Legend of the Dragon King of Ice and Fire

Chapter 290

Chapter 270 : The six major families of Dorn

The journey on the last day was hot and windy, but Zhuo Ge felt a lot more comfortable because he could see other colors.

The fumigation wind kept blowing, the branches were whirling in the bare brown woods, and the reeds by the river were bent down.

Even if he was wearing Dothraki’s simple suit, Zhuo Ge could still feel the sharp teeth of the hot wind.

Tyrion rode beside him and walked until the sun was about to set, and only then did he see the city of Irenwood, the last pass to guard the bone road.

The family fortress of Irenewood is like a giant stone dragon that cuts off the yellow ocean. The sandstone walls are bathed in golden red sunlight and are very tall and thick.

The dust rolled up by horseshoes swept forward.

Zhuo Ge’s arrival was like stepping on the tail of a sand snake.

The brass trumpets on the towers played loudly, stirring up the melancholy and lonely air at dusk.

Everyone moved in response and began to fumble for the knife belt around their waist.

Zhuo Ge saw archers going back and forth between the teeth of the city, and the flag of the Elenwood family was fluttering in the wind, embroidered with black gates on the sand.

“The bandits don’t blow their horns to forecast. There is no doubt that the Guardian of the Bone Road has not taken everyone away. Someone has already established themselves as the owner of the house,” Tyrion reminded everyone.

“It seems that the city of Irenwood is not stationed without soldiers. They want to resist.”

Zhuo Ge was a little puzzled, and the spies reported back, saying that they had seen the blood noble army had already passed through the bone road, and should have been close to the city of Bremen.

Old Mosuo suddenly raised the Arak’s scimitar and shouted loudly, “Look, everyone, there are still troops on the mountain!”

With the sound of horseshoes, the flag gradually emerged from the remnant green forest in the distance, accompanied by bursts of dust.

From there, all the way up to the river, there are only black and green woods. This is their masterpiece in the last battle.

So many flags!

Zhuo Ge frowned. His goal was to urge Landau Tali, the arm of the high court, to marry him. He really didn’t want to hurt his soldiers here.

Countless horses raised their legs and set off ashes in the sky, just like the scene when Earl Anders Ellenwood rushed to the city of Yangjian that day.

Without seeing too much blood, it will not be the main force guarding the Bone Path.

It seems that nearly half of Dorn’s noble families have gathered near the city of Irenwood.

Zhuo Ge tried to imagine what this meant, and the more he thought about it, the more he felt uneasy.

Most of his scouts did not cross the bone road, and the scouts who went to the Avenue of Roses did not respond so quickly.

So he didn’t know that there were so many troops hidden in the mountains.

“How many flags do you see?” Drogo asked Tyrion.

Tyrion Lannister squinted his eyes carefully.

“Five? No, maybe there are six.”

The little devil turned his head and shouted at his Dorn brother: “Aili, come over, describe each flag to me and tell me which family they belong to.”

The little Ai Li urges his thin Shama closer. He is only sixteen years old and has olive skin.

He is today’s Wang Family Banner Officer, holding Zhuo Ge’s Dragon Horse Peng Leap flag, a little overwhelmed.

When Ali stood on the stirrup and tried his best to visit, Tyrion thought to himself that he is not a dwarf, but his height is the closest to me.

As the hand of the king, the little devil chooses his servants. He would rather choose someone who is not too tall than him when he stands up and speaks.

Of course, except for his servant Podric in King’s Landing, the young man was very loyal and honest, the only good boy who didn’t mind that he was a dwarf.

Under Tyrion’s care, Eli, the little man, carefully studied the heraldic genealogy of the Dorn, but the old habit of talking nervously could not be changed.

Perhaps it was because he was the younger brother of the porch of the Countess of Delron Elion in the City of Grace.

“I, I can’t see clearly, the dust rolled up by the wind is like mist.”

The enemy army was about to arrive, Zhuo Ge didn’t want to watch the two people study slowly, he yelled impatiently: “Tyrion, tell this kid what you saw?”

“Yes, Your Majesty.”

The little devil had learned juggling, and it was no problem to stand firmly on horseback.

“A red sun is embroidered on the orange cloth,” he cried, “the sun is penetrated by a spear.”

“It’s the Martell family!”

Old Mosuo took a deep breath: “Sigh…The Martell family in Yangji City, except for Quentin and his Sand Snake sisters, should have all been destroyed!?”

As the troops got closer and closer, Aili could see clearly.

“My lord, that is the banner of Prince Donner.”

“Even my horse knows this,” Tyrion said dryly.

“Don’t interrupt!”

Zhuo Ge glared at the little demon, and asked Aili, “Boy, besides Doran and Oberon, does Donne have a prince?”

Eili replied respectfully and sideways: “Your Majesty, the heirs of Yangjian City will be born between Arianne Martel and Quentin Martel, but don’t forget, Doran Martel. There is also a son, Tristan Martell, who is destined not to become the ruler of Donne, so he has the same title as his uncle Red Viper in advance!”

Zhuo Ge suddenly realized: “Well, I remember, Daolang also has a son who was imprisoned by his daughter in Fort Gray. It seems that the rest of Donne’s party has pushed him to be the backbone of him.”

“Change another, Aili.”

“The long sword and the meteor on the purple bottom.”

“Oh, that’s the Dane family of Starfall City. I didn’t expect them to have a force that should not be underestimated.”

“The next one is a blue falcon with a hood. There is a yellow or earthy thing on its paws. The wind is swaying, making it difficult to see, hissing…what family is that going?”

The little devil felt speechless for this servant who had a good figure and not very flexible eyesight and mind. As expected, the servant who was worthy of a dwarf was out of stock.

“That is the flag of the Fowler family in the sky and the city. The nails of the paws are yellow. The history of the Fowler family can be traced back to the ancestors The national language is “Let me fly”, and the clan emblem is one The blue falcon with a hood only has the title of “Guardian of the Prince’s Pass.” For a female horse, you only need to remember that the blind blue falcon is the family crest of that family!”

Old Mosuo ridiculedly said: “Boy, do you read Don’s wife again? Reading is bad for your eyes, and reading that kind of book hurts your body, so you can’t use the sword.”

Ali blushed and scratched his head, and continued to identify the next one.

But Tyrion didn’t want to let him lose his face anymore, and he snarled, “You shut up, just shake our flag desperately.”


Ai Li replied gloomily, shaking his arms desperately.

“The green dragon that devours its own tail is the Tolan family located in Soul Hill on the south bank of the Dorn Sea.”

Tyrion becomes more proud of every right one, he thinks these savages are not as knowledgeable as him.

Old Mosuo suddenly distinguished confidently: “The flag embroidered with red and yellow flames. I was very impressed when I saw it in Yangjian City. It was the Ule family of the prison gate. We passed by their residence in the central desert. Unexpectedly, they moved here in order to avoid us.”

Tyrion was a little surprised. The old man was not stupid, even though he looked like a stupid horse.

Recognized, there are no other flags.

It seems that the Martells have brought in a large group of powerful and powerful people to accompany them.

The families they named just now have deep roots and vast territories, so they are definitely not idle.

The six big families that Dorn was still lingering were led by heirs and came together, and Zhuo Ge knew that they were never here to surrender.

There must be some information in it.

I would not like the information.

After losing the dragon, he began to feel that these kingdom forces had become tricky.

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