Legend of the Dragon King of Ice and Fire

Chapter 21

Chapter 20 : The dragon has 3 heads, I want to be t

After knowing Zhuo Ge’s decision, the Blood Alliance told him more than once: “Kaor, what you have to do is to conquer and turn the loser into slaves, instead of violating the glory and spending money to buy slaves! Let those Eunuchs who have lost themselves are with us!”

The sense of honor these people have been instilled by the old tradition has been poisoned into the bones. In the past, Zhuo Ge would only be speechless, but now he chooses to know the truth and let them understand that things cannot be done. It is extremely stupid.

After all, their imaginary enemies are some extremely cunning and powerful power-seekers, not the Kalatha tribe in the sea of ​​grass and the bloodthirsty white lion tribe.

“The blood of my blood, now in my Karratha, there are almost half of the soldiers and the old and weak women and children, and the number is less than 400. If you rush to trample on the huge rich city-states such as Quells, Meerin, Yuankai, etc. , It will only annihilate the entire army or become a slave to others. Money can make ghosts grind this sentence. I hope you can experience it. The threats of those merchants and good masters are no less than the horse kings who are in the vast sea of ​​grass, and even It’s worse!”

Fortunately, it is just a hot-blooded soldier who has quite a bit of criticism. Other disadvantaged groups have no objection at all, because they feel that they are not qualified to talk about it. After all, they are asylum-seekers.

Standing among a group of simple-minded people, Zhuo Ge suddenly developed a sense of loneliness, because no one knew him, only through the fine wine left by Zaro and others, letting go of the narcotic and irritable mind, staying away from the crowd, in the snow Watching the starry sky with the ball until he closes his eyes.

There may be someone who understands him, but he didn’t find it.

For example, taking advantage of the horse king’s body to buy drunk, can not help but listen to Danny’s soft and waxy voice of Sir Jora Mormon.

The usurper is gone and Westeros is falling apart. At this time, the mother of dragon only wants to urge her husband to go to the nearest port of Quells, looking for ships to cross the black salt water and land in the land of Yongxia.

She is the person who disagrees most with Zhuo Ge going to the distant Astabo to buy the Immaculate.

Because of those slaves wearing bronze spiked helmets, Dany has seen many in free trade city-states. They often serve as guards or doormen for governors, consuls, and wealthy businessmen. They don’t know how to ride horses, and they are generally very fat. These eunuchs are not She is an ideal fighter, so she feels that her husband’s decision is completely meaningless.

Her urgency, her long-cherished wish, she couldn’t find the right person to talk to, and the big bear who was obedient to her came to her, just what she wanted.

The exile knight sitting opposite Dany once saw through the conspiracy of the usurper’s killer at the Wes Dothrack Bazaar, and overturned the poisoned wine he had given her, saving her life, and later more She was very moved by giving her life to protect her.

But the mother of the dragon is more than twice older than her, and can be her grandfather. When she sees her, she has a bald man with desire in her eyes. She has no feelings between men and women, but only appreciates her close friends or loyal subordinates. .

What she thinks of herself, Jora may know, maybe not clear.

In his opinion, as long as Zhuo Ge stays in one day, Dany’s people and feelings will not be free. This is where he feels distressed.

Daxiong listened carefully to the other party’s grand ambitions, with an indistinct appreciation of true and false, without saying a word, but when she mentioned Zhuo Ge’s purpose of going to Slave Bay, he spoke and asked: ” Kalixi, have you heard the legend of three thousand unsullied warriors defending the city of Kohor, one of the nine trading city states?”

Danni was slightly surprised, and replied: “Have you heard of it?”

Qiao La showed admiration and said: “More than four hundred years ago, a powerful Kao named Temo, led by a Dothraki warrior with nearly 30,000 braids and bells, appeared in Slave Bay on horseback from the East for the first time. Killing every town passed by, approaching the magnificent Kohor City, which was among the top three trading cities at the time, with a force of destruction. Temokao defeated the two major mercenaries guarding the giant city, Liangzhi and the second son. When the Hall people were facing the crisis of breaking the city, they chose to smash the boat and quickly purchased the three thousand unsullied ones that they hadn’t looked down upon before from Astapo.”

“The horse-riding warriors also did not pay attention to the army of eunuchs. In the face of the horse charge of more than 20,000 brave warriors, the Unsullied only held their shields tightly and lowered their spears, immovable like a mountain!”

“The Dothraki charged a total of nearly twenty times, but in front of the shield wall built by the Unsullied and their spears that came with them, they collapsed like the waves hitting the rocks, facing like a rainy arrow. The filthy ones just raised their shields and put them on their heads, not afraid of death! At the end of the battle, there were only more than 600 people left in the three thousand unsullied ones, but they let more than 10,000 horseback soldiers die on the battlefield. Including Temokao and all the leaders of his tribe!”

“The Dothraki people respected the strong, and Xin Kao led the remaining warriors to cut his braids and threw them in front of the warriors. After that, the loyal Unsullied became famous and became the first choice for the rich and powerful when buying slaves!”

Danni, who hadn’t cared about this before, couldn’t help but wonder: “Is this true?”

Chora nodded affirmatively: “Of course it’s the real Karishe. Anyone who pays attention to the history of free trade city-states knows.”

The words of the exile knight made Dany slightly change his prejudice against Zhuo Ge: “It seems that my husband is a man of vision. If you have the Unsullied Legion as you told, I will surely let those **** rebels Trembling!”

“That’s it Zhuo Gokao is indeed suitable to be a conqueror!”

I didn’t know if it was to cater to Dani or to say something to his heart, but Jora spoke out.

But he was not careful enough, so Dani asked a little lonely: “What about me?”


Qiao La was slightly surprised, and after hesitating for a while, her expression became firm and said: “You are the bravest and most beautiful girl I have ever seen in my life! In my heart, you are my queen! At that time, you resolutely entered the crematorium. After holding the hatched young dragon, I was deeply attracted by you! Daenerys…”

As he talked, the big bear’s breathing became hurried, raised land, and pounced on Dany like a hungry wolf.

Danni is no longer a yellow girl, she has long noticed that something is wrong, so she dodges and makes him rush for nothing.

Seeing him rushing forward again, Dany shouted angrily: “You have surpassed the exiled knight, I am Karishe of Zogo, and the queen in your mouth! If you do this again, I will yell!”

The bear became scared when he heard it, and suddenly became conscientious. He was afraid that the knight’s honor that had been tarnished by the slave trade would become dirty, but what he feared most was the brave giant, that is, the person next to his sweetheart. .

“Sorry Karishe, I’m out of control!”

Jora bent over to apologize to her, then raised her head and stared at her earnestly and said: “The coat of arms of the Targaryen family is a three-headed dragon, which represents a three-headed dragon and three knights, and I want to be one of the knights. One, Kalixi, please believe me, no one in this world is more loyal to you than me, including your dragon and husband!”

After finishing speaking, he was desperate and stumbled out of the palace of the mother of dragon.

The disciples left Danni who was overwhelmed and calmed her mind slowly, but when she calmed down, she began to recall what the big bear said.

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