Legend of the Dragon King of Ice and Fire

Chapter 317

Chapter 297 : Green Vision of 1000 Eyes

“Only one in a thousand people can become a changer, and only one of a thousand changers can become a green prophet. Although the chance of becoming a green prophet is very small, the world is so vast that it is impossible to have only one green prophet!”

Explanation of the source of deception.

He then asked: “By the way, how did you know that I am the Green Prophet?”

Zhuo Ge, who was confused by the sudden information, replied hesitantly: “According to folklore, the legend records that a green prophet is a blood crow!”

The Green Prophet murmured: “It seems that faint history has not been completely submerged by the torrent of time, but some facts have turned into scary legends.”

When it comes to the secrets of the Bloodstained Lion King, Zhuo Ge’s doubts are unhappy.

“Do you know the secret of the bloodstained white lion I enclose with consciousness?”

The Green Prophet replied: “I use a three-eyed crow to convey a message, overlooking the world, and the white lion also plays such a role.”

Zhuo Ge asked suspiciously: “In this way, all my secrets are understood by the mysterious Green Prophet?”

The Green Prophet hesitated and said: “I don’t know, after all, I can’t see through you who are attached to the three-eyed crow at this time. I have reviewed your life in retrospect, but since you were reborn in the fire, your life is like It’s covered with a layer of mist, I can’t see it clearly.”

Zhuo Ge was silent after hearing this.

He doesn’t like to be peeped by the eyes hidden in the dark.

That would make him feel like his soul has been shackled and has lost his freedom.

“Come on, I am waiting for you in the ghost forest outside the Great Wall. If you lose the dragon, it is like losing your wings. You need my power, and I need you to help me continue to record the forgotten history and time. Progress!”

The voice was full of confusion, but Zhuo Ge’s consciousness was very clear.

He has enough insight into the world, and he doesn’t want to be a green prophet who is always accompanied by fish beams, watching other people’s lives boringly.

Put countless people’s lives in your own mind, then will it still be yourself when the time comes?

Zhuo Ge didn’t want to be such a monster.

Even if he gave up this opportunity and made Bran Stark the Green Prophet and admired by others, he would not regret it.

“No, I will not lose the dragon, my wings will return to my feet sooner or later!”

As soon as he said this, Zhuo Ge gave up the opportunity to become the Green Prophet.


The Green Prophet sighed faintly, and said with regret: “Don’t be too busy to refuse, winter is coming. This world needs a prophet and wise man who can go back to history. I will open the green vision of a thousand eyes for you now! ”

His voice fell, Zhuo Ge only felt a flower in front of his eyes, and the scene in front of his eyes changed drastically.

The scene below is no longer a stretch of emerald green mountains, and the snowball has disappeared.

He realized that now he was floating above the storm ground.

He overlooked the entire Midsummer Hall with the posture of a flying eagle in the sky. From a high point of view, the original high towers were small and bloated, and the city walls became lines on the mud.

He saw Ago on the martial arts arena, and Brienne, the “Tas Beauty”, both of them were competing.

He also saw Finsen, who manages the crow house, frowning and scribbling on the notepad while watching the crows flying from the balcony.

On the edge of the Midsummer Hall, he saw the camp where the Dragon King’s flag was flying, and the warships traveling or anchored in the waters.

Those were his cavalry, infantry, and navy.

Looking away, he saw a huge fleet of golden sea monster flags flying on a black background, swiftly sailing toward the stone steps islands in the wind.

This is the fleet of the Iron Islands, and behind Tiemin, there is a powerful fleet.

The sails of the fleet are embroidered with dark purple grapes on a blue bottom, which symbolizes the prestigious wine of Qingting Island.

There is no doubt that it is the fleet of the Earl of Redwin.

Zhuo Ge’s gaze turned to Dorn collar, where it was still shrouded in gray fog, but he could hear laughter and laughter from the thick fog.

Finally, he looked north and saw the Great Wall of Impossibility, which was shining like blue crystal, and saw Stannis Baratheon’s wife Cyris Floren wrapped in a thick fox fur, and he was talking with the red robe. Female Melisandre stared at the beating flame religiously.

A young man with a lean body, a dark complexion, a handsome bitter melon face, dark gray eyes and black fleece, stood aside, frowning and staring at the two of them.

He looked beyond the Great Wall, looking through the boundless, snow-covered forests, over frozen river banks, vast blue and white glacial rivers, and deadly ice fields without any trace of living creatures.

He kept looking north, at the light curtain at the end of the world, and then through that light curtain, looking towards the heart of winter.

He saw several monsters riding on rotten horses and holding ice spears vaguely revealed in the blizzard, and behind them were densely packed, countless standing carrion corpses, and skeletons.

The monster has white hair and fluttering, tall body, withered and pale complexion, and eyes are blue and deep like ice. There is no doubt that those monsters are strange ghosts.

Ranked in the center of the first place, the only strange ghost without hair suddenly raised his head, his eyes were deep, and he sneered at Zhuo Ge!

His eyes were extremely cold, as if to freeze Zhuo Ge’s consciousness.

Zhuo Ge’s consciousness was horrified, and he quickly moved away from his sight.

The scene changed again. He saw deep in the dense snowy forest, a giant much taller than ordinary people was dragging a sled. On the sled was a disabled teenager lying on his back, followed by a pair of boys and girls of similar age.

And he noticed that the young man lying on the sled was also looking at him, looking back at him steadily.

And among the frozen snow-capped mountains, he saw a human team winding like a long dragon, marching in the direction of the impeccable Great Wall.

Zhuo Ge’s eyes retracted from the back sheltered by the Great Wall He saw Stannis Baratheon, and he led his team, rushing towards the direction of the storm.

On the other avenue that also headed towards the storm zone, he saw a majestic army embroidered with red peeling and leather flags on the foundation.

That was the Bolton family army in Fort Terror, Zhuo Ge could see it at a glance.

He was very surprised, because it was rumored that Ramsay Bolton only led two thousand elite soldiers, but this army was at least 10,000.

“The flaming red heart army, and the Terror Fort’s skinning army, appeared at the same time. Could it be that Luce Bolton and Stannis have reached some kind of armistice agreement and are ready to join forces to attack the storm!”

Such a discovery made Zhuo Ge uneasy.

He still wanted to see more and learn more, but the scene before him changed again.

He saw a sailboat sailing through the wind and waves, swimming in the middle of the sea.

He saw his wife standing on the deck, looking up at the petrified dragon with a sad look, while the Grey Worm and Jora Mormon, who had disappeared for a long time, were standing beside her.

The sailor paddled vigorously, while the helmsman leaned on the mast and drank rum from the bottle.

A storm was forming in front of them, a roaring cloud of tumbling, full of boundless lightning flashes, but somehow, they didn’t seem to see it.

His gaze crossed the narrow sea, clearly looked at the free trade city-state and the green ocean of Doslak grassland beyond, and looked at the holy city Vis Doslak at the foot of the peaks. He saw the traitor Jacques and other Kao Drink freely under the blue sky.

Giaco, who sits in the first place, laughs from time to time, extremely arrogant!

His gaze continued to move, looking towards the legendary place of Jade Sea, looking towards the shadow place beyond Yasha, the wizard chanted loudly in front of the flames, and the beasts were about to move under the sun of the first dawn there.

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