Legend of the Dragon King of Ice and Fire

Chapter 4

Chapter 4 : In order to illuminate the light of th

The mental state was much more sluggish than yesterday, and his head even tingled a little. Zhuo Ge felt that there must be a big problem, as if he had been watching the world with his eyes open for three days and three nights!

I wanted to find out the source of the disease, but like the pharmacist, who is indispensable to the Kalatha tribe, Giaco and Bono would be foolish and leave it to Dani, and naturally took them with them.

So he can only take it hard.

Afraid of his wife’s worry, Zhuo Ge didn’t tell her the bad situation, and even the specific reason for going to Rainbow Land. He didn’t tell anyone except for the blood alliance guard and Qiao La.

Because even if I say Dani, I can’t help, and it will add a lot of imaginary tenderness and trouble.

The big man Zhuo Ge rubbed his temples, got up and put on a painted leather vest, politely with Dany’s permission, took her to wear the perfumed lion fur for a day, and put it on his body.

Rainbow Land is the site of the white lion. Wearing fur clothes might have the effect of a leaf barrier, but he thinks this is the next best thing, because those fierce beasts are particularly sensitive to the breath of humans.

There is no way to cover up his breath, Zhuo Ge has, but he doesn’t know whether he is working or not. After all, the first blood-spilled life he slaughtered was a white lion.

Putting on the scimitar, with the assistance of Dany, he took away the young dragon standing on the bone bow, put the bow on his back, and then called Ji Qi in and wiped a few faces, even if he was ready.

Before leaving, Zhuo Ge put his hands on his wife’s shoulders, and said very solemnly: “You are Ka Lixi, when I leave, you will take your dragon and your people with you, according to Weeping Blood. Guided by the star, go deep into the red soil wasteland, remember, don’t look back!”

Danni firmly believes that a husband who is always standing between life and death is invincible, but she still feels a little uneasy: “My sun and stars, what about you?”

Zhuo Ge said softly: “The moon in my life, when things are done, I will catch up with you.”

This man pretended too much in his heart and loved him deeply, but Dany asked herself, feeling that she really didn’t know him well.

is about to face an unknown number of fierce beasts. Zhuo Ge is not very sure about this. He is even more uncertain about the adventure after the “sneak run” is successful, but if you don’t want to survive, you must do so.

With so many mouths, only three days of rations are left, which means that he is going to break the boat, so as to urge himself and inspire others in the same industry.

He was born, and other people could live more comfortably before they died. If he died, if Danni and others had no adventure, it would be almost a luxury to walk to the “city of dead bones” in the red soil wasteland alive.

Maybe his decisions are wrong, but this world where the weak and the strong are too obvious is unfair. Is it selfish, all the preparations are just to get close to the former supremacy?

Zhuo Ge didn’t mean to criticize himself at all.

was born in blood and grass. He was a man who did great things. He didn’t show the reluctance to “separate life and death”. He only kissed his wife lightly on the forehead, then turned and walked out of the account.

Zhuo Ge does not love his wife deeply enough, but he is used to the life of licking blood.

Ignoring the young dragon who hadn’t settled her shoulders, Dany hurriedly picked up her skirt and followed.

Only when the curtain was lifted, Drogo saw that the Karathas were all gathered outside the tent, and the neatly dressed Sir Jorah and the Blood League guard stood at the forefront of the crowd, leading the best horses available.

After    Zhuo Ge took a closer look, he had the illusion that he was a world away. In his lifetime, he had never seen such a bleak sight of his side. Only four people could go on the battlefield, and only sick horses and old horses could ride.

What a beautiful scenery in the past, with a wave of his big hand, the light of the knife can illuminate the night, the whistling of horses can resound through the sea of ​​Dothrak, and tens of thousands of excellent warriors sweep everything like waves!

More than a hundred people are looking forward to it, waiting for him to speak.

Zhuo Ge looked at a blank face with a height higher than everyone, lacking confidence, and his throat was a little congested, and asked in his heart: “What should I say?”

Just as he hesitated, Dany, who walked to him, blushed and showed a leap expression.

The first time she was entrusted with a “heavy task”, she felt her heart surging and she had to say: “The blood of my blood, your beloved Zogokao, will win you better. To live in blood and fight, deadly dangerous, but we can only bless these warriors, and I will lead you to follow the footsteps of the blood weeping star to the land of fertile sunset, in order to live a better life, you are willing to follow me!?”

This passionate remark instantly ignited the enthusiasm of the Karrathas, regardless of men and women, one after another raised their arms and shouted: “Kalyxi, Kalyxi! Mother of Dragon!…”

glanced obliquely at his fascinated wife, Zhuo Ge was mixed for a while, feeling that her kingly spirit had gradually taken shape.

And Zhuo Ge felt that Dany seemed to know the purpose of his trip.

“Should she ask Qiaora while I was in a deep dream? Asking for love? Or is my position in her heart far less than the young dragon with great potential? Maybe both. …..”

Unable to disturb the glory that belonged to her, Zhuogo silently walked to the old red-maned horse that Lacarlo had prepared for him, stepped on the pedals, turned over and jumped on the back of the horse, took out the silver-handled long whip from the saddle, and jerked back. With a twitch, at the same time, he shouted a “drive”, and the painful red horse rushed to the pass leading to the sea of ​​grass.

“Your Majesty, goodbye.”

Qiao La’s eyes were tender, and she murmured goodbye, tightened the reins and turned the horse’s head, and rode the horses with the three blood league guards to chase Zhuo Ge, who had great momentum.

When the five figures were about to disappear, the Karathas stopped making noise and watched their king leave with the mother of dragons.

Dani’s eyes are looking into the distance, but her mind is reminiscent of the throbbing that made people fully sublimate.

The pestle stayed in the same place for a long time, and instead of calming down, her mood intensified, because the pleasure of responding to each other was so fascinating!

, who felt uncomfortable, Dany gave the order again: “My people, put the tent in one hour, pack up, and follow me deep into the red soil wasteland!”

“Yes, Karishe!”

The Karathas responded loudly, and then they dispersed, each getting busy.


“She broke the tradition, released the shackles of slaves, advocated that everyone is equal under one person, and made such a great act of subverting the world view. It is well-deserved to get the love of those disadvantaged groups. I shouldn’t think too much.”

Zhuo Ge’s brain is very messy, trying to persuade himself, constantly swinging his whip and smashing the horse’s buttocks, trying to dilute the distracting thoughts in his mind with speed and passion, but sitting down on the old horse with suffering, and constantly surpassing the limit and rushing forward.

In the eyes of Chora and the others, who was left far behind him, Zhuo Ge, wrapped in lion fur, was like a mad beast.

It is not suitable to disturb him at this time. Besides, he has more weight than him and cannot catch up. Fortunately, the blood league guards leading to Da Caohai are very familiar and will not be lost.

After all, it is an aging flesh and blood body. Before noon, the old horse is exhausted. No matter how Zhuoge beats it, it whimpers in circles and refuses to leave.

Qiao La, who was the first to catch up with him, said boldly: “Making, take a break, and run like this again, all the old guys we praised will fall!”

Dothraki people are nomads on horsebacks and fighting people. They are good at archery and equestrianism. Horses rely on them to cross the sea of ​​grass, and they are also their companion partners who need to trust each other.

Zhuo Ge, once the strongest horse king, came to the point of interest by Qiao La. He didn’t get angry at him. He turned over and jumped off his horse as suggested, found a big rock, and looped the rein several times. Tie it up, and then sit down on the ground.

Sir Chora also got off the horse, took out the water sac from the saddle bag, which contained the leftover honey wine from last night, took a few sips, then walked over and handed it to him.

Smoked and grilled under the scorching sun, dressed thickly, Zhuo Ge was thirsty and unbearable, ignoring whether it would aggravate his poor mental state, reached out his hand to take the water bag, and took a big mouthful.

When the wine was filled with energy, Zhuo Ge suddenly felt a tingling sensation in his head like being pricked by a needle, which seemed to be better.

“Is this the so-called fighting with poison?”

Inspired, Zhuo Ge, who had been holding back for a long time, regained the previous mass, and directly suffocated the wine in the water sac. Qiao La was stunned, and he secretly sighed that this guy in front of him is worthy of the head of a barbarian, and he acts as a man. Much bolder than the people below!

But if Jora’s idea was known to Zhuo Ge, he would definitely sneer, because he was a civilized man in his bones after he was reborn.

“Duck-dack”, the blood league guards also arrived. The moment they got off the horse, the tired three people couldn’t help feeling relieved, and took out the water and dried meat to chew.

After a while, Zhuo Ge felt his headache disappeared completely, but his head became more drowsy.

This is a good thing, but the sleepiness accumulated over a few days suddenly hit him, making him feel that his eyelids are as heavy as being pressed by the holy city of Vis Dothrack. It is really irrepressible!

So he tilted his head and fell asleep deeply. Soon, his snoring sound exploded like a thunderbolt on a sunny day.

is so self-willed, the other four have no complaints, because they also want to take a good rest.

Time slowly passed. Zhuo Ge slept for more than three hours. In his situation, it is not surprising that he slept for a day and a night, but he was not used to taking a nap, so he did not get too late to business.

didn’t enter that strange dream this time, Zhuo Ge’s mental head improved a lot, and he also found a way to cure the “strange disease”, which is to numb himself with honey.

Zhuo Ge led the four on horseback and continued on the road.

This time La Carlo and the others don’t have to suffer from strong bumps anymore, because Kao is no longer crazy and moves forward at a normal speed.

was speechless all the way, unknowingly, the sun had been swallowed by the western mountains, the stars began to flash vaguely, and they blinked at the group of them.

The Weeping Blood Star has disappeared. When Drogos came, Dany should have acted, so he was busy leading the way, announcing that the comet of the world’s magic dragon had disappeared in this sky.

The location was too desolate, they didn’t encounter any danger, but the sharp-eyed Zhuo Ge’s sense of fortune gradually disappeared, because he saw a clear hoofprint left by a horse on the road, and dried blood.

The hoof prints and blood stains were not covered by the wind and sand, which means that someone may have been riding a horse, and it was not long ago.

“Be alert!”

Zhuo Ge solemnly reminded him.

are desperadoes after all. Others soon discovered the strangeness, and their expressions became more and more serious.

After moving forward slowly for an hour, they found someone not far away by the moonlight.

Zhuo Ge took a closer look, and found that he was a dead man with a broken throat sleeping in the embers of the campfire!

The group of people was shocked, especially Zhuo Ge, because he knew the man holding the Yarak machete, and he appeared in his dream the night before, called Hoso!

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