Legend of the Dragon King of Ice and Fire

Chapter 329

Chapter 309 : Brothers and sisters of different surn

“My lord, as long as you are happy, I will do everything.”

Theon murmured, the severe pain on his body was already negligible compared to the job he was about to help Xiaoxian.

He is just an animal raised by Ramsay Bolton, not even comparable to a dog, and probably close to a maggot in a cesspit.

As he walked out of the tent, Lord Ramsay said to him.

“You are a stinky guy, you will always be a stinky guy, no matter how bad your smell is than before, but don’t trust your nose, remember your name, remember who you are.”

“Smelly Guy”.

Theon said respectfully: “Your stinky guy.”

“As long as I help me with this small favor, I will let you be my puppy and let you eat meat every day,” Lord Rams promised.

“You may try to betray me, try to run away, resist, or stand by my enemy!”

Theon quickly defended: “No, my lord, I won’t betray you!”

“Hush…Don’t say anything, I don’t want to hear your denial, if you dare to disobey me, I will cut your tongue. As long as you are an individual, if you are in your position, you will probably want to resist me. But we all know what you are, don’t we? If you think of betraying me, it’s not a big deal, but you’d better count your fingers first to figure out the cost of doing that.”

Ramsay Bolton’s eyes seemed to see through him.

Smelly knows the price.

Qigen, he thought, seven fingers.

A person with seven fingers is fine.

Seven is a sacred number, represented as the seven gods.

He still remembered how painful it was when Master Rams peeled off his ring finger.

So he is willing to be a bad guy.

Theon followed Rams Bolton behind him like a dog, sometimes looking up at the sky, his face full of despair.

It was another gray night, damp and foggy.

The wind from the storm blew on your face, as if your mouth was damp.

As long as he closes his eyes slightly, he can see those flags unyieldingly fluttering and hunting in the harsh north wind.

But now everything is over.

The wind blowing on his cheeks is blowing from the south, and the flags flying on the poplar beach are the red skinners on the foundation.

He secretly prayed that Sansa couldn’t recognize me.

Some people may remember the big boy who didn’t even know his name, but the stinky guy is a stranger to them.

It had been a long time since Theon looked in the mirror for the last time, but he knew how old he looked.

A lot of his hair has fallen out, and the rest has become pale, dry and fragile like straw.

The life in the dungeon made him as weak as an old woman, and he was thin enough to be blown down by a strong wind.

He hopes that Sansa, who grew up with him since childhood, will not recognize him, and that he is an eunuch, and may not cause much harm to Sansa.

Theon had to do that, because Rams Bolton had a changeable temperament and was extremely cruel.

Once he irritated him, he would be soft, humiliate them, and then feed their corpses to the dogs.

Theon didn’t realize it, but there was hope in his sight.

It’s just that he ignored, ignored the small but powerful blood mosquito.

At this time, Zogo, who hovered above everyone’s head, was very entangled. He deliberately saved Theon Greyjoy and Sansa.

It was not that he felt compassion for these two lives, but that they could change the pattern of the Northland and the Iron Islands.

Because one of them is Ed Stark’s eldest daughter, and the other is the legal heir to the Iron Islands.

Now Zhuo Ge is embarrassed on all sides, if he can get the gratitude of the descendants of the wolf family, maybe he will be rewarded.

Of course, Arya Stark, who has already become enemies with him, will be a variable, but he can only go one step at a time.

As for whether they can rescue these two people, Zhuo Ge can only try.

A group of people came to the tent of the heir to the fortress of terror. There was no light and it was swallowed by darkness.

Ramsay Bolton took the lead and walked into the tent, and by the light of the torch, they found no one on the messy bed.

The girl was gone, everyone realized.

Theon secretly rejoiced, has Sansa escaped?

But when he thought about it, it was impossible, because the camp was heavily guarded, and if they wanted to, even a letter crow would not be able to fly out.

“Where is she?”

Ramsay Bolton asked left and right.

The three of them have always been with him, how could they know Sansa’s whereabouts?

This question made them very entangled, and they dare not give the reason.

The atmosphere has become more subtle, and if you keep silent like this, Xiao Peeling might go crazy.

And Theon’s situation is the most dangerous, because he is not as good as a dog.

Fortunately, Yanshen did not completely abandon him.

Theon suddenly found Sansa, his sister of the different surname was curled up in the darkest corner of the tent, covering herself with a large wolf fur.

If it weren’t for her trembling, Theon would not have noticed it.

He felt that his sister was the same as him, afraid of skinning, even if the demon was her husband.

Theon is a stinker now, he is not qualified to call Sansa by name.

He whispered in a hoarse voice: “Madam, you don’t need to hide, your husband is here.”

As soon as these words came out, the body under the wolf fur shook more severely.

Theon even heard sobbing and sobbing Smelly Girl Cousin! ”

Seeing that Ramsay Bolton was about to explode, Theon quickly walked over before him and opened the wolf fur.

A pair of tearful eyes came out, blue, too blue, like sapphires.

Although his vision was a little fuzzy, Zhuo Ge still thought the haggard girl was very beautiful.

With high cheekbones, blue eyes, red hair, slender and graceful figure, she is a standard beauty.

The moment Sansa saw the smelly guy, she showed a surprised expression, but slowly froze.

She tried to ask: “Theon, are you Theon?”

Theon lowered his head, afraid to look at her.

“No, I’m not Theon, I, I’m the stinker, ma’am, I’m the stinker.”

At this moment, Ramsay Bolton walked over and broke the stinky face with both hands, so that Sansa could see clearly.

Sansa Stark moved back subconsciously, her face full of fear.

Little Skinner said with a grinning smile: “Yes, you are right. He is Theon Greyjoy, the legal heir to the Iron Islands, the adopted son of your father Ed Stark, who killed your two younger brothers. murderer!”

Theon cried out loudly: “No, I am not, I am a stinky guy.”

He felt that he was a sinner, a great sinner who could not be blamed for all deaths, because he led the iron man to destroy the homeland that raised him.

He also killed many relatives, friends, and kind elders who had cared about him since he was a child.

“Theon, you are a demon!”

Her husband’s words evoked Sansa’s sadness, and she also cried aloud.


Rams Bolton likes to see such a scene, but he feels that he is not excited enough, he wants to watch the two brothers and sisters fight in full swing.

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