Legend of the Dragon King of Ice and Fire

Chapter 56

Chapter 54 : A woman without a shadow

The sea surface changes due to the weather, and the Freedom Bay Fleet is lucky. After half a month of sailing, it has not encountered thunderstorms and has been able to keep moving forward at a constant speed.

The Dragon Horse Jump on which Cao rides led the fleet with full sails. The changing wind blows the sails for hunting and hunting. The oars are turned over. All the sailors are as one body, neatly aligned, so that the distance between the boat and the boat does not exceed. Thirty meters, maintaining an orderly battle line, Zhuo Ge is very proud of this.

Because the time requested by Kaor is very short, there are more than 100 warships that can sail into the sea just before departure. As a result, nearly 20,000 warriors and thousands of war horses are crowded into the ship.

Another reason for the limited movement space is that the combat ordnance assembled on the ship is too complete.

Each ship’s deck is covered with ballistas on both sides, a catapult is placed on the bow and stern, there are also pitch barrels for throwing burning, cobblestones and so on.

The soldiers who have never experienced naval battles have no complaints about this, because only with perfect equipment can they make them feel at ease. After all, precious life is more important than comfortable space.

Even standing or lying down or sitting in the boat for days, Zhuo Ge and Dani felt bored, and missed the feeling of having their feet on the land and being in the crowd.

But along the way, all I saw were desert islands, but judging from the navigation route map shared by the captain, they were already close to the strait governed by Quers.

According to experienced sailors, they will soon arrive at Bangna Island, the first transfer station for crew rest and supplies.

The sailor also introduced that the merchants on the island are extremely wealthy. In order to meet the various needs of tourists, there are singing and dancing performances, magic and acrobatics, indescribable services, etc. The biggest highlight is the hot spring pool on the island, which is also equipped with Professional massage technician.

Soaking in hot springs can relieve muscles and blood. Zhuo Ge likes that way to relieve fatigue. Dany is also looking forward to it, because her smooth and delicate skin becomes dry due to the sea breeze, and she urgently needs hot springs sprinkled with various petals to moisturize.

To raise the land, a plume of gray-white smoke appeared at the junction of the sea and the sky. As it approached, the origin of the smoke became clear at a glance.

That is a towering lighthouse burning with raging fire, marking the transfer station for the crew in this sea area.

In order to avoid trouble and prevent the mercenaries on Banner Island from mistakenly thinking that it was an enemy attack, Zogo ordered the fleet to stop paddling. Accompanied by the Blood Alliance guard, he and Dany went on a spare life boat to dash off.

The wooden paddles made the Bangna Island bigger and bigger. Now Kao can see not only the outline of the mountain, but also the Black Rock Fortress decorated with gargoyles.

The island is not large, but it has a monopolistic topography. As a result, the pier on the edge of the island is crowded with ships, moored at the breakwater and swaying with the stars on the water.

Before entering the port, the sailors reeled their sails and proceeded by paddling. After they were **** with a rope and went ashore, they were entangled by an enthusiastic Ries.

Zhuo Ge thinks that this person is not a hotel employee who is soliciting business, but a tour guide who wants to get tips.

A small island that can be covered at a glance from a distance. Why do you need any explanation?

Under the motion of his eyes, Ago waved his ferocious whip, and with a sound of “pop!”, the air on the head of the little Gith was exploded!

was so scared that the Reese quickly ran away, ran far away, took a bite, cursed and walked to another dock.

Banna Island is brightly lit at night, even in densely shaded places, it can’t hide the light.

The crowds were everywhere, and the singing and dancing acrobatics performance grounds were crowded with people on the three and outside three floors.

Those who are no one beside me, the red cheeks of Dany want to see but are embarrassed to see clearly, her eyes flashing and sneaking makes Zhuo Ge unbearable and smile, curiosity about new things is human nature, he does not point **** **In a joyful atmosphere, it can indeed make people forget their worries for a while.

tends to be identities, but don’t want to be too ostentatious, the couple did not squeeze into the wall to watch the performance up close.

They found an open-air food stall, ordered a few plates of roasted apples, and a roasted whole lamb, paired with Qingting wine that they knew to be fake when they drank it, and listened to the loud singer singing extremely rotten songs.

Landing, “Boom!” A fire ladder appeared out of thin air above the performance area wrapped in a human wall in front of Zhuo Ge!

This is a miraculous accident, which makes the group of people who want to see the magician perform but can’t hold back their eyes.

The continuously extending fire ladder skyrocketed to about thirty feet before it took shape. A magician dressed in a black robe was as swift as a monkey. He climbed along the steps alternately with both hands. Every time he stepped on a step, that step would be It will dissipate, leaving only a wisp of silver smoke floating. When he climbed to the top, the man and the fire ladder disappeared without a trace!


After all, she has the mentality of a little girl. The lady Dani’s big violet eyes opened wide, and she was shocked by the magical performance and quickly covered her little cherry mouth.

The short-sighted blood ally guard can’t help but praise: “It’s amazing!”

Zhuo Ge, who has seen many magic performances in his past and present lives, disapproved and said: “It’s a lie.”

At this moment, a misty and cold female voice suddenly sounded in his ears: “It’s not a trick but real magic.”


Danni’s voice was very soft, not what she said, Zhuo Ge screamed and looked around, but did not find a woman approaching.

La Carlo bounced off the seat and warned the other two blood league guards: “There is a situation!”

Danni asked in surprise: “What’s the matter?”

Zhuo Ge put away his horror and concealed his horror, and waved to them: “Recently, I have heard a lot of waves and hallucinations. Don’t be nervous.”

Enjoyed a meal of antiseptic food that is different from that in a ship, Zhuo Ge took the lead and walked into a sea-view bathing beach, and spent a few gold coins to choose two separate bathrooms.

There is no secret between the husband and wife except for the heart, but Danni needs Missandei to serve. Zogo is afraid that because the beautiful Nath girl makes a fool of himself in front of his wife, he has to soak in the hot spring alone.

Lying in a hot spring for ordinary people, Kao felt very comfortable, closing his eyes to cater to his lazy consciousness.

Suddenly, a gust of wind blew the gauze tent that dimly covered the sea view, and then a splash of water made him open his eyes.

I saw a slender woman wearing a hooded tulle, wearing a wooden mask painted in crimson paint, showing only big watery eyes.

Zhuo Ge was horrified, stood up quickly, picked up the Valyrian scimitar by the pool, and sternly shouted: “You must be a shadow-bound warrior! The dragon flame burned you into nothingness, and you can be born again! ”

The woman was not afraid, she still approached him slowly, and said calmly: “Shadowbinders will die because of the dragon flames, but I will not, because I am a person who is favored by God! God has given me a shadow life, And only my shadow is dead!”

These words made Zhuo Ge’s eyes have other focus, under the bright lights of the day, like her words, she has no shadow!

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