Legend of the Dragon King of Ice and Fire

Chapter 300

Chapter 280 : A half-man who is mixed with wind and

After Tyrion left, Zogo announced.

“Just in case, to avoid being used by Philip Ford on the wildfire, our army is divided into three camps. Mosuo stationed one at two leagues on the left wing, and the hero stationed one at two leagues on the right wing. I’ll sit down, okay, it’s getting late, you can withdraw.”


After everyone left their seats and saluted him, they walked out of the tent.

Zhuo Ge called the maid in and gave him some food and spirits. He couldn’t sleep, he was worried about Dani’s safety.

After all, he had a holiday with the mermaid Hai Xi, and now for him, the sea is the most dangerous place.

After a Dothraki maid brought her wine and food, she stood on the side with amused eyes and acted by chance. Seeing Zhuo Ge’s wine glass was empty, she would fill it up.

Moreover, her body deliberately rubbed Kao’s elbow, the hint was obvious enough.

But in exchange for Zhuo Ge’s anger: “Get out of here, don’t stay here.”

The maid, who thought she could help her majesty’s loneliness, ran away in a hurry.

It’s not that Zhuo Ge doesn’t touch the meat, but he has had enough of Daenerys’ disappointment. There is no impermeable wall in the world, and he doesn’t want any troublesome things to reach his wife’s ears.

After all, Missandei gave birth to a daughter for him, and Daenerys left him.

Although the ostensible reason his wife left him was to rejuvenate the dragon, Zhuo Ge knew that she was just avoiding and didn’t want to be sad in front of him.

After all, after reunion after life and death, there is no wife who rushed to leave one night.

The big tent in the wilderness seemed very empty to a lonely person who had a late night.

Long shadows were sprinkled on the tent cloth, and one candle went out silently, leaving only three remaining.

Zhuo Ge sat silently, staring at the wine glass in front of him, the wine on his lips was tasteless and sour.

Drinking, drinking, Zhuo Ge, exhausted physically and mentally, fell asleep on the desk without knowing it.

The next day, it wasn’t until the noisy horse hiss and the assembly sound of the army came out of the account that Kao became confused and sober.

He took a closer look and found that the leftovers on the desk had been replaced by a rich breakfast.

There are trout wrapped in bacon, salad of turnip, red fennel and beets, peas, onions and hot bread.

Undoubtedly, it was brought by the little girl who was going to seduce him last night.

I shouldn’t blame her, Zhuo Ge thought, she didn’t know.

She didn’t know my suffering at all, and she didn’t even know that no one could replace Dany’s place in my heart.

When he was full, the sound of horseshoes faded away, and Zogo knew that Tyrion Lannister had set off.

From beginning to end, he did not go out to see off the courage of the little devil, he knew that dwarf was in it.

That guy has a vicious mouth, but he is a man.

A demon that needs revenge from him, so no matter how much the dwarf does, Zhuo Ge thinks it should be, of course.

“A big battle is coming. I’ll still sleep longer if I can.”

Thinking about it, Zhuo Ge, who was sore all over, climbed onto the bed.

In the confusion, he heard the sound of someone cleaning up the tableware.

“Come here, I know you like it.”

When the maid heard that the daughter Qiao’s body trembled violently, and walked over with joy.

After smelling the young girl’s fragrance, Zhuo Ge stretched out his hand and grabbed her arrogantly.

After a while, the originally happy girl Ewha ran out of the account with rain.

Now she understood that no matter how she paid, she was just a beast in Kao’s eyes.

A beast who is never allowed to give birth.

In order to make Philip Ford who had only one eye recognized, Tyrion chose to treat each other frankly, wearing only a set of armor and holding a shield to prevent being shot through by a bow and arrow.

According to Zhuo Ge’s instructions, the others put on the traditional robes of the Dorn people to hide from the sun. They also wore all the veils that could be found to wrap themselves tightly.

As a result, the Dothraki, who always wore simple clothes, turned into a traveler who was doing business in the depths of the central desert.

The little devil led them to ride through the birch grove and up to a steep sandstone slope.

Romo warned him at the top of the mountain: “Prime Minister, we can’t get too close to the enemy.”

Tyrion pulled his horse back and looked at the king’s army that lay across the wall of Nightsong in the wilderness.

He said without nervousness: “No, the closer we get to them, the less vigilant they will be. Being trembling will only make them suspect that their cards have been exposed and exposed.”

“Go back if you’re afraid of death, keep up if you’re not afraid of death!”

As he said, he shook his horse’s buttocks, and the dark horse he was sitting on rushed out of the flat Nightsong City like a gust of wind.

“Huh! People are not tall, but their arrogance is quite high!”

With blood on his hands, the fishy Romo Nagan lags behind and pats his horse to chase him.

“It has to be…”

The five-hundred horse squad, for Night Song City, which is not guarded much, is definitely considered aggressive.

Oh oh oh oh oh…

They blew the warning horn.

Then Tyrion saw several archers rushing up the city wall, drawing their bows and arrows to get ready.

One step closer, he shot him like a hedgehog.

The little devil hurriedly reined his horse, and drove the braided warriors behind him to shout in unison: “We are here to start the war, and you have the choice of fighting or not, surrendering or stubbornly resisting!”

The Lord of Nightsong City One-eyed Sir looked at the strange horse team below, and asked the guard captain beside him: “It is said that Drogo’s Karratha is the strongest cavalry, but their outfits really affect the battle!”

The captain of the garrison shook his head and said, “No, Dothraki people usually wear breeches and painted leather vests. They just wear the clothes of the Dorn people like this. In my opinion, they are just like the rumors.

Philip Ford became sullen and said in a more serious tone: “What do you say? Can we defeat this army led by my old dwarf friend?”

The garrison captain replied: “It’s easy.”

One-eyed Sir added: “But the premise is that the green demon needs to be released, but there are five hundred people in this area, and it is not worth wasting the power of the devil!”

He regretted that if Tywin Lannister gave him two more cans of wildfire, he would immediately get rid of the obnoxious dwarf.

However, he only had three cans in his hand. He knew very well that once a wildfire was ignited at this time, then Night Song City would be broken today.

As for going out of the city to take the initiative to attack, that can’t be exhausted, because this morning his scout saw Zhuo Ge’s army divided into three batches.

The defensive captain was very guilty. He was afraid that the one-eyed lord would gamble for a while and threw his life-saving hole cards in advance He suggested: “Let’s listen to what those arrogant guys say? Anyway, they are all dead.”

Philip Ford nodded and leaned his head out of the wall to say hello.

“Oh, my honorable Prime Minister has become the leading hound of the Dothraki people. It really surprised me!”

Tyrion is not a good-tempered person. He immediately replied aloud: “I knew I had told the respectable Lord Tywin Lannister that you were my accomplice, and we both poisoned Joffrey. Baratheon.”

Feeling that the eyes of the city were focused on him, Philip Ford roared angrily: “Damn dwarf, don’t talk nonsense, it’s obviously the wine you poured for King Joffrey yourself. Everyone has seen it!”

It’s just a villain who has gained power for a while, Tyrion feels that Sir One-eyed will never be on the table, and can only nest in such a small city-state to dominate.

“Don’t be nervous, once you are exposed, the king does not want you, I Tyrion wants you, you can come and be my charge hound, it is very grand, forgot to tell you, now I am the Royal Prime Minister under the Dragon King!”

Philip Ford murmured in disbelief: “You, Prime Minister!”

In his mind, Stormlands is the only big power that can wrestle with the king’s collar, and the little devil has even gotten into the role of the king’s hand.

As if afraid that he would not believe it, Tyrion turned his head and shouted: “Tell the blind dog, who am I?”

The braided warriors replied in unison loudly and powerfully: “You are our Lord Prime Minister!”

“Damn dwarf, what a fate!”

Philip Ford is very jealous. In his cognition, he has never seen a dwarf who can mix so well, and he can be an extremely human minister everywhere, and he can get mixed up!

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