiny.

Without magic shelter, the pride in their hearts was completely shattered.

Dani has no mind to hear these noises, her eyes always stay with her husband.

There are noises and noises, but Zhuo Ge is an indispensable person in her life.

She has experienced helplessness without Zhuo Ge.

It feels bad like that.

It’s enough for people to experience it once.

In the face of a character like Quili, perhaps only Zhuo Ge didn’t take it seriously.

“Quili, I think you are not honest enough, you are a big liar.”

Quili lizard looked at the raging waves that stopped moving after half the distance, and asked indifferently, “Why?”

Zhuo Ge stared at it and kept surging, there was a strange wave condensed into an object shape, and he raised his voice and said, “Because your shadow was burned by the dragon flame.”


The shadow nodded casually, and asked faintly, “What then?”

Zhuo Ge unscrupulously grabbed her somewhere, but the result was swept away without catching the substance.

“Look, you are an energy body.”

Zhuo Ge’s grasping position is enough to make any good woman crazy, but Quili doesn’t care.

“I am a shadow-bound warrior, so I just separate a figure and use it for myself. What’s so strange about it?”

Cao said sharply: “Understood, you are a woman with a changeable personality, and I think you are still a yellow girl, because of your strength, your personality will not please you willing to approach Of the man.”

The shadow turned his head and said seriously: “I think you want to take it, there is me.”


Zhuo Ge was startled, he didn’t expect this woman to have such a direct side.

But in a flash, he restored the style that the barbarian king should have, and his eyes were shining, teasing: “You are very lucky today. You didn’t come in real body, otherwise you will understand.”

The shadow yelled in annoyance: “Zoo Ge, you are very courageous. Regardless of whether you can do what you want, although the bow will occupy me, do you know the origin of the storm ahead?”

Zhuo Ge shrugged his shoulders relaxedly: “It’s nothing more than a sea monster stronger than that princess Naga.”

Shadow solemnly reminded: “Yes, very powerful, so powerful that my shadow clone can only withstand its blow!”

Kao panicked when he heard that, he said anxiously: “Then what are we waiting and watching? Why don’t we run away quickly!?”

Queli said mysteriously: “I was staring at it, and it stared at me in the abyss of the sea. It didn’t immediately attack it, and I didn’t attack it, and I didn’t even move its subordinates, in other words. Say, we are jealous of each other.”

Zhuo Ge made this guess: “Is it a **** who is staring at you in the abyss of the sea!?”

Quili replied: “Everyone has their own standards of gods in their hearts. If they can do things that ordinary people can’t do, they can be called gods. You say it is a god, it’s not wrong.”

Zhuo Ge could not bear the doubts in his heart, and asked with expectation: “Are you a god?”

Quiliao smiled and said: “In the eyes of ordinary people, you, as the father of the dragon, are also a god, and I am the **** in your heart.”

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