Legend of the Dragon King of Ice and Fire

Chapter 298

Chapter 278 : It’s a bit of a waste to take down t

After a long-distance rush northward, the thought of taking a rest in the barren mountains and ridges, although it was only one night, still made the soldiers greatly excited.

Especially Tyrion. In three days, he changed several vehicles through the storm and sneaked into King’s Landing. With the help of his former guard, Bolong, he was able to meet more cautious than the gecko. Varys, the eight-claw spider, delivered Zogo’s letter to him.

Bolon used to be a mercenary. He has the appearance of a slender hungry wolf, with a black sense of humor, and a pragmatist.

But what surprised the little devil was that in this adventure, the greedy mercenary confiscated a portion of his reward and did not go to tell the Iron Throne.

At that time, Tyrion felt that the guy was still very conscientious, and he had not forgotten to promote him so that he could have the kindness of a decent title in the king’s collar.

After completing the task, the little devil once again quietly left King’s Landing from the foul sewer. He returned the same way and caught up with the army at the fastest speed and exhausted.

It can be said that among those who went to meet the high court army this time, he was the most tired person.

Tyrion was thankful that he was not injured.

In order to shelter the not-too-large foothold of Stormland, Zhuo Ge strictly ordered them to move at a speed that exhausted their energy, and the result was heavy losses.

The wounded in the war are often unable to keep up with the rhythm of the large army. When they leave every morning, some people always fall on the side of the road, fall asleep and never wake up.

In the afternoon, some other people were exhausted and slumped beside the road. In the evening, some people secretly conspired to be deserters and escaped into the night.

Even Tyrion himself wanted to go with them, and then found a hotel, lying on a soft and comfortable feather bed, hugging, the warmth, warmth, body and body of women and people.

However, no one did this. The idea of ​​becoming a deserter was just a complaint derived from extreme fatigue.

In their hearts, Zhuo Ge is the king who can give them their lives to follow.

How could Zhuo Ge not be aware of the fatigue of the soldiers, but in order to relieve the siege of the storm, he could only use small gains and a small amount of sacrifice in exchange for more lives.

That night, Zhuo Ge arranged three patrols to take turns to rest and patrol.

Even though Yesong City is only a small city-state, Kao is like a big enemy, and he dared not rush to attack the city.

Because the little devil got the parting advice of the Octopus Spider, it was said that before the arrival of the dwarf, the one-eyed Sir Philip Ford secretly brought three cans of wildfire to Nightsong City under the award of Tywin Lannister.

The **** Varys is unfathomable. He is more cunning than anyone except Littlefinger Belish. His little birds on the eyeliner are all over the king’s collar. His words cannot be trusted, but he is not afraid of ten thousand things just in case.

If what he said is true, once the army gets close to the range of the catapult, Zogo will lose at least two-thirds of his troops.

That kind of loss is devastating, if it happens.

Even if Zogo is not reconciled, he can only leave Westeros like a bereaved dog and return to the free trade city-state.

With the name of “conqueror”, how could Zhuo Ge easily give up the big fat piece of Westeros.

So he will fight to the death, but he will not be brave.

Even though it was almost two leagues away from Night Song City, they could still hear Philip Ford’s men shouting arrogantly.

Nearly 20,000 troops were stationed outside the city. They were so unscrupulous that Zhuo Ge and the little devil were more sure of the existence of wildfire.

Cao summoned the leaders overnight.

When he talked about the threat of Night Song City’s high probability, everyone was silent, only to hear the firewood in the middle of the big tent crackling.

Because of the power of wildfires, they have seen it with their own eyes, and it is not an exaggeration to say that it destroys the world.

It is to discuss countermeasures to come to them, it is not a way to keep silent like this.

After looking around at the people present, Zhuo Ge said solemnly: “Before Landau Tali’s rose army arrives, I must take down Nightsong City and smash Gao Ting’s conjecture, so that I can help the stormy land soon, or let Tywin Lannister’s army is given sufficient time to prepare, and the stormy land is in danger.”

“You are right, Your Majesty, but they have wildfire. No matter how many people we have, it is not enough to sacrifice.”

The voice of the deputy commander of the Unsullied Hero was sluggish with fatigue.

After marching for days, his face was covered with dried blood, and he didn’t have time to clean it up.

These words hurt morale, but Zhuo Ge had no intention of criticizing the loyal eunuch.

Zhuo Ge kept his tone as gentle as possible.

“Everyone, talk about your views. If this difficulty is not overcome, then we must bear the consequences, you must be very clear.”

The courageous old Mosuo listened, and suddenly patted the armrest of the seat, Huo Di stood up and said forcefully: “Cao, originally my Karratha was almost completely trampled by Giacco’s horseshoes. It’s you. Gives us hope, now I want to repay your kindness, so please I will take my old department and go to siege the city desperately, if the one-eyed jazz really brought wildfire from King’s Landing, then Take the old part and die with the green devil!”

Zhuo Ge was very moved by his heartfelt words, but he would not agree, and he yelled angrily: “Old man, you can give me a clearer mind. If I were a yong king who didn’t value the lives of my people, then I wouldn’t have it today. And the strength of the entire Westeros arm, you remember, this kind of meaningless sacrifice, I never want to hear it from your mouth again!”

After listening to the **** old Mosuo, his blood instantly cooled down, and he realized that he was living for the people who followed him all his life.

When the atmosphere eased, Tyrion took a sip and said depressedly: “If only we could drive those stone men who were accompanied by thick gray fog, like walking corpses, or the gray queen would still be the only maid in the past. All right.”

The speaker was unintentional, the listener was intentional, Zhuo Ge’s eyes lit up, and an outline of a winning method appeared in his mind.

Penalty Captain Romo interrupted untimely: “Little devil, your idea is really whimsical. If it is true as Cao said, the white ghosts we encountered in the ice dragon lair in the Midsummer Hall are in groups, then I think The threat of stone people is no less than the legendary army of ghouls, after all, they are all bloodthirsty monsters!”

“Romo, shut up! One more word, I’ll cut off your tongue!”

The method of defeating the enemy was almost broken up, provoking Zhuo Ge’s violence.

Cao was very upset at this time, Romo and the others closed their mouths sensibly, listening to him muttering two words: “Dense fog, walking dead…”

To raise the land, Zhuo Ge excitedly slapped his thigh and said: “Haha, there is a way to take down the Night Song City, but it’s a bit of a waste!”

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