Legend of the Dragon King of Ice and Fire

Chapter 304

Chapter 284 : Killer Sam

The fat man walked cautiously to the center of the hall and stopped. He looked flustered, lowered his head and dared not look around.

Everyone is looking at him, because he has a rare image of wealth.

Seeing him standing stupidly, Romo, with a violent personality, couldn’t help but yelled, “Seeing your Majesty Zhuo Ge, you still don’t kneel down!”

The fat man seemed to be frightened, staggered on the ground, and fell to his knees heavily.

Zhuo Ge looked down at him condescendingly, and asked in a cutscene: “Are you Sam Will Tully? Rando Tully’s son?”

“Yes, it is.”

The fat man replied only non-stop. He raised his face, but he seemed to be afraid of Zhuo Ge’s majesty, and quickly bowed his head like a little girl.

Seeing his cowardly appearance, Old Mosuo couldn’t help but sneered: “The female horse, such a big man, is like his female horse’s infrequent female cousin!”

“My female horse is very suspicious of which pig-brother you came from. Look at you, where is the shadow of Landau Tali who is known as one of the best warriors in Westeros.”


Everyone was amused by Old Mosuo’s words, even the unsmiling Zhuo Ge smiled.

Knowing oneself and the other can survive a hundred battles, this is the idea that Zhuo Ge transmitted to his subordinates.

Therefore, Lao Mosuo and others have been exploring the deeds of Earl Jiaoling recently.

Landau Tali is the Earl of Jiaoting, the most important vassal of the High Court, and the lord of the Tali family.

Legend has it that he is notoriously straightforward, rigid but with a will of steel, and a shrewd mind. He is a famous general with the justice and harshness of Stannis Baratheon.

He has defeated Robert Baratheon, the lord of the Bucks.

Kaivon Lannister, the younger brother of the Duke of Kaiyan City, was once hailed as the person second only to his brother Tywin Lannister who was most capable of ending the war.

In the War of the Usurpers, his army caused Robert Baratheon’s troops to suffer the only defeat, the Battle of Poplar Beach.

He is known for his outstanding achievements in commanding wars and is regarded as one of the best generals in Westeros. He holds the Valyrian steel greatsword from the ancestors of the Tali family.

When Ranly Baratheon summoned his vassals, Randal Tully and the Tyrell family supported him.

After a brief meeting with Stannis Baratheon under Wind’s Breath, Landau suggested to attack Stannis immediately to get ahead of his army, but Lanly refused.

Before the battle happened, Lan Li was assassinated.

After Lanly’s death, he followed Tyrell and continued to oppose Stannis Baratheon.

He occupied the food and grass of the Lanly army and executed many people, most of whom were loyal to his in-laws, the Florent family.

The Florent family supports the pseudo-king Stannis, so he is just not influenced by family affection.

Together with Sir Matus Rovan, he found the Duke of Tywin Lannister’s army and took them to the Tipping Falls where Metz had already assembled the army and fleet waiting.

Once again, as his forward and commander of the army, he joined the Lannister side and fought Stannis.

After the Battle of Heishuihe, he was praised for his performance.

Tully also defeated the Northern Army outside Dustwallow, and captured Harion Kastark.

Since then, he has taken the Women’s Spring City and swept the King’s Road.

Although he was only a vassal of the High Court, in the eyes of Tywin Lannister, he was far more dangerous than the Duke of the High Court Maes Tyrell.

Anyone with a brain knows this very well.

After the fat man heard the ferocious Dothraki’s comment, he blushed quickly. He clenched his fleshy fists, and his body trembled more severely.

But in the eyes of outsiders, he became so, I don’t know if it was because of anger or shame.

Suddenly, he roared like a lion whose tail was stepped on: “My lord, I am Landau Tali’s son. This will not change because of my personality, and I have fought outside the Great Wall. Now they call me ‘Killer’ Sam, do you know? I once killed an alien!”

The gray bug almost died in the hands of the strange ghost in the ice dragon lair. The hero and the others knew the horror of the strange ghost, so this excuse of Fatty made them very angry.

“Sam the killer, I have killed a strange ghost. Your conversation makes me feel very annoying. This kind of glory can’t belong to you!”

Knowing Samwell Tully’s past, Zogo knew what he said was true.

But what he cares more about is the purpose of this guy who ventured to see him.

Zhuo Ge was about to say something to make everyone stop taunting the fat man, and at this moment, Tyrion Lannister, who was sitting in the corner, stood up and loudly proved the fat man.

“I know him, he is indeed the eldest son of Randall Tully, Samwell Tully.”

The little devil had visited the Great Wall of Extremis and booed a pee on it. Samwell’s appearance was very special, so he was deeply impressed.

But he thinks Samwell Tully is still a big boy who can pee his pants.

Samwell Tully heard this familiar voice and turned his head to look around. When he was sure that it was Tyrion, UU reading www.uukanshu.com exclaimed excitedly, “Master Tyrion, I didn’t expect to be here. It’s great to meet you!”

After speaking, he realized something, and he continued apologizing: “Sorry, my lord, I didn’t find you just now.”

The little devil waved his hand indifferently, but said in a sad tone: “I am too young. There is no dining table that can match my height in Night Song City. It is normal for you to not see me.”

Samwell Tully was very excited to meet his old friend again. He wanted to hug the little devil, but this serious place made him dare not casually.

But there is a little devil here, and his fear has been reduced a lot.

Tyrion and this ill-fated fat man have the same illness and pity each other. The two are friends, but he is also very excited.

And the two have talked about it, the little devil understands Sam’s past.

Sam is not useless in the eyes of the little devil. Although he is fat, timid, and extremely lacking in self-confidence, he is also very smart, loves to read, and is good at thinking.

Samwell’s childhood lived in the shadow of his harsh warlord father Randal Tully.

Earl Landau has always wanted to train the cowardly and cowardly Samwell into a qualified knight.

A series of failed attempts made Sam extremely fearful of his father, but he was still unable to make changes according to his wishes.

After the birth of his sturdy and aggressive brother Dickon Tully, Sam lived quietly for a few years enjoying music, cooking, and food.

But when Sam was about to reach adulthood, Earl Landau forced Sam to join the Night’s Watch Legion, otherwise he threatened to kill him, lest he hinder his brother who is more suitable to inherit Broken Heart and the title.

They were all abandoned sons who were judged to be unable to become the heirs of the family. The little devil secretly swore, no matter what Sam’s purpose was here?

He would do his best to save Sam’s life.

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