Legend of the Dragon King of Ice and Fire

Chapter 41

Chapter 39 : Help the envoy of Yuan Kai Mi Lin to p

Astapo, who was once ruled by the good masters, only focused on exporting the unsullied and other slaves, and lacked interest in the extremely cheap agricultural and industrial development in their eyes. After Zhuoge took power, he used it to fill more than a dozen. The food in the stomachs of ten thousand people is basically the inventory of the good masters.

The good masters can sit back and relax and spend freely because the three giants of Slave Bay are united and monopolized the economic and trade of Slave Bay, so they never worry about the needs of life.

However, after the change of Astapo, the great masters whose interests have been severely hit, and the wise masters will naturally not recognize Zogo’s policy philosophy focusing on “freedom” and cut off Astapo’s trade route, just to warn him. We still need to discuss the restoration of slavery, or we will get out or die hungry.

Of course Zhuo Ge knew their motives, and he also knew that the slave owners of Yuan Kai and Mi Lin would not care who the king of the Red Brick City was. As long as they continued to trade slaves with them and cooperated to win-win, they would be able to make a difference. Go on peacefully.

But he didn’t want to change, because he was still cold and cold, but he was only aimed at the enemy.

It will take a long time for the newly planted grains to turn into hot bread and other rations. Therefore, it is imperative to clear the trade route of the Kaiser Pass.

Ago, who is hard to change his nature, once suggested simply and rudely: “The blood of my blood, as long as we ransack the surrounding towns, we can definitely overcome the difficulties.”

This idea Zhuo Ge never surfaced, but was stopped by the kind-hearted Dany. She said that this was a temporary solution but not a permanent cure. She was full of herself but hungry for others. The slave owners had no stuff to fill their stomachs. The fate of the slave. It is conceivable that if you really do that, what is the difference from the good masters before?

Mawang thought about it, so he shelved this plan.

But the pity is small, and the biggest and annoying one can’t be let go. He already has a clear strategic plan for unblocking trade.

Since he was going to war again, Zhuo Ge decided to improve the equipment of his troops to reduce their casualties.

He instructed his people to deliver all the temporarily unused or discarded metal utensils to the Armament Department for use in making armor, Arak’s scimitar, and hard-to-cut iron spears.

Dany has made another comment on this. She hates soldiers wearing armor, because the soldiers under the usurper are all dressed in iron clothes.

There is also a degree of spoiling his wife. This is the wife’s personal hatred, and Zhuo Ge needs to be responsible for the lives of the people, so ignoring her is nothing but unreasonable harassment.

Ten days later, all the armors and weapons with the emblems of Malong combined with the monsters were produced, and Rakarlo distributed them one by one according to the number of immediate combat power.

In the past, the unsullied and braided warriors wore them as they were light and waved. Now they wear a layer of iron clothes with a strong defense. They feel that it affects their performance because they have more weight.

Zhuo Ge, who had originally wanted to release his equipment, had to go on an expedition, but he had to extend the date to give the tribes a period of time to adapt and fight **** battles in the fullest state.

Those free men who have only joined the army, and those who have not won the spiked helmet, are very envious of the new equipment of the veterans, but Zhuo Ge clearly told them that if they want to have good equipment, they must rely on their strength to fight for it.

While the soldiers were adapting to the new equipment, the anxious Zhuo Ge personally supervised the scene, and even scolded and cried several Unsullied.

He was very surprised by this, because the former unsullied were like a machine without emotions, but now they shed tears. This is simply subverting the three views!

“Could it be that after they stopped drinking the wine of courage, their numb nerves began to recover and became sensitive?”

Zhuo Ge thought so, but the chief **** Grey Worm thought there was another reason, and that was that they loved the majestic king too much, and felt that they had failed the king’s expectations, so they showed their true feelings and washed their faces in tears.

After listening to the horse king, goose bumps appeared all over his body, and he couldn’t stand the unusual love of the eunuchs.

Lost the mentor Jora Mormon, who taught Grey Worm how to command, but he is still making rapid progress. Zhuo Ge is younger than himself, responds quickly, and is satisfied with the **** who is tireless in learning everything.

One day, Zhuo Ge, who was watching the soldiers sweating on the Freedom Square, received a report from the braided scout that a group of envoys from Yuankai and Milin was approaching Astapo.


Zhuo Ge hummed softly, and instructed the leaders: “You guys, go and drink his ten bowls of fermented mare’s milk that is good for digestion, and then go to the court and join me to welcome the arrival of the Gith Stupid Pig.”

This request is very strange, and Ago and others do not understand it. Qiao Ge couldn’t help but ask: “My blood, when I meet the slave owner’s running dog, do I need to drink mare’s milk?”


Zhuo Ge spit out two words mysteriously, walked to his fire-colored horse, and galloped back to his home.

With Dani’s help, the couple dragged the three-headed young dragon to the court.

It took a long time for all the leaders to gather together, but the envoys were too late to arrive. The few people who drank too much milk could not hold back, and they asked Zhuo Ge for instructions: “Kao, please let me leave first, and go and make it easier. .”

Zhuo Ge looked at the sweaty people who had tolerated them, and pretended to sternly shouted: “As the leader, I can’t help but also tolerate me. Don’t give up yourself and do shameful things that make the people laugh. Also, it is too wasteful to solve it now. For a while, the envoy of Guise needs your rain and nourishment.”

waited until the sun was swallowed by Xishan, and the envoys of Yuan Kai and Mi Lin, who came on a white camel, arrived.

The envoy of up to a hundred people, led by two envoys with gold tassels on Toka robes, the sage from Yuankai is called Grazdan Mo Eraz, who is lean and strong, from Milin Grazdan Morci, the great master of China, is a fat man with a bloated figure and freckles on his face. They are like the good masters of Astabo, combing with demon horns that feel good about themselves.

The helmets worn by their entourage are very high, so as not to mess up the twisted and violent hairstyle. They are dressed in dark yellow sarongs and coats, and the cloaks are stitched with dense copper plates. This is the daily life of the Gith soldiers. dress up.

Chaotang is not a vegetable market, Zhuo Ge asked Karratha to block all the miscellaneous people from the chamber, and only let the leader enter.

The two Grazidans looked at the flushed and sweaty Ago and others, and felt slightly surprised. After standing in the court, the two of them did not salute and stared contemptuously at Zogo on the throne. Dan Mo Eraz came directly to disarm.

“Yunkai and Milin, as well as the ancient Gith empire passed down by Astabo, are glorious and glorious. Our walls are as strong as a mountain, our aristocratic treasury is overflowing, and our soldiers are brave and fearless. You want to desecrate the eagle. It’s impossible for the demon’s will to implement your stupid policy! If you know your interest, lead your barbarian troops to leave Astapo and return to your wild grassland as soon as possible!”

Zhuo Ge put his cheek in his right hand, squinted his eyes and said hard: “I have the strongest cavalry, and the best combat infantry, and all the wealth of Asdabo belongs to me. No, I was wrong, it should be said that it is the whole The wealth of Slave Bay is mine. As long as I want to, what can’t be obtained? What can’t be changed? Two Guess stupid pigs, did you just know me Zogo? Don’t you know that I Zogo is not afraid of heaven, only others fear me?”

The envoy was stunned, and his advantage was swept away by King Ma, and it was gone, because what he said was the fact that the soldiers Yuankai and Mi Lin could dispatch are basically slave soldiers and mercenaries hired by money. , In front of the prestigious Unsullied and Braided People, it’s not worth a while.

So they can only play some tricks and dare not lead the soldiers to commit the crime. Grazdan Mo Eraz thought about blowing his own side first, but the result did not have the slightest deterrent effect, but was completely suppressed by the horse king. .

The hard one is not good, the soft one, the thin man blinked at Grazdan Morci, who was eloquent and able to see things. The fat man understood and couldn’t help sighing: “Huh…”

I thought I didn’t need to speak by myself, but in one round, the thin man was defeated by reality. The fat man put away the arrogance on his face, but his tone was still a bit cheap: “Making, you did a cruel and inhuman act in Astapo. , But we are magnanimous and don’t care about it. In order to build our friendship, we have brought you gifts.”

With that said, Grazdan Morci clapped his hands outside the hall. Seeing that some of the entourages carrying two large copper boxes could not enter, Zhuo Ge gestured: “Let them move things in and kick them out! ”

Karratha complied, and when the entourage put the box in place with difficulty, he lifted his long legs and kicked it hard. A clever guard wanted to hide, but was chased and kicked.

The two envoys who were civilized people couldn’t help but sighed: “It’s too barbaric! This is like a majestic court, it’s a pirate’s cabin!”

Zhuo Ge sneered and said, “Savage, there will be more savage in a while, let’s talk, what kind of broken copper and iron are you giving me?”

Fearing to see more barbaric acts, the fat man resisted his anger, hurriedly opened the box, revealing two boxes of charming golden cans, and said with great pride: “A total of 100,000 gold marks symbolizes the great master and the sages’ attitude towards you. Be generous, Ma Wang listened to me, take these two boxes and leave Slave Bay.”

Zhuo Ge disdainfully said: “Hundred thousand gold marks want me to leave like a monkey with a banana. Your adults are too generous. To be honest, the slave owners in those small towns are sending more than you.”

This is obviously because the blood sausage hits the dog has never returned. Grazdan Mo Eraz could not suppress his anger and shouted loudly: “You barbarian, don’t think that you are sitting on the **** troops and some savage herding. Think we are afraid of you, what we have is money, and we can hire mercenaries who can drown you if everyone spits!”

Zhuo Ge has always been no weaker than others, no one can be harder than him in front of him. He put away his joking mentality, and said coldly with a sudden killing intent: “Don’t forget, I still have a dragon! And my money is too. Quite a lot! Tomorrow I will lead my troops into the Kaiser Pass, and you are limited to this period to remove the mercenaries and slave soldiers who blocked the trade passage, otherwise you will bear the anger of me and the dragon !”

Grazdan Mo Eraz violently jumped, clenched his fists and shouted: “You will regret your arrogance. As long as your little lizards dare to approach Yuankai Milin, they will experience such What is the taste of the sharp arrow that rains down! I tell you, it is not that difficult to be a dragon slayer!”

Zhuo Ge trembled with a smile: “Haha, isn’t it?”

“Zuo Geng, Lei Ge, Vesselion is going to let him taste the taste of dragon flames. Remember, the fire is smaller, but don’t burn this ant to death. I want him to go back and relay my attitude. ”

talking playfully, Zhuo Ge shouted: “Dragon Flame!”

The three-headed young dragon, who is not low in wisdom, knew it instantly, and exhaled a large proportion of smoke.

Facing the three-way attack, Grazdan Mo Eraz had nowhere to hide. Even Grazdan Morci, who was responsible for the relaxation of the atmosphere, was affected. The flames touched their Toka robes, instantly Then it burned.

The dragon flame is extremely difficult to extinguish, and the temperature is much higher than that of the ordinary flame. The envoy who felt the intense burning pain wailed: “Ah! It’s hot! Help! Who will help me!?”

Zhuo Ge responded with a smile: “The envoy will hold on first, and someone will come to put out the fire immediately.”

Immediately he walked down the stairs and said, “Everyone who has always wanted to go there is working hard. Go and help the envoy to put out the fire.”

The few people who were so suffocated that they wanted to commit suicide naturally squeezed out the twisted expressions that suddenly realized, hurriedly pinched their legs, and walked small steps towards the howling envoy.

Zhuo Ge was proud of his operation, when he suddenly thought of something, he hurriedly stretched out his hand to cover the eyes of his bewildered wife, and said in a very civilized manner: “My moon, don’t be polite.”

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