Legend of the Dragon King of Ice and Fire

Chapter 283

Chapter 263 : The woman in the desert island

The sky over the Dorn Sea is mostly azure blue, and today’s sunshine is still strong and cloudless.

On an isolated gray-white island, Dany returned to the original, she tried hard to endure the torment of the hot day and the cold night on the ocean.

The skin was soaked in salt water. Because of the lack of moisture, her pores could no longer secrete sweat.

It’s dry, very spicy and painful.

I must look embarrassed and hungry and thirsty, she thought, but if the weather stays warm, I won’t freeze to death.

Her sojourn on a desert island is not alone. She hides from the sun under a huge rock, and beside her lies a burly middle-aged bald old man.

Yes, after she fell into the secluded sea at the time, she was quickly rescued by this old man desperately.

In order to prevent her from being bitten by the hungry stone man, his arm was bitten by the stone man. From the purulent tooth marks and the gray spots that began to spread, it can be seen that this not handsome man has been infected with horror. Gray scale disease.

And in order to prevent her from suffocating because of not being able to breathe the air, this man has been supporting her to float on the surface of the sea, wandering desperately in a gray mist.

Until a wave came, both were swallowed by the evil wave, but when Daenerys woke up, she found the man until she was in a coma, and held her tightly, never letting go.

Three days and nights have passed. Apart from being in a coma, this man just closed his eyes and vaguely wanted to drink water.

His forehead is very hot, it is a high fever.

Even if the fever could not take his life, he would die of thirst.

He really needs water, more than Daenerys, but the Silver Queen can’t. She has tried very hard to find it.

She is on this deserted island where only seagulls occasionally stay. There is no fresh water here, only the rainfall before her arrival, which accumulates in the crevices of the rocks.

It’s just that the small pool where she was drawing water dried up, dried like a stone man’s skin, and the boundless, rippling blue ocean surrounded her, which made her unable to bear it.

Drinking sea water meant the end of the day. She knew this very well, but she couldn’t stand it at the time, and her throat was burning like fire.

Take 10,000 steps back, even if there is no high fever and thirst, hunger will be fatal.

The place where the two of them is is just an inconspicuous desert island in the vast Dorn Sea.

When the tide goes down, a rocky beach covered with sand will be exposed.

Dani felt that she was washed here too.

Nothing grows on the rocky reef except moss. Sometimes some seabirds will stop on it. Daenerys keeps trying to catch them, but whenever she gets closer, they leave quickly.

She threw the stones, but was too weak to exert her strength. Even if she hit the target, she could only make the seabirds scream at her in anger, and then flapped her wings and flew high.

From her refuge, other rocks can be seen.

What’s more tempting is that there are often a large group of seagulls circling there, Daenerys fantasizes about swimming over to invade their nests and gobble down those bird eggs.

But the sea was cold, the tide was changeable and violent, and she had no strength.

Such a move is no different from drinking sea water, and it will also be fatal.

And it’s sad enough during the day, but it gets colder and colder at night.

The sea breeze swept from time to time, rolling up the white waves, hitting the rocky reef to lift up the mist, making her tremble all over.

Under the repeated attacks of heat and cold, she soon began to cough continuously and painfully.

Water is the source of life, but the rain pits she finds are always very small. The rainwater that accumulates in them often only allows her to taste half a mouthful, while the other half belongs to the man next to her.

“No way, if he can’t find food and water today, he will die!”

Daenerys murmured, trying to stand up, dragging her weak body and bathing in the hot sun.

She squinted her eyes and looked up at the sky. Now she is eager to fly in the sky again!

But the dragon was petrified, and she had broken her wings.

When she can soar, what are these things, everything will only be under her feet?

If the war is won, her Karratha and the Unsullied will wait for her return in the stormy place, she told herself.

And her lovely waiters.

They would offer her food, and she could bathe in the clear pool under the oak trees.

It must feel good to be able to wash.

Dany didn’t need to look in the mirror, and knew how dirty she was.

But she didn’t dare to go into the sea now, because she had seen ferocious sea monsters swimming nearby.

Ship, she needs a ship.

Walking staggeringly, she found some bitter wild vegetables under the limestone to the south.

Some vegetables with pale yellow leaves look like close relatives of beets.

It may be poisonous, but it doesn’t matter, because she didn’t feel sick after tasting it.

A little bit of water, which can chew out juice, which the bald man needs.

Jora Mormon is an informant of the Octopus Spider, which is tantamount to betraying her.

But Daenerys is more grateful to him than resentment. A man who has been desperate for her several times needs to doubt his current intentions?

These wild vegetables were not enough, she knew she needed more food.

It took Dani half a morning to climb up from below.

She was out of breath when she reached the bottom of the mountain.

She has muscle aches all over and feels like she has a fever.

Every time she stays on the island for one more day, her arms are smaller than before.

The rock also scratched her hands, and she picked out a rotten blister.

Her skin was always pink and delicate, with a faint yellowish-white color, fluid, leaking from her broken palms, but her abraded parts were gradually healing.

Still able to insist, she climbed to the highest point of the island and looked around, not letting go of a place where food could exist.

Finally, she saw a glimmer of light in the afterglow of the setting sun.

A rock pit the size of a shield was filled with rainwater.

Not much, but it can moisturize the throat.

Seeing the source of life, Daenerys was not in a hurry to enjoy it, because she found a few lump of guano that was being diluted.

It seems that this is a drinking place for seabirds.

Being alive is more important than anything else. She compared her hand to a cup and put it in the water, carefully picked up a handful of sewage, and swallowed it with difficulty.

Although she wants colder and clearer water, the reality is not the case. If she wants to put her hope on short-term survival, what she wants most is rescue.

People will feel like a deadly battle like that, but she still hopes that someone will come and find her.

Maybe the blood ally guard will come, that is her blood, her queen guard, they swear to protect her with their lives, and their lives are firmly tied to hers.

Her loyal eunuchs may also send search teams.

And the freemen from Freedom Bay, she is the Misha of those people.

But the premise is that someone will think she is still alive.

There is also Zhuo Ge, but at this moment Dany can only imagine him galloping in the green tall grass, riding a horse towards her, smiling, agate-like apricot eyes shining brightly in the last rays of the setting sun Light.

I haven’t drunk enough water for a few days, and the high temperature has almost evaporated her. Every time she opens her eyes, she feels weaker.

Soon I won’t be tortured anymore, she told herself.

She looked up at the sky and blinked at her at the brighter and brighter stars.

“Zo Ge, will that be you? Wait for me and take me to gallop in the kingdom of night!”

After a moment of emotion, she put her little head into the puddle and soaked up all the dirty rainwater.

But she tried to keep herself from swallowing, because Jora Mormon needed to drink water.

It was not until midnight that Daenerys returned to the crevice. She broke the exile knight’s mouth with her hand, and then opened the sluice.

He was so weak that he could only close his eyes and open his mouth. A rain of precious sewage hit his chapped lips and swollen tongue.


Jora Mormon groaned slightly today.

As long as he is alive, Daenerys will smile.

This amount of sewage was not enough. She put the collected wild vegetables in her mouth and chewed them into a paste, and then spit on the palm of her hand and stuffed it into the exile knight’s mouth little by little.

But he couldn’t swallow at all, and without enough water to help feed, she could only do this.

When she filled Jora Mormon’s mouth, she stopped feeding.

She also needs nourishment, she is like a hungry wolf, panting, breathing heavily, swallowing wild vegetables in three or two swallows.

The day was over, but she felt terribly cold.

Sometimes she wanted to strip off the knight and put it on herself, but then he would die faster.

Unable to bear it, she walked out of the shelter and went to the rocky beach.

At low tide, drifting wood and charred debris are washed up on the rocky beach from time to time.

Daenerys knew very well that this was a drifting object caused by that tragic battle.

But they can’t make sparks.

Because these driftwoods had completely decayed, her efforts only returned a few large blisters.

But she didn’t give up, crying bitterly under the stars, and making fire through wood.

Thirst, hunger, exposure, and exposure, the three buddies, accompanied her through every difficult hour, and finally became her friend.

In the end, the rotten wood that she deliberately dried was ground to shreds, and there was no spark.

In fact, Daenerys knew that even if sparks were ground, they would not burn these dead woods.

She just didn’t want to give up on herself so quickly.

At some point, Daenerys fell asleep deeply.

When he regained consciousness, the sun had already reached his old height.

Daenerys struggled to get up, but she moved twice and gave up.

“Just die like this. Zhuo Ge is dead, and my children are also sealed. I don’t seem to worry about it anymore.”

Daenerys collapsed in an instant, but at this moment, a sailboat appeared in the distance. At first it was just a spot on the horizon, but now it is getting bigger and bigger.

She looked at the swelling sails with her pale and red eyes, trying to distinguish the sound of the sea breeze blowing the canvas.

The sailboat is coming towards me, unless I change its course immediately, I will soon be close enough to hear my shout from this deserted island.

“Am I saved? But should I live?”

Daenerys’ eyes blurred with tears,

She asked herself, how should I survive?

I am an empty shell, an air-dried tortoise, with nothing inside.

She seemed to be back that night, the sky full of crossbow arrows fell into the sea, and the steel rams continued to smash the oars and wooden shells.

The gray mist on the sea never dissipated, the stiff devil danced in the water, and the living people were reduced to blood food under the bite.

And her husband’s body was burning with wicked flames!

She stood on the back of the petrochemical child, screaming in grief, and finally jumped into the deep sea.

“No, Jora gave me hope. I can’t obliterate his hope!”

Daenerys thought about the danger after entering the sea. She felt that she could not be so selfish and could not let Jora Mormon be buried here with her.

So she started running, climbing to the highest point of the desert island.

Numb fingers almost couldn’t grasp the rock several times, and she almost fell down, trying her best to grasp it.

Falling down is dead, and she must live.

At least live for a while, there is a mission that must be fulfilled.

Daenerys returned to the place where her life lasted yesterday. She stood on it, waving her scrawny arms.

She suffocated her breath and screamed in the wind: “Here! Here! Someone here needs help!”

From a height, the crew can find her more easily.

It was a merchant ship, with a thin painted striped hull, a bronze prow, and a tossing gray cloth sail.

Fearing to lose this opportunity, Daenerys shouted again: “Help, I need your help!”

Several sailors standing on top of the ship found her and pointed at her.

“Ah, that’s a woman!”

“I didn’t expect that there would be something to relieve boredom on such a deserted island.”

“Hahaha… the gods really opened their eyes!”

Daenerys didn’t know the exchanges of the crew, but she was pleased to see that the merchant ship quickly landed, the sails lowered, and the oars put away.

The Silver Queen hurriedly ran down, screaming, and rushed to the ship.

The captain did not refuse her and lowered the boarding ladder for her.

But when she walked onto the deck, she saw the look of those strangely dressed crew members, behind their greedy eyes.

She was cold all over.

She felt that she needed a set of clothes and a sharp weapon now.

However, she would not get these things from these people.

Instead, she will be acquired by these people.

“The ugly girl with silver hair is really rare!”

“Although she is a little haggard, she is really beautiful!”

“she is mine!”


Seeing the crew encircling herself, Daenerys shouted desperately: “I am Daenerys. I think you have heard of me. I have a three-headed dragon and I have the toughest steps in the world. Soldiers and cavalry, soldiers, you can’t do this to me! Look, silver hair is a symbol of the royal blood of Targaryen!”


After listening to her, everyone was obviously shocked.

A one-eyed man dressed as a captain asked excitedly: “Silver hair can’t fully represent your identity, can you prove it?”

This tone had obviously eased, Daenerys felt relieved a little, and began to look around, finally turning her gaze on the stove that was cooking the air-dried fish fillets.

She walked over cautiously, and the crew did not stop, they knew that this woman could not do without them.

Daenerys lifted the cooking pot and put her hands in the stove without hesitation!


Everyone was shocked, thinking that this woman was simply crazy.

The stove is hot enough to cook her palms.

Seeing the Cyclops running towards her, trying to stop herself, Daenerys’s mouth wrinkled slightly, a sly smile appeared, and then she calmly removed her hand from the stove.

When the Cyclops saw the intact palm, he couldn’t help but exclaimed, “The gods are on top, she is not the one to burn!”

Screaming He knelt on the deck with his knees bent.

“Your Majesty, I serve Lord Malpossi, Freedom Bay.”

All the men on the boat followed, crawling to the ground, and said loudly, “The same is true for us.”

Everyone in Liberty Bay is now a soldier. Although these crew members were newly joined after Daenerys left. They used to be pirates, but they like the humanitarian policy of Liberty Bay, so Zhuo Ge and Queen Dragon have also become their beliefs. .

This time their merchant ships followed Malpossi and others to help out, and they felt that doing business with the wealthy Westeros would be satisfactory.

After the battle of Yangjian City ended, they left the camp of the Liberty Bay Army and traveled along the Dorn Sea to the stormy area that had been ruled by the Dragon King to find merchants.

As a result, they did not expect that they would get a fortune here for them to enjoy, and use the huge gains of life!

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