Legend of the Dragon King of Ice and Fire

Chapter 324

Chapter 304 : Become a mosquito

The snowball was dispatched to participate in several battles, and the dignitaries of Westeros must have known its existence.

The figure tends to be too conspicuous in the snowball, after approaching the Baiyang Beach, Zhuo Ge increased his vigilance, and guarded his surroundings to prevent being discovered by the scouts hidden in the dark.

Passing through the sparse woods adjacent to the storm area, the tall poplar trees were toppled sideways to the opposite side of the storm area due to the strong wind.

The horse’s neigh is undoubtedly Zoge’s guide, guiding him to Landau Tali’s camp.

Gradually, the sound of the rushing waves of the Zhoutu River became more pleasing to the ear.

When he finally saw the turbid river water shining in the afterglow of the setting sun, his voice became clear, and he could even distinguish the faint human voice and the sound of gold and iron clashing.

As far as Zhuo Ge is concerned, despite the previous cooking smoke and sound as a pre-judgment, he is still involuntarily shocked by the huge military camp in front of him.

In the dim sight, long columns are arranged like camp tents rising from the ground.

Thousands of campfires filled the sky with pale mist, and the neatly arranged horses stretched for several leagues.

In order to make a long pole to carry the flag, a whole forest was felled and lighted, leaving only the stumps.

Huge siege towers are lined up on the lush green lawns on both sides of the river mouth. There are trebuchets, ballistas, and siege hammers. The polished wheels of the hammer are taller than a cavalry.

In the bright sun, countless spear tips flashed red, as if they were weeping blood.

Zogo saw soldiers with spears and swords, generals wearing helmets and armors, flamboyant camp girls, archers with feathers, handymen driving trucks, horsemen feeding livestock, sending messages The crow, saw the servant sharpening the long sword, saw the knight driving the horse…

As the prestigious leader, Landau Tully attaches great importance to the discipline of the army, which Cao has already inquired thoroughly.

After defeating Glover and other northern troops in Mugok, the Earl of Jiaoling regained the town of Nuquan and began to rectify the law and order. The most sinister bandits were decapitated one by one. If anyone in the army insulted, women or women would be castrated. , Cut or distribute the night watchman.

Therefore, Zhuo Ge believes that an army with a female battalion is definitely not Landau Tali’s camp.

There were flags flying on the left side of the river, and also on the right side. The flags in front were row after row. However, in the twilight before night, he could not see the color of the flag and the embroidered coat of arms.

In order to see clearly, he drove the snowball’s huge body into the water quietly, and slowly approached the river center like a lazy deep dive.

The distance to be estimated is almost the same, and Zhuo Ge cautiously popped out the small half of Snowball’s head this time.

So, he saw it clearly.

The family crest on the left bank of the Zhoutu River is a red skinner on a foundation, dancing for joy at the top of the spear held by the guard.

Zhuo Ge secretly thought: “This is the banner of the Bolton family. I didn’t expect Ramsay Bolton’s elite soldiers to join the high court army so quickly!”

He looked to the right, and the flag on the right bank was fluttering with part of the walking hunter in red and green, as well as more Tyrell family badge flags, a golden rose blooming on the verdant green field.

Obviously, the two armies that responded to the call of the Regent King Tywin Lannister were temporarily connected.

The generals of the two sides traveled to each other in fishing boats requisitioned nearby, and they seemed to be old acquaintances.

Rams Bolton came from the north, so Zhuo Ge concluded that it is impossible for Little Skinner to have wildfire, so his focus is the Earl of Jiaoling.

Knowing the external enemy situation, Zhuo Ge once again drove the snowball body into the water and swam to a river beach with lush reeds.

The size of the bloodstained white lion is too large, and the speed of the transformation is reduced by half. It sneaks into the enemy camp and is easy to be spotted.

So Zhuo Ge was going to first detect the enemy’s situation on his own, and then do something to kill the police.

The shapeshifter can observe the surrounding scenes through the heart tree. Zhuo Ge, who was inexplicably pulled by the fish beam arrow to move his consciousness to it, believes that he can observe the enemy’s situation through the fish beam tree.

However, the southern fish beams were cut down and burned thousands of years ago, and there are only “green men” quietly guarding them on Qianmianyu.

So this method is unrealistic, and along the way, he did not find a tree of heart that was as white as a dead bone.

However, without the fish beam, the changer can attach consciousness to the creatures close to him.

For example, Zhuo Ge can channel the snowball he has raised since childhood.

How to find creatures that can change shape?

Regarding this problem, Zhuo Ge has found it on the way.

On this verdant poplar beach, mosquitoes are the least lacking.

This bloodthirsty little thing that lives on animal blood is obsessed with human blood.

Zhuo Ge stood still, and couldn’t escape the deep and uncomplaining love they expressed.

Under his concentrated communication, he successfully attached consciousness to a blood mosquito.


He quickly adapted to this small new body, and flew his wings to Landau Tali’s barracks.

The snowball returned to the main consciousness. After regaining control of the body, he immediately tasted the pain all over his body. However, before Zhuo Ge’s consciousness was separated from the body, it had already communicated with it. It was like a hibernating frog www. Lie motionless in the grass, enduring unspeakable suffering.

After tossing for an hour, Landau Tali’s barracks were already shining brightly, and the silk tents were as bright as lanterns.

The camp was clanging and chaos.

People stood on the wagons and carried barrels of wine, sacks of flour, and bundles of newly feathered arrows to the warehouse.

The blacksmiths were busy trimming the swords, knocking out the dents on the armor, and ironing the horses and the mules carrying the goods.

The lock armor was thrown into the sand bucket and rolled along the beach to rub them clean.

The maids in charge of caring for the princes were assigned the task of sewing cloaks and flags, and they laughed and talked to each other quietly.

When it was time for dinner, the horses neighed and panted, munching on the rich fodder.

The soldiers quarreled with each other, ate meat and drank, the noise was like boiling hot water, boiling endlessly.

As a battle-tested king, Zhuo Ge easily found Landau Tali’s tent in the center.

Since the sun had just set, the weather was very hot, and the curtains of the center tent were rolled up to let the wind out.

Zhuo Ge tried his best to stay away from the distance where people could slap his new body, taking the opportunity to prepare to enter the tent.

But a knight who was in charge of transporting food and just entered the camp, causing a lot of commotion attracted his attention.

The knight was born valiantly, with a vigorous red horse under his hip. The copper-colored mane is the same as the long hair of his shawl. The horse decoration is also dyed green and red, and the Tali family crest is decorated to match the rider cloak.

The guy went straight to the center tent and listened to the guards outside the account. Zhuo Ge learned that this extraordinary knight was Landau Tali’s second son, Dickon Tali.

After the guy entered the tent, Zhuo Ge flew in.

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