Legend of the Dragon King of Ice and Fire

Chapter 35

Chapter 34 : The pervasive 8-claw spider venom silk

After announcing the end of the meeting, Zhuo Ge gave up riding a horse that pulled the wind and chose to ride in a comfortable car with Dany, because Pride Square was crowded with free people who heard the wind. They are currently reflecting that they are freezing and starving. The biggest problem.

Under the protection of the Unsullied and Karratha, the car slowly moved forward. The king was cold outside and hot inside, without saying a word, but Dany, who was called as a mother, was maternally prosperous, and loudly promised her people that he would be tomorrow. Improved.

finally squeezed out of Pride Square, let the Unsullied Palace stop him, and drove into the lane where it was relatively easy to avoid the hungry, and was blocked by the corpses lying on the road due to the riots.

Slave Bay belongs to the tropical region. If these corpses that have begun to decay and are not handled properly, germs can easily breed, spread through mosquitoes, air, drinking water, etc., and cause high fever, brown leg disease, and other terrible diseases that can cause death!

When Yu Che rushed to the pyramid where Zhuo Ge lived, it was close to midnight.

After he got out of the carriage, he ordered the gray bugs accompanying him to immediately lead the unsullied ones to collect all the corpses, transport them outside the city, and burn them away from the Worm River.

Zhuo Ge doesn’t understand medical theory, but he knows very well that blood plague is incurable in this world, and can only control the source of the spread. There is no other way than that. He doesn’t want the Astapo virus to become a dead city.

Dothraki believed that the dead could not be touched, which would bring bad luck, so the horse king did not allow the pedantic Karratha under his command to participate.

The 700-foot-tall Great Pyramid rises from the majestic square stone base. If in the morning, you will see floating clouds passing by, the granary in it is overflowing, and every balcony is a garden full of figs. Date palms and olives, barrels of wine, salted fish and bacon in the cellar.

The couple soaked in the hot spring, after getting rid of a little fatigue, they went to the dining room for dinner.

On the table, there are local specialties such as dog brain jelly, stewed red octopus soup, dog fetus, half-cooked miscellaneous blood sausage and so on. Zhuo Ge can even eat raw meat, and there is almost no taboo. He was hungry and devoured.

When his mouth is full of food, he has time to pick some meat and throw it under his feet, and share it with the snowball waiting for him.

The devil dragon’s temperament turned wild, and the snowball couldn’t keep up with their rhythm, and could only wander around the owner.

Dani felt disgusted with the food that the nobles of the Guise family liked on the table. She had no appetite at all. She asked Missandei to fetch some figs, iced liqueur, hot bread smeared with honey, and baked apples to cope with the protests of the little belly. .

In the death purgatory of the Red Wasteland, the wife dared to enter everything, even the maggots derived from dead horses. Now her life has just become superior, and she is starting to be picky eaters again.

is so changeable that Zhuo Ge has a faint feeling of disgust, but he doesn’t mean to criticize her. He thinks this is the attitude that a queen should have. It should be the dream of every man to keep the life of his beloved woman superior, right?

But he finds it difficult to live in this world where blood and fire are mixed. Even the king sitting on the Iron Throne cannot guarantee to enjoy it all the time.

Used to killing time on horseback, Zhuo Ge felt that dealing with state affairs was more tiring than going to the battlefield. As soon as he lay on the bed, he ignored the entanglement of the mother of the dragon, covered his face with a pillow, and fell asleep until dawn.

After a simple and delicious breakfast, the husband and wife are busy with each other.

Dani rushed to Pride Square, accompanied by Missandei and the women’s president, surrounded by a team of equestrian warriors, ready to distribute food, and compassionately win the hearts of the people.

Zhuo Ge, accompanied by Chora and Grey Worm, went to the Punishment Square, where the shackles were broken, and boarded the tower of the main gate, built the red brick with his hands, and looked around.

Hundreds of tents were erected outside the city, some camel horses were tied to them, there were many slaves in shackles, mercenaries all over the body, and people dressed in various decorations wandering around, facing the city gates and towers from time to time, with high-ranking walleys. Leah shouted, hoping to open the door.

Zhuo Ge feels that those who prefer to sleep in the streets but do not want to leave are dominated by merchants who come to buy or sell slaves.

Astapo is one of the largest slave trade centers in the world. Zogo is sure that the news of his occupation of the Red Brick City will soon spread throughout the Slave Bay and continue to spread.

He believed that those merchants could hear the curses and screams of the good masters, and even if they were uncertain, they could see the clues from the closed city gates.

Yuankai and Milin, who are in the same spirit with Astapo, have close contacts, are two big troubles, but since they choose not to take the usual path, Zhuo Ge has already gone out. Soldiers will stop them, and the water will cover them!

After careful thinking, he commanded: “Grey bugs, let the unsullied drive all the people below ten miles away, and threaten them not to come closer, then start digging the pit.”

“Yes, Your Majesty.”

The Grey Worm took the lead and hurriedly walked away. Zhuo Ge thought of something and stopped him again: “By the way, the dirt you dug up does not need to be poured into the Worm River. All the dirt you have dug up does not need to be poured into the Worm River. It is all transported to the city and piled in the square. Freedmen get to build earthen houses on the land allocated to them.”


There are many good masters in Astapo, but there are more slaves. Only because they are rich, they also hire mercenaries, and hold back the lifeblood of slaves, that is, food and freedom, so they are above all else.

Even if there are so many pyramids empty now, Zhuo Ge did not intend to let the freedmen move in.

Because soldiers are heroes in his mind, they will use their lives to protect Astapo. They deserve preferential treatment and let them live in a comfortable place.

Soon, driven by a large number of unsullied people, the merchants left in panic.

Zhuo Ge is very sure. If his wife is standing by her side at this moment, she will definitely free the slaves outside the city from the clutches of the merchant.

At present, the city is in a mess. He can only silently show a helpless mentality to those poor people. Saving one will starve two to death. It is better not to save him. His indecision is not as strong as the mother of the dragon.

Zogo now has great wealth. If there is no threat from Bono, he will definitely set off immediately beyond the eastern hills, lying on a ring of sand and stone mountains, located in the land of Rehasa, known as the trade route of the Kaiser Pass. A large amount of grain is used to supplement civilian use, so that free people can persist until the time of grain harvesting.

After supervising the unsullied digging the long pit for a while, he turned to face the city and stared at the magic dragon hovering around the pyramid foraging, and said with a pointed emotion: “The appetite of the young dragon is like an unsatisfied desire. Even the shriveled bats that love the dark night will not be spared, the more delicious letter crows, they will be used as food, right?”

This was obviously meant for herself, and Jora hesitated to answer: “Now that the city gates are closed tightly, no one’s news can be spread except for the imagination of people other than Astapo.”

Zhuo Ge stared at him and asked with a smile but a smile: “I heard that the Minister of Intelligence of King’s Landing is a castrate known as an eight-claw spider. The silk thread he spit out is said to be pervasive and can penetrate every corner of the world. You were The knight of King’s Landing, I don’t know if the spy chief is as powerful as the rumors?”

The exile knight heard it, and there was a trace of panic, but he concealed it quickly, and replied calmly: “Making, I was just a little bear island lord, such a big man, like you, I only smell it. I’ve never seen him before, so I can’t answer this question.”

Zhuo Ge infiltrated a bit of chill and said, “No matter how young your title is, your knowledge and courage are not small. After all, don’t you stand by the side of a king whose status is far better than an eight-claw spider?”


Zhuo Ge laughed suddenly, patted him on the shoulder and walked towards the passage down the tower.

Qiao La followed him, recalling his words, her face gradually becoming gloomy, and the hand holding the hilt of the sword moved, so that an inch of cold light appeared on the waist, but then slowly disappeared.

After getting off the tower, Zhuo Ge, led by the free people, went to a workshop where asphalt was refined.

Due to the riots, the shopkeeper closed the door and chose to temporarily suspend business.

No one dared to ignore the things Ma Wang cared about. The shopkeeper quickly opened the door, welcomed him in, and talked in secret for a while.

After leaving the asphalt workshop, Zhuo Ge continued to wander around. This time he came to a rocky hill.

After he left, the freedman who got a promise to get an extra bag of soybeans happily found a tool to beat the hard boulder.

Today’s last trip, Zhuo Ge chose to come to the West Gate where he was in contact with Worm River Mouth, signed an IOU with the few captains, and took away all the new ship boards.

Qiao La followed all the way, but he still didn’t quite understand Zhuo Ge’s intentions, because what Ma Wang had said to him earlier made him afraid to ask more.

Back to the pyramid, the horse king, under the leadership of Missande, found the butcher Kleon, who was hugging right and left. He couldn’t help but said that according to the process of killing pigs, he drew out Chora’s sword and stabbed him in the throat.

Kleon may be the only Guise who doesn’t panic about the change, but the moment he was enveloped in the shadow of death, he was one of the most panicked.

Before his rebirth, Zhuo Ge regarded human life as horrible. In the impression of everyone, he did not need a reason to kill, and he had no brain to ask, and he might get angry.

For the people below, in front of the king, silence should be the rule of life.

They didn’t know that Zhuo Ge’s move was actually helping them get rid of a hidden danger, someone who might become the lord of Astabo in the future.

After that, Zhuo Ge got up early every morning to exercise and kept his figure. After breakfast, he wandered around the city to check people’s conditions.

He was delighted to find that on the third day, no one was hungry.

On the fifth day, free people have a place to withstand the severe cold and heat. They used to be slaves, and hard work is their label. Zhuo Ge was not surprised by this.

On the seventh day, the freedmen were all allocated the land and began to grow vegetables and grains.

On the ninth day, Zogo, the Blood Guard, the Grey Worm, and the Big Bear were fully armed, standing on the tower at the main gate with serious expressions, seeing the thin sandstorm approaching Astapo, and hearing about the chaotic horseshoes that made people excited. The sound, and the sound of bells!

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