Legend of the Dragon King of Ice and Fire

Chapter 319

Chapter 299 : Iceborne Wolf

The cold female voice contains irresistible majesty: “You have too much nonsense, what is your choice now?”

The Green Prophet who had been watching the world recklessly for many years became soft, and he sighed: “Take away the lion spirit.”


The king of the changer snorted, Zhuo Ge only felt that the shackles on his body were lifted instantly, and his consciousness appeared outside the body of the three-eyed crow inexplicably.

Fluttering, as if the legendary soul is out of the body.

And the **** glow that confined the three-eyed crow made him feel a sense of intimacy, which was very warm, just like the mother’s belly as ordinary people say.

The cold female voice sounded again, but it became extremely soft.

“Child, do what you want to do, I know you have a lot of doubts, but as long as you go to the Land of Eternal Winter, these puzzles will be solved by yourself.”


I don’t know how many years I haven’t heard this term for weak. Zhuo Ge, who is over 30 years old, was about to ask a question, but was suddenly pulled downward by a mysterious force.

When he settled down, he found that his consciousness had returned to the snowball.

He tried to use his mind to control the movement of the snowball’s body, and he found that the lion’s vitality was still there.

I don’t know if it is the weather change, or the mysterious woman stirred the wind and clouds, a floating cloud suddenly floated, covering the blood moon.

The blood moon disappeared, the vertical eyes in the center of the snowball’s forehead instantly closed, and the blood glow disappeared.

At the same time, the three-eyed crow hovering in the air gained freedom. It whispered towards Zhuo Ge, and then flew its wings to the north.

The dangerous breath disappeared, and Zhuo Ge’s tension was weakened.

“The Land of Eternal Winter!”

The puzzle ground that the woman said is located at the northernmost part of Westeros. Frost and Snow Fang, Ancestor’s Fist Peak, Ghost Forest, and the hard place to the north is unknown to Westeros. Area and no man’s land.

Because it is located in the Arctic region, the climate is severely cold and covered with the polar ice cap known as the “White Wilderness”. It seems to be named after winter forever, and the strange ghosts originated from this place.

Due to the severe cold environment and the existence of mysterious magical species such as ghosts, there is no human inhabitation in the Everwinter Land, and even the savages are only distributed in the Seren Valley in the south of the Everwinter Land.

It is precisely because of this that humans have no knowledge of the area, topography, coastline and other things of the Everwinter Land.

Even the savages did not dare to set foot in such an extremely cold place.

Only when his brain is sick would he go on an adventure. Zhuo Ge wrote down the words of the mysterious woman who gave him a sense of intimacy, but he would not go to the Land of Eternal Winter.

For some reason, the mysterious woman who was missing made Zhuo Ge feel a deep sense of security.

If not, he will flee here as soon as possible.

But now, he doesn’t want to leave.

Because of mental fatigue, he was drowsy, and he felt that his consciousness was about to shut down.

Even if the storm is about to suffer a devastating blow, it is difficult to sustain his spirit.

The body is too far apart, and he can’t recover his body at all, so he can only use the body of the snowball to replenish his energy.

I don’t know how long it took, Zhuo Ge heard a rustle, rustle, rustle, and rustle, and he woke up sharply.

Snowball’s sensitivity is extremely sharp, attached to it, and Kao’s sensitivity is also in line with it.

When he opened the slightly hazy eyes of the bloodstained white lion, he saw a gray paw, and when he looked up, he was deeply shocked!

It was a wolf, his eyes continued to move forward, he saw more wolves, three, five… there were eight in total!

Zhuo Ge realized that the snowball had been hunted, it was a group of beasts.

As for the reason for being found by the wolf, it should be caused by the blood flowing from the vertical eyes of the snowball being pecked by the three-eyed crow.

Wild wolves have an extremely sensitive sense of smell, and it is impossible for them to notice such a strong smell of blood as long as they are nearby.

All of them grinned, their eyes flashed with bloodthirsty green fire, and their claws moved slowly.

Zhuo Ge found that several wolves had their backs arched, which was a signal that they were about to launch an attack.

Behind is a cliff, and the only way down the mountain is blocked by wolves.

Kao is ready to fight.

Zhuo Ge controlled the snowball to stand up, imitating the wild wolf to show the most ferocious appearance, barring his fangs, and let out a low roar like thunder.

It seems to be afraid of the tall body of the Bloodstained Lion King and the real big mouth of the blood basin.

There were a few fierce beasts that were smaller in size and looked like she-wolves, unable to withstand the coercion of the lion king, and slowly retreated.

“Huh! I don’t know who is the hunter, who is the prey!?”

The wild wolf is like a rabbit in front of the tall and fierce snowball. Zhuo Ge is not good at the fighting style of the lion, but the contrast is enough to make him proud!

As if integrated into the animal body, Zhuo Ge’s consciousness was aroused by the snowball’s latent instinct, sex.

The smell of wild wolves triggered fasting hunger.

Zhuo Ge suddenly wanted to use the body of Snowball to taste the taste of blood.


With a long roar, shaking the hills!

This roar seemed to have defeated the ferocity of the wolves, and even the arched male wolves slowly retreated.

They do not advance and retreat, but Zhuo Ge is ready to attack.

At this moment, a huge and strong body, gray-black fur, comparable to the size of a Shama, with legs and head much larger than an ordinary wolf a giant wolf with a long and prominent snout and yellow eyes. Jumped up the mountain!

The appearance of the giant wolves caused the wolves that had originally intended to retreat to find the backbone. They raised their necks and howled at the snowball together.


Those little characters Zhuo Ge didn’t pay attention to him. The only thing he was afraid of was the giant wolf with cold eyes and extremely calm performance.

What the giant wolf showed was a kingly demeanor, Zhuo Ge knew this very well.

Not always, but a natural temperament.

Zhuo Ge stared at the movement of the wolves, while secretly wondering: “Could it be that the giant wolf is the legendary ice wolf!?”

He feels like that.

The ice wolves live in the frigid zone at the northern end of Westeros and the subarctic zone, and are a species that has successfully adapted to the harsh environment outside the Great Wall.

The ice wolves are extremely survivable and aggressive, and will survive the extinction of ancient creatures such as giants, mountain lions, unicorns, and mammoths.

Before the Stark family discovered the ice wolves, everyone thought that the ice wolves were extinct because they hadn’t appeared for more than two hundred years.

However, Zhuo Ge would sneer at such remarks, because he knew that not only the ice wolves were not extinct, but even the ancient creatures such as giants and mammoths still existed.

The ice wolf is a feared fantasy species in the north. The family crest of the Stark family, which has ruled the north as the king of the north for thousands of years, is a gray ice wolf on the white ground. “Wolf” has also become a name for the Stark tribe by other families.

The flamboyant and unruly personality traits of some people in the Stark family are also collectively referred to as “wolf blood.”

According to these rumors, Zhuo Ge was very confused about the appearance of the ice wolves here, because this is not a cold zone.

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