Legend of the Dragon King of Ice and Fire

Chapter 359

Chapter 336 : Condensing the opponent’s fear

Such a choice is consistent with what they demanded of Lyman Frey and Bone Ben who had just died.

But Mrs. Shi Xin, who was overwhelmed by the crowd, chose to fight without hesitation!

Seeing Mrs. Shi Xin’s subordinates about to move, Zhuo Ge jumped off the lion’s back, stepped up slowly, and prepared to fight.

But Soros had something to say. He spread his hands and stopped the rushing companion.

“Don’t act rashly, the owner of the light messenger should not be our enemy!”

“Soros, your beliefs have nothing to do with us, Madam’s enemy is our enemy!”

The words of the big man with an axe represent the hearts of everyone.

However, they resisted Pentium’s killing intent and paused temporarily.

Because Soros’ status in the Brotherhood of the Flagless is second only to Madam Shi Xin, it can be said that this group was established by him and the Lightning King.

Caitlin Tully is just a latecomer.

So they still have to give this face.

Soros looked down at his ragged robe and smiled sadly.

“I am from Mill. I am a terrible monk, a worse wizard. We were the king’s people at the beginning, but the king’s people must have a king, and we don’t. I know our road is very dark, the holy fire tells me What awaits at the end of the road is to let us raise our arms against the darkness. The lightning has passed away and can no longer be seen. The same is true for people, a more gloomy shadow replacing him to lead us.”

The gloomy shadow he was talking about, Zhuo Ge thought he was referring to Madam Shi Xin.

Because he saw the increasingly angry faces of Soros’s companions and the violently rising and falling chests.

This is the following crime, but Soros is not afraid.

He heard the angry heavy breathing of his companions, but he continued.

“I don’t doubt that mercy, mercy, and forgiveness can be found elsewhere in the Seven Kingdoms, but they cannot be found here. When we have to live in the shadows of darkness like mice that cannot see the light, compassion is the same as milk and honey. The same goes out very quickly.”

Soros smiled weakly: “But I remember justice. It tasted so good. Under Bailey’s leadership, we walked the way for the sky. We are the incarnation of justice. At least we told ourselves that we are the people of the king. , Is a knight and a hero, but the night is dark and sinister everywhere. Brothers, the war has turned us all into monsters.”

The youngest boy scolded angrily: “So we have to befriend the monster Zogo?”

Even a kid was blinded by the shadows, Soros realized that it was useless to explain to them.

Nevertheless, he continued.

“Lahlo guides me, it is my beacon, and the prince in the prophecy is the hope it gives us. Zogo can lead us to overcome the darkness, so that we will not be weak in front of the ghosts!”

“So he is not our enemy!”

Soros is very bad, but he can indeed see the oracle in the flames, and he also has the ability to resurrect the dead.

This is why everyone respects him.

And just as everyone’s killing intent was reduced, Madam Shi Xin spoke again.

After Soros listened, he lowered his head helplessly.

Despite his companion, the big man wearing a hound’s helmet with a pale and wide face rushed up with an axe.


Zhuo Ge faintly said to the big man: “You are the only one, you have no chance.”

“Fuck your female horse!”

The gangster in the hound’s helmet raised his tomahawk.

“I’ll be enough. My female horse is going to chop off your leg, and then give it to your barbarians to let them know how terrible the Mustang is.”

Zhuo Ge’s anger was aroused, and he sneered in a cold voice: “In this case, I will first pierce your stinky mouth before you die, and then cut the dog’s legs!”

The big man is a reckless man, and Kao’s words will only make him more murderous.

He yelled and cursed, and rushed towards Zhuo Ge, the dirt under his feet was stamped out one by one.

Just as his arrogant declaration, the others stood behind watching the good show.

Zhuo Ge stopped and waited motionlessly like a rock.

The light in the forest is dim, and the mud on the soles of the feet is slippery.

Let him rush over, I hope he slips to the ground, first comes a dog who can’t help himself.

The fact is that the big man is very heavy, and the moist soil did not make him pounce like a dog. He rushed very steadily.

The sword can only shut him up.

Zhuo Ge counted silently with a look of disdain, five steps, four steps, that is, now, the light messenger smashed against the momentum of his impact.

The steel intersected, and as the axe slashed towards him, his sword pierced the big man’s outer cover and made a cut in the mail.

Then Zhuo Ge turned away and pierced him in the chest as he withdrew.

“His female horse dog Hezhong makes your uncle feel so hot!”

He staggered and ran after him with blood, and roared in anger.

His blood was smoking thickly because his wound had been burned.

Dawn’s sharpness is no less than that of the Valyrian knife, even worse.

If it weren’t for the wildfire heat they saved, Zhuo Ge would let them taste a more terrifying way to die!

The big man snarled lowly: “Freak! Mustang! Bald guy in No He!”

The axe drew a deadly arc. Zhuo Ge had no shield. When the axe struck, he could only temporarily avoid the front, and dodge from left to right.

Wait, watch, wait, watch.

Zhuo Ge waited and watched, shifting sideways, retreating, and then sideways, stabbing him in the face, pretending to chop his legs, but actually scratching his chest.

Cao is extremely agile, and the big man who couldn’t keep up was always slipping on his heels. He almost fell several times and tried his best to restore his balance, but he was inevitably rubbed by dawn on his chest, causing him a scorching pain.

The young man with a northern accent saw the clue.

“Everyone, how do I feel that he was played by Zogo’s wild horse!”

He felt that Zhuo Ge didn’t fight seriously at all was completely accumulating big man’s fear.

Closer, Zhuo Ge heard his suspicion.

This made Zhuo Ge secretly laughed: “You should be thankful that you are just watching the excitement at the moment, and you have not intervened to help, otherwise your life span will end sooner!”

He is very willing to fight against all the people of the Brotherhood without Flags, even if he will be surrounded, but he believes that Dawn’s sharpness can help him break through the siege.

Snowball is very clear about Zhuo Ge’s combat power, so it is the guy who is really watching the show.

It even lay down on the ground lazily, and glanced at it from time to time when it was drowsy.

The big man kept getting injured, but Zhuo Ge was unscathed.

This made everyone agree with the judgment of the young people in the north.

But they don’t think that Zhuo Ge will win another person, because it makes him consume his energy frantically, and they are quietly accumulating strength.

The big man’s axe became heavier and heavier, his movements became slower and slower, and his breathing became more and more rapid.

Zhuo Ge forced him to turn around, then took two steps back, then clenched the hilt with both hands and jumped forward.

The big man bumped his head on the tip of the sword, penetrated into his mouth, and then emerged from the back of his head, making a file-like sound when scraping against the bones.

The axe slipped from his weak fingers, and the two slammed into each other. Zhuo Ge drew his face closer to the hilt, pressing the cold and wet metal against his cheeks.

At this moment he saw pain, fear and disbelief.

“I said that I would pierce your stinky mouth first. For this, I would rather extend your life by five minutes. You should thank me.”

He whispered to the big man, and at the same time he twisted the sword vigorously, causing him to convulse.

He knelt down heavily in front of Zhuo Ge, Zhuo Ge pulled out dawn, and then stepped back five steps to let him fall.

Then he walked to his feet and swung his sword down!

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