Legend of the Dragon King of Ice and Fire

Chapter 366

Chapter 343 : I’m just a person who likes to spy on

I didn’t want to see such a worrying picture, but Varys still stopped at the exit of Aegon Garden and waited for Bolong.

Take it when you see it, and it’s enough to hit the eunuch’s behavior once.

After all, octopus spiders are not ordinary people.

“Have been waiting, sir.”

Varys said sharply: “It’s not too long, you haven’t had Toman long.”

“Uh, find it fast, just enjoy it, why bother about the length of time?”

The open-minded Bolong didn’t care.

They walked through the courtyard together, and Bolong slowed down to match the eunuch’s broken steps.

Varys felt that the mercenary looked a bit human lately.

The black hair and beard can at least see the traces of tidying up, and he is wearing the black breastplate of an officer of the capital garrison, and a Lannister family’s crimson-bottomed golden hand cloak hangs from his shoulders.

After bypassing several towers, the two came to the entrance of the tower where the wine cellar was located.

This is a **** stone house. They turned left and right, and finally came to the “Iron Torch Corridor.”

This is a long and echo-filled large corridor, and red and yellow flames dance around the twenty-foot-high black iron beams.

On the shiny black marble walls and ceiling, the ghost fire flickered, and the whole hall was immersed in a dusky light.

Across the promenade, the two walked towards the shelf in the basement.

The storage of the wine cellar is very scarce. There are dozens of wax-sealed jars, hundreds of corked vials, and the same number of white glass bottles. Each container has precise labels written by workers with neat handwriting.

Bologne sighed: “It’s really bleak. I thought Stannis had an amazing amount of fine wine in storage. It seems that I think too much, really a poor pseudo-king.”

Varys didn’t agree: “Don’t forget, Drogo once occupied Dragonstone Island. I heard that the Dothraki people have no wine and are not happy, all of them are barrels.”

As he said, he fingered the corner of a mountain of empty wine cans on the side of his finger.

“Look, these are proofs.”

“Women’s horses, they are simply locusts!”

Bolong, who is addicted to alcohol, feels that the Iron Throne sent himself to take charge of Longshi Island, which is really used to make up the number.

Because the really useful soldiers were sent to the battlefield.

These giant “iron torches” were ignited to welcome the two of them, and they would go out immediately after they left.

If he did not know this, the impression would have been even more profound.

Bolong realized that Dragon Stone Island’s resources were really lacking, and he couldn’t squander it arbitrarily.

Now, he kind of understood why Stannis had rebelled.

After Bologne became an earl, he asked his servants to do the work of going to the cellar to fetch wine.

So here, he really hasn’t been here.

After walking for half an hour, before reaching the location, Bolong couldn’t help but complain: “Female horse, you hide the wildfire so deep!”

Varys complained about him impatiently, disdainfully.

“No matter how deep you hide, once a wildfire is ignited, even if you fly to an altitude of one thousand meters, you will burn farts.”

Bolong said with lingering fear: “This, this is the truth.”

The long cellar should be damp, dark and cold, but it is an exception in Longshi Island.

As the two of them went down, they felt the temperature increase rapidly.

If it hadn’t mattered much, they would have returned to the upper level long ago.

Finally, Bolong and the eunuch, whose breathing became difficult, came to the wildfire storage area.

Now they are located deep underground in Longshi Island, just below the picture table hall.

Hearing the eunuch’s explanation of the location, Bolong’s face sweated more.

He was very scared. If Varys didn’t notify him and ordered someone to light a wildfire here, then he would be finished.

The dry stone walls were covered with saltpetre, and the only light source came from the sealed iron-bar glass oil lamp that Varys carefully carried.

There is no doubt that the cautiousness must be for these jars, right?

Polon picked up a jar and looked at it carefully. The heavy round jar must be made of a certain special material, otherwise the wildfire could not be shut off.

He asked worriedly: “My lord, are you not afraid of wildfire exploding in such a high temperature cellar!?”

Varys said indifferently: “No, this kind of clay pot has the characteristic of avoiding the high temperature of 100 degrees, so there will be no worries in your mouth.”

“That’s it.”

Bolon wiped another sweat subconsciously.

The clay pot also felt rough to the touch, obviously mixed with coarse sand.

Varys told him this was intentional: “If the surface is smooth, it will easily slip out of your hands.”

Polon asked, “What material is this jar made of?”

Varys did not answer: “No matter what material it is made of, it can’t withstand the burning wildfire!”

Polon nodded and said, “Indeed, if this jar can really hold the green demon after it is lit, then it doesn’t need to exist.”


These questions are nonsense, and Varys hates this seemingly shrewd idiot.

Polon tilted the jar slightly, and the “wildfire” solvent slowly flowed towards the mouth of the jar.

He knew that the liquid should be turbid green, but the light was too dim to be sure at the moment.

“Very, sticky, thick,” he commented.

Even though he couldn’t see clearly, Polon didn’t have the idea of ​​letting Varys bring the oil lamp closer.

Seeing him as a babbling child, Varys reminded him: “When the temperature rises, this substance will flow smoothly, like lamp oil. The temperature here is very high, so quickly seal the can.”

“Once it catches fire, this substance will burn violently until it burns out, and it will seep into cloth, wood, leather, and even steel, and cause them to catch fire.”

Bolon couldn’t help thinking of Mill’s red-robed monk Soros and his flaming sword: spread a thin layer of wildfire, and the sword can burn for an hour.

I heard that Soros had to change a new sword every time he competed. Robert liked that guy very much and was even willing to provide him with a new sword.

“This substance.”

This is what the Pyromancer calls wildfire.

They are known as “wise men” to each other, and they are also used to constantly suggesting that they are knowledgeable, hoping that others will think they are well-educated.

Indeed, the Pyromancer’s guild was once prosperous, but in recent centuries, the bachelors of Xuecheng have gradually replaced the gold practitioners everywhere.

Today there are very few members of this ancient organization, and they no longer pretend to have a recipe for refining metals, and are honestly approaching the blacksmith.

He does not mean that.

This shocked Bolong. He asked uncertainly: “Master Varis, are you also a Pyromancer?”

Varys replied vaguely: “I’m just a person who likes to pry into the secrets of others.”

There is nothing too much to understand, but Bolong feels that there seems to be too little wildfire alone.

He counted them carefully, and there were only eight cans.

“My lord, just this bit of wildfire, do you want the Dragon Queen to come back?”

Varys said: “There is a cellar below here, where I specialize in storing old jars.”

Polon caught a key point and couldn’t help but screamed: “Old jar! Did you start planning a long time ago!?”

“Ha ha.”

Varys chuckled, did not answer, and moved forward.

But Bolong thought he was tacitly acquiesced.

Bologne realized a problem.

“So this dead **** has long wanted to rebel!”

Dangerous items were stored here, and Bolong didn’t dare to stay away from the light, he quickly followed.

Varys stopped, and Bolong looked at through the faint light and was shocked for a while.

The wine racks are full of such jars, neatly arranged, four in a row, extending towards the dark bottom of the ground.

After a long time, Bolong murmured: “How many cans are there?”

Varys proudly said: “Last year I found two hundred cans in the next storage room of the Baylor Church. No one can remember how these things were placed there, but without me, you can imagine the total The bishop was panicked. Later, I personally supervised the safe transfer of the things. I filled the cart with sand and sent the most powerful assistant. We only acted at night, and we pretended to be merchants, even Zogo. Neither Stannis found wildfire in these cans!”

Bolong felt that the facts of the octopus spider were too big.

“You mean, the archbishop also knows your actions?”

Varys asked back: “Are you talking about the incumbent or the incumbent?”

Now that he asked, Bolong felt that the incumbent should have hooked up with him.

“Are you and the big sparrow in the same group!?”

Bolong exclaimed in exclamation.

Varys chuckled and said: “I can’t say that they are in a group, they just use each other. I helped him remove the threat from the royal family, and he helped me restrict the royal family. It is really a win-win cooperation!”

Such information is explosive, enough to completely overthrow the Bucks dynasty.

For the first time Bolong felt that it was better to be a free mercenary than to be a king’s vassal.

Suddenly, he found another suspicious point.

“Don’t tell me, even the people who take care of the wine cellar are yours?”

Only there are people here, the former lord of Longshi Island didn’t find it!

Varys still replied with a faint smile: “I’m just a person who likes to spy on other people’s secrets.”

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