Legend of the Dragon King of Ice and Fire

Chapter 384

Chapter 361 : A battle to decide who is the overlord


Like the sound of the Basilisk screaming, a green light flashed through Zhuo Ge’s eyes, and the green snakes followed the Dawn Great Sword to all corners of the cabin.

Soon the cabin was filled with green snakes!

The temperature of Zou Ran has risen, and it has reached the point where it is not unpleasant!


With a loud noise, the entire sailboat exploded, the berth was occupied by green flames, and it turned into nothingness in a few breaths!

The raging fire engulfed nearby royal ships at an unimaginable speed, including the Devil, which contained the power of destroying the world.


The explosion sound several times more intense than before resounded through Baili sea area!

Tens of thousands of tons of sea water were directly blown up, smashing dense clouds in the wind!

The green fire-ridden man jumped into the water and let out an inhuman scream.

In an instant, nests of emerald viper snakes screamed and churned, burned, spread, and dyed emerald color in a radius of several miles.

A terrifying cry resounded: “Ah! Wildfire!”


The leaders in the golden tent were shocked, Euron fumbled and walked outside the tent, opened his confused eyes, and called out his guards.

The green shock wave overflowed from the rain curtain, destroying everything before the prestige!

People and horses stumbled in the pre-dawn chill, they were busy preparing for battle, making a mess.

The horn sounded: “There is an enemy attack! Quick, quick, quick.”

The knights jumped on the startled horses that couldn’t help but breathe, and the infantry buckled their sword belts as they ran.

But the direction they ran was Wind’s Breath.

No one dares to fight against the wildfire!

“What happened?” Mace Tyrell asked Euron Greyjoy who was out for inspection.

Euron yelled in horror: “It’s definitely Zogo’s dark child who ignited the wildfire on the Devil in the dark!”


Davos, Luce Bolton and others were shocked and rushed out of the tent and ran to their camp.

When Tywin Lannister found his attendant, the child was snoring softly, which was drunk.

The regent raised his leg and kicked him in the ribs.

“Get my armor quickly.”

He said: “Move fast.”

However, he was too late to prepare, and the heavily armed Bolong drew his sword and rushed towards him.

At the same time, the eight-claw spider Varys quietly left the big tent under the protection of his guards.

Just as Tywin Lannister was about to raise his chair to deal with it, a sharp steel sword blocked Bolong’s attack for him!

But it was reluctant to block, revealing its powerlessness.

James Lannister shouted grimly: “You **** traitor!”

It was exposed, but Bolong was not afraid of the one-armed man, struggling to separate his sharp sword, and slashing at the head of the kingslayer with his sword.

James quickly rolled to the right and escaped the fatal blow.

Just when Bolong was fierce and ready to harvest his life.

A group of golden robes rushed in. Bolong didn’t dare to do any more. He gave up James, ran to the corner of no one, raised the sword and opened the tent, and then went out.

Hurry up, the horn seems to be shouting, hurry up, hurry up, hurry up.

All the drunk people were awakened by the deafening horn in the dark.

And when they saw the soaring green flames on the sea, the wine woke up half of them instantly.

The horn sounded across the night sky, wild and hurried, as if shouting: Hurry, hurry, hurry.

Everyone knew that there was an enemy attack and the scene was chaotic, but they couldn’t tell where the enemy was.

Can only run around like a frightened war horse, guarding against enemies who do not know where.

The spears were hitting and the horses were neighing, but fortunately there was no fighting.

“This is Lannister’s horn!”

Someone shouted: “This is a combat assembly order!”

The ferocious wildfire, coupled with the sound of the bugle in the Wind’s Breath, makes the soul shudder with low and sadness.

Mill mercenaries climbed onto the scrawny mountain mounts, cursing loudly and mocking each other, some of them were obviously drunk.

Of course, this is all the soldiers on the shore, but the soldiers in the sea are desperate.

Once ignited by a wildfire, even if it jumps into the sea, it still cannot be extinguished immediately.

So there are very few soldiers who can climb ashore alive.

Slowly, Tywin Lannister, neatly dressed, rides on a tall horse and is inexhaustible!

Most of the navy died, and wildfires exploded.

At this moment, he understood that the combined army had no advantage over the garrison of Wind’s Breath.

If they meet in the open sea, they can encircle from the two wings and squeeze the enemy towards the center, and first continue to drop a small amount of wildfire to wipe out all the garrisons in the Fortress of Wind.

But now the plan has become empty talk.

At this time, Tai Wen could only hope that these miscellaneous joint forces could compete with Karratha and Unsullied.

After he ordered the army of King’s Landing to turn around, wait for the Fortress of Wind’s Breath, ignoring everything on the sea.

The power of wildfires continued to increase, and the warships continued to make a loud tearing noise, which made all the false kings heartbroken.

Moments later, another huge explosion echoed on the surface of the water, followed by a third sound.

What bitumen cans, what fuel drums were all ignited.

The crew dived one after another, not daring to struggle with the green demon who was on the ship.

No one reported to the leaders of Wind’s Rest.

But the hero, Lao Mosuo and others had already stood on the tower when they heard the sound, motionless like a gargoyle, watching the blazing flames on the sea.

Karratha and the Unsullied have been integrated immediately, and the giant Roman has swung his sledgehammer to smash the giant battleships piled outside the city to clear the way for his own people.

Half of the Iron Islands fleet caught fire, and most of the ships on Qingting Island were also burning.

The wildfire’s own mouth should not turn the imposing ship into a funeral pyre, or turn people into a living torch.

The air was full of smoke and screams.

The captain downstream, no matter whether he was born noble or not, watched the hissing flames approaching them.

They are so powerless, they realize the true meaning of death, and everyone is equal before death.

Even if you can get the blessing of the **** of the storm, go down the wind and paddle hard, it is still not as fast as the wildfire spread!

The long white oars on the Mill ship swayed wildly like the feet of a centipede, struggling to reverse the direction, but to no avail.

These centipedes have no way to escape.

More than a dozen fires ignited under the walls of Wind’s Breath, but the power of the bursting of asphalt tanks pales in comparison with wildfires, just like candles in a burning house.

Their orange and bright red brilliance seemed so small before the emerald-colored fire festival ceremony.

The low clouds are dyed with the color of the river, and shades of green cover the sky.

Strangely beautiful, terribly beautiful!

But they still want to compete with the wildfire, because they want to break through more outward passages and fight to the death with the coalition army!

This is their best opportunity.

The hot wind roared and burned.

Another huge ship filled with ripe fruit of flamingo was engulfed by hungry and thirsty flames.

Streams of emerald-colored fountains suddenly rose from the surface of the river, reaching a height of thirty or forty feet, and the bright light of the explosion made people have to cover their eyes.

The flames danced on the water, crackled and sizzled, overshadowing all the screams.

The river was full of thousands of people, either flooded, on fire, or both.

Do you hear their screams, Tywin Lannister, Luce Bolton, Euron Greyjoy?

Do you see them burning?

This is not only due to my own strategy, but also due to your stupidity.

Who should not provoke, you know?

Zhuo Ge, who was walking in the sea, knew that among the boiling crowd on the south bank of Broken Boat Bay, those pseudo-kings were watching.

He has the desire to fight beyond everyone, and he has an unparalleled style of king. He is used to sitting in front of the army and commanding the team to charge.

But he can’t leave the sea yet, because his battlefield is not on land, but in this vast sea.

Zhuo Geyuan opened his apricot eyes, searched around in the turbid water, and kept crying in his heart.

“Hai Xi, come on, I’m ready!”

Stannis Baratheon was riding on horseback, wearing bright armor and a crown.

It was a crown of red gold with a flame shape on the edge.

But no one cared about his majesty at this time.

“My boat! Damn! Damn!”

Stannis screamed in spite of his image, he was like a lunatic.

The fleet was once again engulfed by wildfire, which made him very uncomfortable.

“It’s over.”

Stannis realized that he had no chance to stand up again, he had already lost the qualification to fight for the Iron Throne.

Now he has to consider not whether he can win the war, but how to repay the huge debts of the Iron Bank and the losses of the mercenaries.

This trip was supported by Melisandre. She said that she saw a real dragon burned by green flames in the flames.

Now Stannis felt that the enlightenment Melisandre received from the Lord of Light did not refer to Zogo, but to himself!

But he might be wrong, because Zhuo Ge was indeed the first person to be burned by the wildfire.

It’s just that Zhuo Ge is the one who doesn’t burn, and he is the master of the light messenger.

Earl Redwin and the guards squeezed into the army, and a golden rose was printed on the helmet representing the status of a high court vassal.

“My Qingting is on fire! There are also Putao and Zhongchen. Look, Jinjiu is also burning, right there!”

He poked his fingers with a steel sword, and Lu Yan licked the golden hull of Jinjiu!

The captain turned around in an emergency to avoid the current, but could not escape the wildfire.

The battleship was doomed to escape, Earl Redwin knew well, but he had no other way.

The arrow can be aimed, the spear can be moved, and even the trebuchet can be adjusted, but the green demon has its own will. Once out of the cage, it cannot be controlled by humans.

“no way!”

Mace Tyrell told his vassal: “In any case, our fleet will be over.”

“Hey… we should go back to King’s Landing. It’s over, the fleet is over, and Queen Margaret is over!”

Someone chanted.

Thinking of his daughter, the high court duke lowered his head deeply, and he was sobbing.

A long wall made of fiery red steel, hot boat wood and rotating green fire stood between them. It was even more frightening than a soaring tornado!

The entrance of Fengshibao became the gate of hell.

A black figure in the scorched wharf ruins.

It’s time for an assault, the hero thought.

The army is most vulnerable when it staggers ashore and cannot give the enemy time to complete its assembly.

Duke Tywin Lannister’s army is like a slowly blooming steel rose, with thorns gleaming.

The Chinese army is under the command of his younger brother, and Sir Kevon has erected a flag at the entrance of King’s Road.

The step archers lined up in three rows, separated roads and things, and had already set up arrows.

Pikemen in a square formation stood among the archers, and behind them were rows of infantrymen armed with spears, swords, and axes.

Three hundred heavy cavalry surrounded the princes and their entourages such as Sir Cavon, Earl Leford, Earl Leiden, and Earl Salliott.

The right wing is full of cavalry, with a total of about 4,000 men and heavy armor.

More than three-quarters of the knights gathered here, showing their majesty.

The team is commanded by Yulin Tiewei.

When Tai Wen ordered the banner officer to unfold the flag and add power, the family crests of each family were immediately revealed.

There are flags such as the purple unicorn of Sir Fremont, the brindle boar of the Craher family, and the bantam rooster of the Sweifer family.

The Duke of Tywin sits on the hill where the big tent is located, surrounded by reserves, half of the cavalry and half of the infantry, up to five thousand men.

He has gold, and money can make ghosts grind, so he has the largest number of troops.

The total number of troops of Billus Bolton and others is larger.

Collecting all of them, he firmly believes that even if he loses sea power, he can compete with the mighty Zhuo Ge army.

The Duke of Tywin has always commanded the reserve team, standing on a high ground with a panoramic view of the battle, and depending on the situation, put the troops where they are most needed.

Even in this chaotic scene, he is still brilliant and dazzling.

Tywin Lannister’s armor, even the gilded suit of his son James, would be eclipsed.

His big cloak is woven with countless golden thread, so heavy that it rarely floats when charging, and once mounted, it almost completely covers the hind legs of the mount.

Ordinary cloak hooks cannot bear such a weight. Instead, a pair of little lionesses lying on their shoulders and corresponding to each other, as if ready to jump out at any time Their spouse is a majestic mane The lion, standing tall on the top of Duke Taiwen’s great helmet, sounded in the air with one claw, and roared with an open mouth.

The three lions are made of pure gold with ruby ​​eyes.

His armor is a heavy steel plate armor with dark red enamel, and the knee pads and iron gloves are decorated with complicated gold swirls.

The guard disc is a golden sunburst, and each hook is plated with gold.

After repeated polishing, the red steel armor was as bright as fire under the light of wildfire.

They had already heard the sound of the opening of the Wind’s Breath, and they had no way to go back.

The surrounding land is rugged and uneven.

The shore is slippery, soft and muddy, with a low ascending slope, ascending to King’s Avenue, and further east, it is a rocky and steep terrain.

Except for retreat, otherwise this beach is the battlefield to decide who is the overlord of Westeros!

But Tywin Lannister would not retreat because he was very shrewd. He knew that once he gave up this opportunity, he would never be able to integrate such a majestic coalition army.

Once they give up, then they will definitely be defeated by Zhuo Ge one by one!

Whoever has a thick arm is the boss.

Although Luce Bolton, Stannis Baratheon and others are all arrogant people who dislike each other.

But in order to win the war, they led their troops to obey the dispatch of Duke Taiwen.

Of course, there is another force that has not followed the trend, and that is the Iron Islands, which has almost completely wiped out the navy and has the least number of infantry.

They were led by Euron Greyjoy, one by one, they knelt down and prayed to the Drowning God facing the sea of ​​fire raging by the green demons.

On the battlefield, this is the act of a coward.

But no one cares about their actions, because there are hundreds of remaining iron species that can’t affect the direction of the war at all.

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