Legend of the Dragon King of Ice and Fire

Chapter 292

Chapter 272 : I want to be a player of Game of Thron

The giants in the legends, those huge savage creatures who drink blood-mixed porridge for breakfast, can swallow a whole wild boar without leaving any hair, fangs, and feces.

It can be described as an absolute nightmare for ordinary people!

The giant Roman once battled the Sphinx and Helicopter outside the city of Yangjian to death. Although the soldiers of Dorn were not able to see it, they also heard the description of the refugees.

But hearing it was not as shocking as seeing it with their own eyes. They felt that if they got together and the giant swung a hammer away, they would be able to beat a lot of it to death!

Even if you lie down, you can definitely crush a large area!

Shoot with a short spear and bow and arrow, but as long as they are not blind, they think it is impossible.

Because that guy wears a heavy armor comparable to that of Greg Clegane, the magic mountain, so it can be said to be invulnerable!

In the legend of the Seven Kingdoms, the giants living in the ice and snow outside the Great Wall are oversized humans. They live in giant caves and fight with the leg bones of mammoths. The shoes are enough for human boys to hide inside. .

However, Tristan Martel felt that the creature in front of him did not match the description in the legend, but it was not much different.

Since there is no such high accurate reference nearby, it is difficult to determine the exact height of the giant.

Maybe fifteen feet, maybe twenty feet, Tristan thought, maybe twenty-five feet, but it won’t be higher.

If the giant is flexible enough, Tristan Martel thinks that he can stretch his arms and jump to grab the edge of the city of Irenwood.

His arms are very long, hanging down, and his lower arm is half wider than his upper arm.

Those huge palms are strong enough to tear a person in half, there is no doubt about that.

And Roman’s legs are shorter than his hands and thick. Judging from the iron boots he is wearing, there is no problem with installing a baby.

Even though he was wearing a huge helmet, the sharp-eyed people found that he had no neck or was very short.

His heavy head protruded forward from between the shoulder blades, and small mouse-like eyes appeared from the gap in the flat-topped giant helmet, but the size of a bead was almost invisible in the keratinous skin.

The Dornman thought his nose was very good. He might use it to distinguish objects, because he could hear his thunderous snort.

After a few minutes, Dorn realized that Roman was smiling.

“Who can rival this monster?”

The Donne whispered and panicked.

Even if there is a way, the giants may not be caught, and they did not expect it for the time being.

Even if it is thought of, there is no time to prepare.

Zhuo Ge sneered and murmured, “Oh, what I am afraid of is wildfire. As for you, there is nothing that can threaten me!”

The giant stared for a moment and yelled below in rough and non-standard Braavos.


“What did he say?”

“Is it an old saying?”

Tristan, who had visited Braavos with his father at sea, tried to analyze: “He seems to tell us not to block Zhuoge’s way, telling us to get out of the way, or he will smash us into nothingness!”


When others say this, no one may believe it, but the giant is an exception, and no one doubts his ability.

There was a riot in the coalition forces of the six major families. They drove donkeys to get involved, and the new patrons did not have enough prestige to arouse their morale at all.

Seeing the army’s heart shaken, Tristan Martel was distraught.

In order to integrate this huge and complex team, he spent a lot of effort, and promised huge benefits.

He negotiated with lords everywhere and used sweet words to win the trust of the lords of the Tolan family, but at the cost of his happiness.

If he wins this war, he will marry a fat girl from Tolan’s family.

Later, he won the favor of another lady by singing songs. When he lobbyed the poor Dane family, he was pleasantly surprised and won the Great Sword of Dawn and the help of the remaining swordsmen.

Won the fourth with the sword of dawn…

Of course, after the death of these families, the dragons had no heads, and the grievances accumulated between them for many years broke out in an instant, which made Cui Dance Martel, who lost his wings, felt the difficulty of the superiors for the first time.

Just when he felt helpless, the arrival of an uninvited guest quickly made these families reach an attitude of the same hatred and hatred.

In the end, he turned six different daggers into a giant spear and aimed at the heart of the Dragon King.

He has no crown, no scepter, only silk clothes and garb, but Cui Sidan can see clearly that whether he can compare with the warrior queen who unified Dorn depends on the outcome of this war.

The Son of the Sun won’t run away, and Tristan secretly cheered himself up.

Regardless of the disparity in the number of people, he would still launch an attack.

But before that, he had a wish.

“Love, bring your bow.”

The swordsman of the Dane family took the bow and arrow down and handed it to him.

And whispered a reminder: “Prince, this bow and arrow can’t be shot through the armor of a giant.”

Cui Sidan smiled at him, shook his head, then urged the horse to move forward, and stopped at the place close to the giant’s hammer drop area.

Neither side knew what he was going to do?

Some people wonder if the young man has a hot head, thinking that he has taken Dawn and regarded himself as the Sword of Dawn?

“No, the Divine Sword of Dawn cannot kill the giant in heavy armor. He wants to be Azor Yahai…”

But they all guessed wrong.

Cui Sidan lowered his head and no longer looked up at the giant. He looked straight at the barbarian king and made a request: “Zo Ge, can I see my sister? Don’t worry, I just want to say something to her, I think Listen to her opinion.”

“Don’t worry…huh! At the end of the crossbow, what’s the deterrent?”

Zhuo Ge said disdainfully, then turned and beckoned to the rear.

“Romo, bring Arianne Martell.”

Cao felt that Tristan wanted to make peace, so he agreed to his request.

Arianne Martell is famous for his strength, so he thinks Princess Donne will say something to his satisfaction.

“Yes, Kao.”

The penalty minister responded and rode his horse to the rear.

Arianne has the purpose of a shortcut for Drogo to rule Dorne, so he didn’t kill the princess for the time being.

But Kao wouldn’t make her feel better. After all, she had suffered huge losses and she had an unshirkable responsibility.

Soon, Arianne’s prison cart was pushed up.

Seeing her sister’s absence, inches, wisps, and hollow eyes, she must have been tortured but Cui Sidan did not show the slightest expression of anger or sadness. Instead, he showed an imperceptible smile.

He greeted Arianne weirdly: “My good sister, you have suffered.”

The torture suffered by Arianne is unimaginable. She has to face dozens of beasts every day. She is like a soul out of her body, with only an empty shell left.

She didn’t fluctuate in the slightest when she called her brother’s cry, and she didn’t even blink her eyelids.

Tyrion thought she should be excited, but she didn’t.

The little devil is such a person, as long as he has a relationship with him, he is especially concerned.

“In order to consolidate your status as heir, you threw me into the most terrifying prison in Donne. After you sat on the throne, you threw me into the sea to feed the fish. Fortunately, the warden of the Gray Fort is a matter of time. People, after you were captured, he released me as soon as possible. Guess how I repayed him? Oh, I put him in the dungeon where I used to stay and gave the only door key Tucked into the mouth of a swordfish.”

Cui Dance said to himself, he seemed to want to arouse his sister’s mood swings.

But Arianne Martell who was in the prison wagon seemed to have lost his soul, unlike his hateful and powerful sister.

“After leaving Gray Fortress alive, I told myself that I will no longer be a victim of Game of Thrones. I want to be a player in the game and win this Game of Thrones!”

“So I’m going to be as poisonous as a sand snake, poisoning everyone who blocks my way, my good sister, we will say goodbye forever!”

Cui Dance finished speaking like crazy, took out the arrow and put it on the string of the arrow.

Only at this moment, there was a wave on Arianne’s face, and the corners of her mouth wrinkled slightly, revealing a mysterious smile.

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