Legend of the Dragon King of Ice and Fire

Chapter 342

Chapter 320 : Ca’aoin, mercenary now!

Zhuo Ge hurried back to the room surrounded by the guards, carried the giant keel bow on his back, and lifted the Valyrian scimitar with sheath and the magic sword “Dawn”.

Just as he was about to go out, the flat floor suddenly fluctuated violently, like a surging ocean wave with his feet!

And he could feel the hot heat rising from the soles of his feet, and the dawn in his hands began to shake violently.

A green light flashed across his eyes, and he couldn’t help screaming, “Wildfire!”

Then, the tumbling green demon swallowed the entire room.



The deafening explosion sounded, and then the green flames like emerald snakes spread wildly in all directions!

Then the horror shouts exploded.


Tyrion, who is commanding the military and civilians to evacuate the Night Song City, changed his face.

The wildfire swallowed the tower where Zhuo Ge was located at an unimaginable speed, and then spread to its captors.

The tower nearly three hundred feet high exploded and split like a rotten watermelon, and the green fire-ridden people let out inhuman miserable howls.

The earthquake caused by the violent explosion caused the horses and horses to shake more and more. At this moment, everyone’s hearts stopped briefly and their brains went blank.

“Do not!”

When they woke up, they all lost their mouths and shouted: “No, no, no, no, no, no–!”


“Your Majesty!”

And their sorrows seemed very small in front of the dancing wildfire.

The flames raged in the center of the city, crackling, sizzling, and overwhelming all the shouts.

Zhuo Ge is a non-burner, as everyone knows.

But wildfire is his nemesis, and everyone knows that.

Otherwise, how could their king be so aggrieved by Tywin Lannister after losing the dragon.

Zhuo Ge is a miracle creator, but everyone thinks he is dead this time.



Even the bloodstained white lion and the dull giant Roman understood, and both raised up to the sky and let out a long, sad roar.

The violent wildfire made everyone feel the threat of death, and everyone who was not aware of the situation completely reacted.

They quickly rushed into the aisle of the city gate, all wanting to escape the night song city for the first time.

And at this moment, there was a rapid horn sound from outside the city.

oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh…!

“Damn it!”

Tyrion’s eyes are splitting, Landau Tali and Rams Bolton are waiting at this time!

“Don’t panic everyone! Please cheer me up!”

Then, he heard the two deputy commanders of Wu Gu standing on the tower and giving orders at the same time.

“The Unsullied Hears, rushed to the forefront, formed a shield formation, and guarded the people of Nightsong City!”

has experienced several situations without Zhuo Ge leading, and the commanders have become autonomous.

Fortunately, the evacuation was early. At the moment when the wildfire exploded, most of the soldiers and civilians had already evacuated from Night Song City.

So after a brief period of crowding, almost all the people rushed out of the city gate.

Compared to the violent wildfire, everyone is more willing to face the enemy outside the city.

At this time, the house is cold, the house is shrouded in green shadows, the road is empty, and the street is empty.

Except for the troops behind the palace, the little devil felt that the non-combatants had been emptied.

Just as he was preparing to concentrate on the outside world, many torches popped up on the previously uninhabited streets, and more and more.

Tyrion ran up to the nearby observation deck and looked at the team that lay across the road.

He knows how to accurately estimate the number of people.

“One thousand, those guys who got out of the sewer are at least one thousand.” After observing for a while, he murmured.

“I think so.”

The leader of the Unsullied Squad with him said and pointed.

“See? Those guys are mercenaries from free trade city-states, equipped with spears, bows and arrows, and equipped with swords and axes for close combat. The left wing is the raven group, and the right wing is the second group, each with about 500 people, see Are those flags?”

The second son group and the mob crow group are the old opponents of the Unsullied.

Wushou can tell at a glance that they belong to these two mercenary groups.

The mercenaries have their own flags, one is four crows embedded in two intersecting lightning bolts, and the other is a broken sword.

“Unexpectedly, the High Court hired a mercenary group. No wonder the sewers of Night Song City are seriously blocked. It turns out that these ground mice who love to eat, drink, and urinate are making trouble!”

Tyrion cursed, and staggered down the observation deck.

His new attendant, Aili, waited down with his horse.

The square in front of the gate was full of braided warriors, but a small number of them were burned by wildfires.

Tyrion yelled: “All the whole team! Fight with me into the alley!”

“No way.”

A tall figure emerged from the shadow of the army.

The big old Mosuo tore off the blazer’s painted leather vest with both hands and threw it to the ground.

His face was scorched and deformed, and his braids had been completely burned.

Old Mosuo’s forehead was bleeding, flowing over his burned face.

“Must go!” Tyrion looked straight at the opponent.

Old Mosuo breathed rough and muddy: “Fuck you, Kao is dead, he died in a wildfire, we are humans, not gods, no one can withstand wildfires!”

A braided warrior stepped forward to second.

“My lord, wildfires are raging, and Night Song City has become a hell!”

Tyrion yelled anxiously: “Fuck me up! Old Mosuo, your eyes are not blind yet? Don’t you see that the wildfires are brought by the mercenaries, since they dare to sway their heads. Come, it means that their wildfires have been exhausted. Believe me, the mercenaries who are greedy for money are not so great and will fight to commit suicide for those **** roses!”

The blood on Old Mosuo’s face was shining red but his eyes were pale.

He slowly drew out Yarak’s scimitar.

He was scared, Tyrion realized in shock that the always strong old Mosuo was actually scared!

The little devil turned to explain the urgent situation: “Put your ears up and listen. They are almost at the gate of the city. They must be stopped, otherwise we will be in danger!”

“Everyone go, let them come, let me work hard with them alone, let them experience my pain.”

Old Mosuo pushed the scimitar to the ground, then leaned on the handle of the knife, shaking his body.

“The beloved Kao is gone, and I have lost hundreds of subordinates, and there are not many horses left. I can’t ruin the whole team in the fire!”

Jacques Lang Romo walked to Tyrion and stared at the crazy old Mosuo and said: “Mosoko, you must follow the orders of the former prime minister. He is right. There will be no more wildfires. If we don’t get rid of the mercenaries first, then we are really in danger!”

“Go to your mother’s imperial prime minister, only Zhuo Gokao can command me!”

Old Mosuo’s face was sticky with blood on one half, and the other half was wrinkled like old bacon, “Thirsty, get me something to drink!” A braided warrior hurriedly handed over a wine pouch.

Krigan drank it in one gulp, and then threw away the wine pouch, yelling: “Not addictive, take it again!”

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