Legend of the Dragon King of Ice and Fire

Chapter 381

Chapter 358 :curse

Longshi Island has become a forbidden area.

People fled one after another, those with boats took the boats, those without boats even used the bedboards as floats, just to stay away from the weird volcano.

“The Virgin and Heavenly Father created us in their image. We must be proud of our bodies. It is a masterpiece of the gods.”

But those gods must be drunk when they made me.

Bolong looked as if he was breathing, constantly absorbing the volcano exhaling heat, hurting himself for the weirdness that Zhuo Ge created.

He and Varys stood on the ship, watching from a distance.

They are waiting, waiting for the reappearance of the king.

To raise land, a magnificent white light resembling a giant sword blasted out of the volcano and reached the clouds!

Then dumped to Junlin City on the other side of the Heishui River!

Everyone was stunned by this incredible scene.

However, more shocking scenes appeared instantly.


With a loud noise, that horrible sword light directly split the wall of King’s Landing, and cut the majestic King’s Landing City into two like cutting melons and vegetables, and slashed into the depths of the earth!

Then, the Baimang collapsed, causing a strong explosion!


The wildfire buried in the secret road of King’s Landing was ignited by the hot disintegrating sword light, and the green demons came out of the cage one after another, swallowing half of King’s Landing in the blink of an eye, and dyed the sky ten miles around!

All this happened so quickly that the many soldiers and civilians of King’s Landing had no time to react, and they were burned into nothingness!

Those who are still alive realize that there is really a god-like power in this world!

It turns out that where I live, there are life-killing demons buried in the ground.

The energy that ruined the world caused people far away in the waters of Longshi Island to tremble, and even Bolong, who was brave and brave, was frightened and collapsed on the deck.

And Messier was not much better, trembling all over.

“But, terrible, one sword can destroy half of King’s Landing, Zhuo Ge is not a human being, he is a god!”

Varys said with a trembling, then knelt on both knees, bowing in the direction of the volcano.

Everyone followed suit and knelt down one by one.

Zhuo Ge, who was covered in red, spit out a string of white smoke, and then walked down the volcano with his sword and bow.

He didn’t use the sword again, because it wasn’t worth the hard-won energy.

The coalition forces gathered by Lannister were the target of Dawn’s prestige.

Yijian will exhaust the wildfire buried in King’s Landing, and his goal has been achieved.

What made Zogo regretted was that there were no wildfires under the Red Fort and St. Belle’s Cathedral, so they survived.

He chuckled and muttered to himself: “Also, if the two most important buildings can’t stay, Dani who returned by taking the dragon might blame me.”

After speaking, he looked at the refuge ship in the waters of Longshi Island, showing a look of contempt.

He has reminded Varys and Bolong that Dragon Stone Island will not be swallowed by magma and wildfire, so that they can stay in the castle with peace of mind.

But he will not criticize those people, because they are all mortals. Faced with such a situation, it is impossible not to be afraid.

“Clang clang!”

Hearing the alarm bell from King’s Landing, Zhuo Ge rushed to the dock.

He wants the people of Varys to load all the wild fire pots hidden in the cellar on the sailboat.

Because it’s time to leave.

After getting ready, Zhuo Ge called Snowball to board the boat.

Sailing ships along the desolate, barren, shallow and whirlpool coast, because they fought the banner of the Iron Throne, they passed unimpeded all the way.

After a long voyage, they replenished wheat, meat and fresh water on Tas Island.

Varys learned from the seller that the war had not yet broken out.

This made him feel very surprised, because Tywin Lannister, who has a large amount of wildfire, can absolutely destroy the Dothraki and the Unsullied.

“What is that cunning lion waiting for? Is it possible that your Majesty’s whereabouts have long been exposed, so he wants to wait for you to enter the Wind’s Breath Castle before catching it all?”

Varys and Drogo sat on the floor in the cabin, sipping some wine while expressing their opinions.

Kao’s eyes were deep and meaningful and said: “The raven is faster than any sailboat. Tywin must know that I am not afraid of wildfires, so he is waiting for me, and there is a great terror from the deep sea.”

Varys was surprised and hesitated: “The great horror from the deep sea, wouldn’t you be talking about it?”

Zhuo Ge didn’t explain his doubts, only murmured: “The storm is coming!”

“A storm is coming?”

When the octopus spider was surprised, the sailboat shook violently.

Obviously, Zhuo Ge said that they were really caught in a storm.

It’s just that the time here is too punctual! ?

“Your Majesty, the storm, the storm is coming!”

Captain Heller screamed and rushed in.

Varys’s face changed drastically, but Zhuo Ge appeared very calm, sipping wine amidst the bumps.

“There was a headwind between this big storm, and the black wind drove us to the sea of ​​destruction. This long journey seems to have been cursed from the beginning!”

Zhuo Ge said with a chuckle: “Hey, curse, I like this word.”

Varys proposed with trepidation: “Your Majesty, shall we return to the voyage temporarily, and then set off when the wind and waves are calm?”

Zhuo Ge said solemnly: “No, the storm is here for me. As long as I am at sea, the storm will not stop!”

“Come on, this time I want to kill God!”

Cao is ready.

The sea hit the sailboat, and the deck rose and fell under his feet, so violently that water in the cabin entered.

“A masterpiece by the cousin of a female girl,” he thought.

He didn’t like these storms that appeared out of thin air, but he had expected it to appear The sea near the storm zone was often stormy, but at least people could detect them there.

But this storm is like an unfaithful woman.

Even the color of the water is abnormal, and there is a shimmering turquoise near the coast, but the water is so deep blue that it is almost black.

There is no way out, they can only resign themselves to fate.

Although people were in panic, they were surprised to find that their course was not disrupted during the storm.

And the speed of sailing is several times faster than before.

Zhuo Ge knew the reason, and he muttered in a low voice: “Is you so anxious to let me harvest your life?”

This is the most common route to Broken Boat Bay, and the busiest traffic, with handy prizes and small islands, where they can escape the storm, perform repairs, and fill their storage rooms if necessary.

Zhuo Ge didn’t like this small island with dense forests, but the sailboat did need to be repaired, or the crew would become food for sea monsters sooner or later.

The hunt may be satisfying, but the forest is too green and quiet, full of twisted trees, peculiar bright flowers, nothing like what his people have seen before, there are horrible things lurking in the submerged broken palaces and broken ones. In the statue.

The sailboat was anchored at half a league to the west.

What makes the crew feel very strange is that when Zhuo Ge left the sea and stood on land, the violent storm disappeared quickly!

Wearing black robes and covering their identities with masks, Zhuo Ge and his party spent one night on the island.

A crew member of the Iron Islands said that he bit his tongue while sleeping, but he regarded it as a drowning **** manifestation, a warning.

If they stay here too long, the island will be submerged and everyone will suffocate to death.

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