Legend of the Dragon King of Ice and Fire

Chapter 332

Chapter 312 : Little Devil Couple Reunited

Zhuo Ge’s pupils gradually bloomed from the dimness. With his extraordinary height, he looked down at the people who talked and said passionately: “There is no wildfire in the rose army, it is time to give them a thunderous blow!”

Your majesty is still domineering, and the people who were a bit at a loss immediately got up and responded loudly: “Yes.”

With the enthusiasm of transpiration, the hero asked: “Your Majesty, how did you know?”

Knowing their doubts, Zhuo Ge has nothing to hide.

“I am a changer, to be precise, I am a lion.”

Although there are speculations, but it is really certain, it is still a bit unbelievable.

Because Zogo was born in Dothraki Dacaohai, it seems to have nothing to do with the northern border of the birthplace of the Transformer.

The little demon hesitated: “Your Majesty, it is said that there are only northern people who believe in the blood of the old gods like the children of the forest, and the wild people have the potential to change shape. You are from the east!”

Don’t talk about them, even Zhuo Ge himself is very confused.

He shook his head and said: “I don’t know, anyway, my consciousness can be attached to the snowball and can manipulate its body to do anything a lion can do!”

This kind of special ability is enviable, and everyone’s eyes on Zhuo Ge become even more fiery.

They found that they had never seen someone as magical as Kao.

The Unsullied leader secretly thought: “Is he a human?”

Legend has it that some shapeshifters can see the past, and Zhuo Ge often speaks amazingly, like a person who has lived for endless years.

As a native of Westeros, Tyrion, who knows the changers better than anyone present, thought to himself: “Couldn’t Zogo be the legendary king of changers, the Green Prophet!”

It was too hard to believe, the little devil suddenly thought a joke, this magical guy should really let the Necromancer Coben study it.

The war was tight, Zhuo Ge didn’t want to waste time on this inexplicable matter, he swung his hand and said:

“Well, there is not much discussion about this kind of magical thing. At most two days, the coalition forces of the High Court and the Terror Fort will arrive, and Night Song City will be their burial place!”

The king’s hand-held Leon Lannister suggested as usual: “Then now we have to deploy our strategy.”

Zhuo Ge interrupted confidently: “We don’t need to be too cumbersome for a troop of 5,000 people. It is enough to directly use the crowd tactics to crush strongly!”

Since Kao has said so, everyone has no objection.

In fact, everyone is the same, they are only afraid of wildfire, otherwise the power of the Unsullied and Karratha is enough to sweep any forces in Westeros!

Zhuo Ge thinks this is just a prelude, and the real battlefield is in the storm.

He was ready to make a quick battle, first pulling out two of Tywin Lannister’s minions.

Then, according to the planned plan, the Lannister family became the only seedlings.

As for the wildfire threat?

“If necessary, I will break into the lion’s nest alone!”

Zhuo Ge’s eyes were gleaming, he was ready to die.

Realizing that the eyes of a group of people were red, they must have stayed up all night here, so he compassionately said: “Everyone is fortunate enough, all of them retreat and rest.”

“Yes, Your Majesty.”

“Yes, Kao.”

Everyone moved slowly in fatigue, but in their thoughts, your Majesty was the most fortunate person.

“I have lived for most of my life, and I have done everything by myself. The king who took the lead is really the only one.”

Tyrion secretly felt that he was following the right person instead of the unselectable choice he had originally thought.

As he approached the door, he suddenly heard Zhuo Ge shout: “Master Tyrion, please stay, I have prepared a surprise for you.”

“Surprise? Will there be surprises in my life?”

The little devil was surprised, but he really wanted to stay, and wanted to know more about Kao, who had become more mysterious.

Tyrion took his seat again, but after less than two seconds of silence, he asked curiously: “Dare to ask your Majesty what surprise is it?”

Zhuo Ge smiled mysteriously at him, and then shouted to the guard who was about to close the door: “Innocent one, go and bring the two guys riding the snowball into the city.”

“Yes, Your Majesty.”

The guard of the Unsullied respectfully responded, and hurriedly left with his spear.

The little devil stayed here waiting for Zhuo Ge to wake up, he didn’t know the current situation outside at all.

In such a situation, Zhuo Ge would not meet ordinary people. He knew this very well, so he was very interested in the identity of the coming person.

Kao is a person who doesn’t like long-winded words. In front of him, the little devil gradually understands the habit of putting away the tongue.

He sat very quietly, and Zhuo Ge did not ask, he would not speak.

After waiting for about a quarter of an hour, the little devil heard the pacing sound of Wusuji’s leather boots.

But there was no other people’s footsteps.

It stands to reason that if the arrival is a nobleman, the sound of stepping on the ground should be louder than that of the unsullied.

But the little devil didn’t want to use his brain to guess who came, because it would be clear after just a few seconds.

Since it was a surprise for himself, it must have something to do with him, so he craned his neck unconsciously.

After seeing the person pushed by the Unsullied, the little devil instantly blanked his mind and was stunned for a while.

“Your Majesty, people have brought it.”

Zhuo Ge reminded with a smile: “Very well, you two step back and close the door.”

When they came to an unfamiliar environment, Theon and Sansa were not restrained, only shocked.

Because Tyrion Lannister is here.

The three of them were all stunned, and gradually, they all revealed complex colors.

The little devil is a landlord, and his mood adjusts the fastest.

He stood up unconsciously and walked slowly towards the woman who used to slept with him.

The little devil walked to Sansa and stood still, looking up at her and saying hello: “It’s been a long time, my wife.”

Sansa panicked her hands to cover herself, and Tyrion understood.

The wife’s body is innocent, wispy, and she is silent on the ground.

The relationship between the two is very complicated, just like their feelings at this time, reuniting after a long time, there are sorrows and joys.

After the Lannister family successfully ruled King’s Landing, was taken hostage and threatened Sansa in the north, and the tyrant Joffrey broke off the marriage contract.

Margaret Tyrell of the Tyrell family was betrothed to Joffrey, while Sansa continued to lead a hostage life in the Red Fort.

In order not to lose important hostages and win over the hearts of the people in the north, Tywin Lannister moved quickly and married Sansa to the dwarf son Tyrion Lannister.

Sansa is disappointed with her ugly new husband, but Sansa, who was frightened by the death of friends and relatives, has turned thirteen years old. She has learned to hide her emotions and try to become the ideal she has been educated into. Wife, although Tyrion never forced her to fulfill her marriage obligations.

She was very grateful for this, especially when she heard about what happened to her mother and brother at the red wedding.

On the day of Joffrey’s wedding, Sansa escaped from King’s Landing in the great chaos created by Joffrey’s death.

The little devil was left alone to face the trial of his father and sisters.

In the eyes of the Lannisters, the little devil couple who disliked Joffrey was the real murderer.

The tree fell and scattered, but Tyrion did not hate his wife who left him to escape, because at that time Sansa would accompany him to die together.

This was something he didn’t want to see, although his love for Shae, the poison woman who calculated him, was better than Sansa Stark.

But Sansa is his legal wife.

As for Sansa’s whereabouts, Tyrion sought refuge with Zogo after he was in prison. He really didn’t know where his wife was.

Until the surprise prompted by Zhuo Ge.

“Horse, goodbye Sansa, I will feel embarrassed!”

The little devil, who had always considered himself very heroic, felt that he would become unconfident in front of Sansa.

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