Legend of the Dragon King of Ice and Fire

Chapter 268

Chapter 250 : The Wrath of the Living Dead

Daenerys did see the situation clearly, and no one was able to save her.

Now her eunuchs and Karratha are desperate not to save her, but to save themselves.

The archers stood in the middle of the battlements, driving their longbows and crossbows with their sore arms, pouring countless flying arrows at the gray enemies below.

From time to time, several stone people’s arrows shot up to respond.

Shiren’s arms are generally stiff. Except for using a crossbow, he would pull the strings to shoot arrows. The arrows that fly up are soft and weak, just like flying catkins.

As a result, Karratha and the Unsullied can still hold on for a period of time by virtue of their terrain and harmony.

But whether it can hold Yangjian City depends entirely on the reserves of arrows, fuel tanks, and rolling stones wrapped in asphalt.

Once these things that cause long-distance damage to the stone man army are used up, even if the stone man does not have a siege ladder, a siege tower, or a siege hammer, he can still step on the wall one by one by stacking the flesh wall.

The stone people are densely packed, and they have already begun to fold the wall of flesh.

The preparations left by the guards of Dorn could not be saved at all.

The Grey Worm took a cold breath, and stood on the first curved wall to direct the battle.

He sent people to use smaller stone bombs to scatter the jagged stones the size of a giant’s fist into the air.

The grey mist swallowed them, like falling into the big mouth of a giant dragon without a trace.

The effect must be significant, but there is no screaming, because the stone people are really like the living dead, not afraid of pain, and have no master control consciousness.

The stone people screamed gloomily, the strange voice repeating the strange language, and it sounded like a witch chanting a spell.

Tyrion Lannister, who is full of resources, has a low position in the army.

No one wants to listen to his long-winded words, he can only constantly pour the wine he picked up, praying that the sound of dawn is full of alcohol, and the bored old Mosuo almost wants to kick him off.

He felt that the little devil was just a servant and had no right to participate in the command of battle.

But this dwarf always turned around between him and Grey Worm, causing the panicked herald to misheard who gave the order several times, and mistakenly conveyed the little devil’s words.

However, Tyrion’s nonsense has unexpectedly received miraculous effects, helping the defenders save a lot of firepower.

For example, the fuel tank became the most precious thing at this time. Under his suggestion, he used it to burn when the stone man army’s meat wall was about to reach the top.

When the fuel tank exploded, the stone figures on the top went into flames, just like the ants on the tree being washed by flames, infecting each other, and falling pile after pile.

Fire can burn the stone man to death, but it cannot destroy the entire wall of flesh, because the stone man has a thick skin and can hold his breath. Even if he is pressed to the bottom, he does not stop his breath.

The rolling stones and arrows kept moving them to the archers, and the slingers, so that they could spare no effort.

In order to encourage the military’s spirit, the gray worms, who were shaking when they stood up, also fought their crossbows to fight.

One hour after another of loading and launching made the ropes of the catapult on the right begin to slack, the front balance arm suddenly broke, and at the same time the rear throwing arm was knocked down, causing it to fall to the ground and smash into pieces.

The trebuchet on the left continued to launch. The only good news is that the stone people did not know how to avoid its damage range.

Obviously, it was a wise move for Zhuo Ge to instruct Old Mosuo to attack the curved wall first. If he touched the army of stone men on the sandy ground, the scene would be simply unthinkable.

Old Mosuo asked another group of Dothraki archers to board the city wall to replace the tired soldiers. Their huge golden heart bows shot farther and more powerfully than yew bows.

Tyrion, who had a low sense of presence, chose to shoot with them. This time he felt that he had found the pleasure of archery.

Because every arrow goes down, it will not fail.

Soon, there are not many fuel barrels and rolling stones, and now the entire Yangjian city is full of river water, which makes it extremely difficult to find alternatives.

“Don’t throw down the whole barrel of fuel. It’s a waste of it. If you want to live longer, just listen to me. Take off your coat and soak it in oil, then set it alight and throw it down. No matter. Whatever you find, as long as it can be ignited, you can use it for battle!”

Tyrion didn’t care about other people’s eyes, shouting everywhere with exhaustion, because he also wanted to survive.

When the little devil ran to the old Mosuo again and yelled, the old guy lifted his collar and sprayed his face with saliva: “You yell like this, when the stone man will attack us and lose our basic protection. Can you resist it?”

Tyrion replied with Jiu Jin: “If you don’t do this, the stone people will climb up the city wall before dawn. Do you want to die now, or wait until dawn?”


Old Mosuo faltered, slowly letting go of his collar.

The little devil shook his head and ran to other places to promote it.

Finally, they persisted until the rising sun broke through the fog, shining like a white spear on the battlefield.

Tyrion held his breath involuntarily when he saw the one-mile-long battlefield between Dornhai and Yangjian City.

In only half of the night, there was a wasteland full of charred burning materials, scattered asphalt, crushed stones and countless corpses.

The charred corpse attracted a large group of crows, but behind them, it seemed to gather the grayscale patients from all over the world!

Suddenly, the stone people separated from the center to both sides and gave up an avenue, allowing the rear queue of the warship to come forward.

People on either side of the line hold swords, clubs, mallets, or great axes.

The stone man in the center pushed a large tree trunk fitted with a wooden wheel, and the front end of the trunk was sharpened to a point.

“That’s a ram, we’re done!” Tyrion thought desperately.

If the city gate below is not strong enough, a few touches with that thing will crush it.

After the hammer, the waves came surging like cavalry wearing boiled leather armor and holding fire-hardened spears, a large group of archers, and thousands of infantry wielding spears, slingshots, clubs and leather shields. .

The wooden chariots from Valantis “crushed” on the two wings The sturdy stone men drag them over the rocks and tree roots.

This is the anger of the living dead!

Tyrion could feel the despair of the people around him.

The hero howled: “They must have 300,000 people.”

“What should we do? How can we stop them?”

“We shot all the arrows and polished the stone. In one night, we can only slaughter less than ten thousand stone people, my God!”

The little devil hoped that the seven gods would be kind to them.

“The time to decide life and death has arrived, Zhuo Ge, you shouldn’t die. Is your legendary life really over?”

This is undoubtedly nonsense, because the treacherous flames that flooded Zhuo Ge’s body are still burning, spreading the icy death chill.

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