Legend of the Dragon King of Ice and Fire

Chapter 362

Chapter 339 : Coming to Longshi Island again

The deep mountains and wild valleys rarely head south, providing convenient restaurants for travelers. They often walk many miles in the wrong direction, and in the end they have to turn back the same way.

“If you take the main road, you will probably arrive early.”

Zhuo Ge kept reminding himself.

But he didn’t want to expose his whereabouts. As for the Brotherhood without Flags, he didn’t take it seriously.

Because those guys are all wanted in the Iron Throne, how can they negotiate with Lannister.

Zhuo Ge is the most stubborn person in the world, so he chose to continue trekking in the wilderness.

With bad luck, it rains heavily after entering the densely-vegetated imperial forest, and the wind is very strong. This is the climate characteristic of the stormy area.

As strong as a cow, Zhuo Ge seldom complained, and would never find him for any serious illness.

Finally, he arduously passed through the imperial forest and came to the edge of Heishui Bay.

The waves in Heishui Bay are turbulent, the turbid waves are torrential, and the sand at the bottom of the river seems to have been turned over by the storm.

In spite of the bad weather, Zhuo Ge found that there were more than a dozen warships advancing against the storm, and the fickle winds were blowing their sails.

The boat-to-ship distance is no more than twenty yards, which is the habit of sailors in King’s Landing.

The rumbling warhorn crossed the sea, screaming hoarse and deep, like the call of a sea monster, passed down from ship to ship.

Zhuo Ge saw in the dark that the crew was busy on the deck under the heavy rain. For safety, they had to run around like that.

He looked to the southeast, staring at the prominent figure of the Angry Lion.

Its sails are shining with gold, and the canvas is decorated with the crowned stag of the Baratheon family and the roaring lion of the Lannister family.

Even if it was washed by the rain, it was still very clear.

For the famous Rage Lion, Zhuo Ge is almost familiar with his Dragon Horse Leap. He knew that the commander of the ship was Tai Wen’s younger brother, Sir Kaivon Lannister.

It has four hundred oars, with ballistas on both sides of the deck, and a catapult at the bow and stern to throw burning pitch barrels.

The Angry Lion is not only daunting, but also very agile and fast.

When fighting as Tyrion’s acting knight, Drogo had already seen it.

However, Sir Kevon filled its deck with armored knights and infantry, wasting its speed, even if the wind was strong.

This shows that King’s Landing is really not good at water warfare, even navy forces are very rare.

Zhuo Ge’s sight encompassed the entire fleet. Far south, the warship behind the Angry Lion slowly swallowed, and the speed of the Angry Lion was affected.

In this regard, Kao doubted the abilities of those captains.

Obviously, the fleet of Iron Islands and Qingting Island has arrived at the Stone Steps Islands, and the fleet of King’s Landing will also go to help out.

But Zhuo Ge is not too panic, because Kolensa will not be there to fight them.

His fleet is just a guise for inviting you to enter the urn.

The real battlefield is Wind’s Breath Fort.

When the fleet was gone, Zhuo Ge began to close his eyes and rest.

With dragon blood and dawn to provide conversion heat, he did not feel cold.

After waiting for it to get dark, he rode a snowball across the Blackwater Bay to the deserted island where the glass tunnel exit was located.

Even if he and Snowball appear small in the vast river, he will not be careless.

Because Zhuo Ge’s purpose was just to accumulate heat for Dawn and become the trump card for the army to win, and he didn’t mean to disrupt Longshidao.

It is meaningless to retake Longshidao now. The Lannisters are undefeated, so Longshidao will never be peaceful.

After nightfall, Zhuo Ge began to act.

Even though the snowball can float on the water, it moves very dangerously in the bad waves.

Several times Zhuo Ge was almost swallowed by the waves.

This made him wonder whether the mermaid Hai Xi sensed that he had come here, so a storm fell?

Stumbled all the way, Shan Zhuoge finally came to the secret underworld desert island without any risk, and entered the underworld, everything became quiet.

Without staying, he went directly to the black prison on Longshi Island.

Zhuo Ge told Snowball to hide in the black jail, but he got out of the black jail alone and entered the familiar garden of Aegon.

Longshi Island is a lonely fortress in the sea. The terrain is a damp and cold wasteland, surrounded by storms and wicked waters all year round, and there are shadows of volcanic smoke behind it, so gloomy, naturally.

The territories were rocky and rugged, and people were scarcely populated. Under the threat of war, many people left this desolate land and became the subjects or slaves of others.

Under Zhuo Ge’s secret observation, now Dragon Stone Island is basically a golden robe wandering.

I don’t know if the curfew policy was implemented. He didn’t see anyone in costume except the soldiers.

After reuniting after a long absence, Zhuo Ge looked around, still shocked by the extraordinary workmanship of Longshidao.

Long, long ago, this island was the westernmost outpost of the mighty Free City State of Valyria.

It was the Valyrians who built this castle, although their great skills have been lost.

To resist foreign insults, they built towers at every intersection of the fortress walls.

The Valyrians deliberately carved these towers into the shape of dragons, or monsters, to make the castle look even more terrifying.

The reason why they abandoned ordinary battlements and used thousands of ferocious stone statues may be for this purpose.

Zhuo Ge saw the towering Sea Dragon Tower at a glance. There were two twelve-foot-tall stone statues standing on both sides, one side was Hellhound and the other side was Pterodactyl.

There are thousands of gargoyles like this, squatting on the high walls of the ancient city of Valyria.

He even saw a letter crow waiting for his master in the rain.

It seems that he firmly believes that he will not lead his troops to attack Longshi Island. Those golden robes are very lazy and have not climbed the tower to be on guard.

Because there is no high tower with fire, it means that no one is watching.

After all sorts of bizarre experiences, Zhuo Ge became more and more disturbed by the stone statues on Dragon Stone Island.

He felt that these stone statues might be like his three children, but they were actually just monsters sealed by petrification!

Waiting for the time to unblock Kui’s awakening!

Avoiding the sparse golden robe, Zhuo Ge came to the main fort Shigulou on Longshi Island, and his destination was the Tutable Hall of the Office not long ago.

He originally thought it would be heavily guarded, but to his surprise, it was more depressed than anywhere else.

To reach this place, he must pass through the corridor through the black iron gates with guardian gargoyles, cross the middle and inner walls, and then climb the steps that ordinary people don’t want to count.

Maybe there are no decent officers stationed on Longshi Island. They should feel that they are not qualified to live in the picture table hall, so there are no guards along the way.

Drogo stepped into the gate of the hall of Duke Stannis Baratheon again without any surprises.

Dawn was very sharp, and after watching no one left, he avoided the lock with a sword.

Entering this wide round room made of black stones and decorated with no decoration, Zhuo Ge inevitably felt a little bit emotional.

Except for the valuable things that were raided, the other layouts remained intact.

There are four tall and narrow windows in the hall, facing east, west, south, north.

In the center of the hall is a large table carved from a giant wooden board, and the picture table hall is named after it.

It was ordered by Aegon Targaryen before the conquest of the war. It was once the place where Stannis and Zogo lined up.

The map table is more than fifty feet long, about half the length at its widest point, and less than four feet at its narrowest point.

There is no bed here, Zhuo Ge feels that he can just stay here.

He habitually walked slowly along the promenade, passing a row of tall arch windows, and he could have a panoramic view of the outer courtyard, the outer city wall and the fishing village beyond.

“Longshi Island, there are a few stones in the narrow sea, this is my kingdom once, and it is also the birthplace of my wife!”

He walked down the high chair steps and stood at the map table, his eyes fixed on the woods where King’s Landing was.

He stood in deep thought, looking at the country he dreamed of, clearly close at hand, but far away.

“I believe it won’t be long before the Iron Throne will belong to the Dragon King again, but that Dragon King is not me.”

Zhuo Ge’s self-talk is very heavy.

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