Legend of the Dragon King of Ice and Fire

Chapter 232

Chapter 216 : Maybe something can resist the power o

In the 259th year of the Aegon calendar, Aegon Targaryen V held a large-scale banquet in the Midsummer Hall to commemorate the birth of his great-grandson Rega Targaryen. The royal family, nobles, Yulin Tiewei, princes and princesses all attended This event was celebrated.

In this event, the king prepared seven dragon eggs to show respect to the seven gods. The king invited Pyromancers to incubate the seven dragon eggs with wildfire. As a result, the fire went out of control and burned most of the royal family members and those who participated in the event. Noble ladies, this is the tragedy of the famous Midsummer Hall.

The fire burned the palace of the Midsummer Hall into ruins, and the seven dragon eggs were never mentioned again.

Because nothing can survive the ravages of wildfires, those who have seen the power of the green demon will think this is common sense.

The Midsummer Hall, which had been damaged too much and could not get financial support, could no longer be restored to its original glory, so this place is no longer favored by the royal family. After the real dragon dynasty fell and the stag came to power, it was almost reduced to frequent desperation. The down-and-out nobles entrenched in riots.

Stannis had few garrisons left. After Qiao Ge’s army trampled, the easy-to-attack and difficult-to-defend Midsummer Hall once again ushered in the king’s garrison after many years.

Zhuo Ge and his wife rode a giant dragon across the virgin forest and rainforest, looking at the crimson mountains and winding white bone roads in the Dorn collar.

Below    is a city without walls. The buildings are low and simple. There is a huge pit at least three feet deep in the center of the city, surrounded by broken walls.

This is the palace of the once Lord of the Iron Throne. Legend has it that it was cursed by witchcraft. This is a place regarded as unknown.

Only Rega Targaryen, who was alive, often came here to express condolences.

divides the land of the Three Realms, robbers are rampant, resulting in sparsely populated.

The Midsummer Hall can no longer see the slight aura of the old palace, the charred black stones, the small shrubs reborn after the catastrophe, and the weeds are reborn.

The dragon roared, the birds and the beasts fled, making it even more desolate for a while.

Qiao Ge’s army raised their heads up to welcome the arrival of the Dragon King. The people behind them were all soft-bone, crawling on the ground, in a dazed panic.

Danni who landed on the ground complained to Zhuo Ge: “It’s not as good as Longshidao here.”

Dragon Stone Island is a special place. People who have been named the Prince of Long Stone Island have the opportunity to become the legal heir of the Iron Throne.

didn’t feel at home, but Dany wanted to go back there even more.

This is true, but Zhuo Ge is very helpless, because he has a shadow on the land near the sea.

He only misses the dragon crystal veins buried there, and the heroes who are stationed there. He has another task, which is to be responsible for mining the obsidian veins.

He comforted: “We are just staying here for the time being to rectify. When we take over the prosperous city, we will immediately move.”

Zhuo Ge changed to a war horse and followed Qiao Ge into the city imposingly, listening to the flattering of the over-frightened people.

The road paved by flowers made Dany’s heart ups and downs, but Zhuo Ge didn’t feel much sincerity.

Children don’t lie, and their resentful look is enough to show that intruders are not welcome here.

“I am an outsider after all, but what does it matter? Aegon was also regarded as an outsider in the past, but with his courage to crush everything, he gradually reversed the hearts of the people.”

Zhuo Ge thought secretly, he didn’t care about other people’s thoughts, because he felt stronger than Aegon.

Those children are the future of this continent, and he has time to get their approval.

When I came to the former site of the palace, I looked closer at the castle where the king lived. What was left was the collapsed low walls, the stone houses with slanted corners, and more broken walls and collapsed stone castles overgrown with weeds.

His residence, the Blood Alliance Guard, has long been selected for him. It is the most luxurious aristocratic manor in the city, rich in Dorn architectural style.

It is said that this was once the temporary residence of Rega Targaryen. As a prince, he has the capital to make the rich people willing to pay for him to build a foothold.

Because Rega often brought his harp to the ruins of the Midsummer Hall, the song he sang when he came back was so beautiful that it would make a woman cry.

It seems that this place can give him inspiration for composing songs.

Stepping into the place where her brother had been displaced, Daenerys was very emotional. She suddenly asked: “The shadow of the Midsummer Hall always haunts him, right?”

Zhuo Ge asked: “Who?”

Her husband’s inattention made Danni very sad: “My brother Rega.”

Knowing the tragedy, Zhuo Ge looked around and murmured, “Maybe.”

Kao’s new attendant suddenly interjected: “Witchcraft, the fire has put an end to everything, but it can’t erase the grief of the caring person.”

Danni lowered her head to find that it was Tyrion the dwarf who was opening her mouth. She hurriedly pulled the lion skin coat in front of the moon and covered her legs and legs, because under the lion’s skin there was only a thin white linen blouse.

Sometimes dwarfs are happy, because they can always see what others want to see inadvertently, even without being discovered.

This lion skin is a gift from Zhuo Ge. When the temperature drops at night, she will put it on her body. She is used to it.

Danni blushed and stared at the dwarf, and said faintly: “But everything has turned to dust, isn’t it? Including the seven dragon eggs from the shadow land of Yaxia The little devil opened. A joke: “Maybe, maybe the dragon egg given to you by Illyrio was found from here. ”

Danni heard this, her big purple eyes lit up instantly, and she was stunned, but Zhuo Ge irritably preempted her: “Shut up, you dwarf, the dragon egg will not be stronger than the scales of an adult dragon, wildfire Can swallow dragons, so the seven dragon eggs have already turned into dust. My children are from Asia.”

was reprimanded, and the little devil closed his mouth quickly.

Just last night, Zhuo Ge suddenly asked him that I need a servant who can speak well and can advise me, just like the white knights guarding the Iron Throne.

There was no one around, Tyrion was sure that Cao’s words were referring to him, but he was overwhelmed with excitement, and calmly said: “A servant who can speak eloquently and can advise you, I think I can do it, but I don’t. As brave as Yulin Tiewei.”

Zhuo Ge reminded him: “My brave warriors abound, I think you know what kind of person I need.”

“Oh, I was the hand of the king.”

said, Tyrion bowed to him for the first time.

Her husband kept saying everything, no one dared to talk back, except Dani.

She has felt the shell of the dragon egg many times, and the touch is the same as the scales of the children, so she disagrees with Zhuo Ge’s statement.

“The people we brought from the free city-states have been following us all the time. We are raising them, and they don’t have to labor. I think it is necessary for them to pay back. I have decided that this ruin needs to be excavated. See if there is something that can withstand the power of wildfire.”

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