Legend of the Dragon King of Ice and Fire

Chapter 226

Chapter 210 : After 0 years of baptism, what a power

A failed woman who can be absolutely suppressed, there is not much difference between killing and not killing, even if the salted fish can turn over, it is still salted.

I saw her backer at that time and where she was placed.

But by that time, she was no longer in the eyes of Barbarian King.

Which is lighter and heavier is very clear in Zhuo Ge’s heart.

He was very concerned about the threat of the gray mist, and he felt that the mystery of the sad collar seemed to have some connection with Dorn.

But Zhuo Ge only wanted to give Arianne one chance, he wouldn’t let the pesky grasshopper stay in the world for too long.

“Speak out, I will spare your life, but I only have one chance. If I meet next time, I still can’t see the Dorn kneeling down, that is when your life ends!

For Arianne, she had no choice, one chance to survive was enough to make her give everything.

She stared at the tall and strong Zhuo Ge stepping onto the dragon’s head, and hurriedly spoke up as a prelude: “Do you know Namelia?”

Zhuo Ge asked unexpectedly: “Namelia, Loyna Warrior Queen Namelia?”

Arianne nodded tiredly: “Yes.”

The name was so thunderous that Zhuo Ge couldn’t help but flipping through his mind about the past of the Warrior Queen.

That legend deserves his deep thought, so that he can analyze the authenticity of Arianne’s following.

A thousand years ago, Dorn was still a combination of some Andal nations and some other small nations, none of which was strong enough to unify the entire region.

The patrilineal bloodline of the Namelos Martel family comes from the Martel family in Sandcastle.

When the Andals invaded, Morgan Martel led his relatives across the sea to Dorn, defeated the local Wade family and the Schal family, and won fifty leagues from the horn of the broken arm to the Green Blood River. Rocky coast ten leagues wide.

Thousands of years have passed, the Martell family has gradually developed, but it can never be called one of the most powerful families in Donne.

On the contrary, the Martell family never claimed the king, and in some cases even claimed to the neighboring kings, carefully surviving in the presence of powerful enemies.

Finally, a thousand years ago, Loina warrior queen Namelia from Essos led her people to escape the invasion of Valyria’s Freedom Fortress in tens of thousands of warships.

They wandered for many years and finally landed on the territory of the Martell family.

Sandcastle lord Morse Martell saw the opportunity and did not hesitate to open his arms to accept the wanderers and marry Namelia. Many of his soldiers also married Loy to take women or provide for them. woman.

The Loyna brought a large population and increased the war force of the sparsely populated Martell family.

Coupled with huge wealth and advanced technology, even their water wizards are said to be able to turn deserts into oasis.

It’s necessary to support them like a tiger.

The husband and wife have fought hand in hand for many years, defeating many little kings in this land, until only the most powerful opponent remains: the Elenwood family.

It took a full eleven years, and even Morse himself died in the battle, before Namelia forced the Irenwood family to surrender and placed the entire Dorn area under her own rule. The Nammelos Martel family His reign began here.

After the war, she took the six Dorn kings with gold shackles and sent them to the Great Wall of Impasse.

Such a glorious achievement is enough for the Dornites to push Namelia to the altar, and her historical status is higher than that of the previous Princes of Dorn.

She has always been the pride and faith of the Dorn people, even if she has been missing for many years.

“It is said that after Namelia conquered Dorne in the past, she destroyed tens of thousands of her warships, making Dorne the least well-versed in water warfare among the powers of Westeros, and she ruled more Soon, she disappeared. Many people speculated that she should have passed away, but pride made her reluctant to show her weak side.”

According to these legends, Zhuo Ge tried to ask: “Could it be that the ancient warships that the stone people ride in your mouth are those warships that Namelia ordered to destroy in the past?”

Arianne showed a mocking smile and warned in a cold voice: “You are very smart, but even if you know the truth, you can’t escape the Queen’s sanctions. She will never allow foreigners to invade Donne!”

Zhuo Ge didn’t like her tone very much, and cursed: “The three-pointer color is bright red, I don’t know what to promote!”

Arianne didn’t know the meaning of the first sentence, but the latter sentence was sufficient.

The dry cold sweat spewed again, reminding her that she was still at the feet of the dragon.

Although Black Dragon seemed to be lacking in interest in their dialogue, he had closed his eyes and took a nap.

But the suffocating coercion is still there, because it is invulnerable, and it is not afraid of attack at all.

Arianne subconsciously wiped the cold sweat on her face, and the hot sniff of the dragon made her subconsciously take a few steps back.

Zhuo Ge didn’t come to see the frightened bird, he impatiently urged: “Quickly, what is the connection between Dorn and the sad collar? Why does Namelia’s battleship appear in Valantis?”

Arianne recovered his panic and stammered: “I, I don’t know. Before you landed on Longshi Island, a blood-colored coffin with the emblem of the Martell family floated along the water and hit it. After reaching the gate of Yangjian City, a woman wrapped in a golden shroud lifted the lid of the coffin. The secret meeting called me, who was the acting lord of Yangjian City at the time, and gave me the inspiration of the dragon invading Westeros and said Three months later, Shimin will take the gray storm to join us on board the battleship that Dorn sank in the past. At that time, I was only frightened and didn’t believe her words. In the face of doubt, she didn’t say much, just stayed. After the words of Namelia’s soul and Dorne being with Dorne, she went into the coffin and left! Until the time when you landed on Westeros riding the dragon, it was consistent with her prediction, I have reason to believe Shimin It is our ally of Dorn, a powerful ally who can easily capture Valantis without fear of the dragon!”

After speaking, Princess Donne looked at him anxiously, hoping that he would keep his promise.

Zhuo Gewu muttered to himself: “A woman wrapped in a golden corpse cloth? Would that be a stone man in a sad collar?”

The sad and dead patients are all wrapped in corpse cloths, but he can sleep in a coffin and come to Dorne from a place as far away as half of the world That guy is definitely not an ordinary person.

Moreover, the coffin was also carved with the family crest of the Martell family, a golden gun that pierced the red sun.

“Heroic soul? Does Namelia’s soul still exist in the world, or that she is not dead? After all, a faith has been washed through thousands of years, who else will be loyal to her?”

There are many mysteries in this world that ordinary people cannot understand, such as the Night King and other monsters.

So Zhuo Ge had reason to guess that the legendary queen might still be alive in the world.

If Namelia is really not dead, or her soul has not entered the kingdom of night, then what kind of a powerful existence will she, who has hidden the big secret, become after thousands of years of baptism?

Zogo now feels that the Lord of the Shroud Lord of Sadness may have something to do with Namelia.

After all, Shimin only obeyed the orders of the mysterious King of the Shroud.

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