Legend of the Dragon King of Ice and Fire

Chapter 61

Chapter 59 :Dragon flame rushes to distinguish th

In the narrow cabin, ten aromatic candles placed on the sandalwood table are burning, filling the air with fragrance and illuminating the dark concealer.

is worn between the queen’s fingers, the jewels on the belt and the back crown are shining charmingly in the flickering candlelight. It is a woman’s nature to love beauty, especially if it is necessary for a queen.

As long as she likes it, even if it is a star, Zhuo Ge will remember it even if he can’t pick it off.

In his heart, the quilius he coveted was a plaything he wanted to start with, and Dany was true love.

The mother of dragon looked expectant, listening to the sound of leather boots rubbing more and more clearly, bending her legs lightly on the chair made of ebony, her hands clasped tightly on her lower abdomen and trembling slightly, she was very excited.

In Dany’s heart, the elder brother Rega, who was hammered to death by Robert Baratheon in the Trident River, is her hero, even if it is far from the real hero, but she chose to ignore those evils. Comment, try to find out his few glorious deeds and cherish them in my heart.

She knows the reason for self-deception. She really needs family affection too much. Compared with her violent father and second brother, she prefers the legendary and charming Rega.

Ago, Rakaro, and Qiaogo holding Yarak’s scimitar, standing majestically behind her, half in the light and half in the shadow, they have a panoramic view of the front, allegiance, protection, and obedience, this is their duty .

Snowball squatted quietly, rolling his eyes. The three blood guards had seen the dull appearance of the animal pet, but they did not know the explanation of the doctor Ange Krazny who stayed in Freedom Bay and the bachelor Malposi. .

With a strong fragrance coming in, Jon Clinton in black armor appeared one after another. He behaved very respectfully, faintly headed by the accompanying blue-eyed boy.

The exiled Prime Minister’s beard was cleanly shaved, and his wrinkled face was smeared with powder, which looked unusually enchanting, making the Iron and Rock Warriors of Handosraki not conceal their disgust, showing a deep expression of disgust.

If it were not for good eyesight, seeing Clinton’s chin dotted with black spots that aligned with the pores, Dany thought he was a castrate.

The boy’s childish and thin face looked a bit gloomy, with an unnatural smile outlined on it, and the black cloak with blood red satin concealed everything except his face.

Seeing that the fabric on the boy’s ribs was hollow, Dany felt that he was holding it with his hands, and didn’t want to expose anything?

The young man walked with his head up, staring at the silver-haired queen with interest, revealing a sense of arrogance.

He looked at Danny. Danny also stared at the familiar stranger who was about her age, and whispered in her heart: “It seems, he really looks like Viselis!”

Clinton swept the blood-stained guard behind Dany. When his eyes fell on the blood-stained white lion who looked down on him, his expression was slightly stagnant, and then he squeezed a soft smile to face the mother of dragon and walked slowly to him. At the edge of the sandalwood table, he bent down and bowed, changing his previous title to respectfully salute: “Your Royal Highness, the ministers are late, you have suffered over the years.”

The hand of the former king and the words of the Earl of Eagle Nest gave Dani the throbbing in dreams but never before in reality, a throbbing that belongs to the real princess of the kingdom.

As long as Zhuo Ge is accompanied and cared for, she will not feel bitter, but this greeting reminded her of her former exile life. When her nose was sour, her tears almost rolled down, but she suppressed it.

Golden regiment leader showed respect, Danni thinks he agrees with him, and under the guidance of emotion, she speaks to belittle the mad king who has never met.

“Master Clinton, I’m just a young woman and I don’t know how to rule, but I occasionally hear about my father’s actions. I apologize to you for him.”

Clinton was touched: “The princess is righteous, and the guilty minister is ashamed.”

This boat belongs to Dany. She feels that she should do her best to be a landlord. She put out her white and tender red hand and motioned: “Please sit down, two of you.”

When Clinton became a little restrained, and the young man sat down violently, Dany couldn’t wait to ask, “I wonder if you have anything to discuss about my elder brother?”

In her thinking, the two sides are currently in a confrontation situation. She and Clinton are old but not familiar, so it is better to get rid of unnecessary cumbersomeness and be more straightforward.

Clinton kept a comfortable smile at Danny, raised his hands and spread out to the boy and said: “Your Royal Highness, let me introduce you to the original intention of this meeting.”

The mother of the dragon is already a woman. It has long been seen that the teenager has a serious desire for her, but the image of this teenager and the second brother overlaps, so that she has no intention of reproaching, but she is looking forward to: “Okay.”

Hearing her consent, Clinton introduced with a bit of pampering and a bit of pride: “His Royal Highness, this is Aegon Targaryen, the widow of your elder brother Rega, and the sixth Aegon, Andal Man, the king of the Roina and the ancestors, the monarch of the seven kingdoms.”

When Dani heard the bullet, she lost her expression in shock and said: “What! I, my elder brother’s child, didn’t he be brutally smashed into the wall by Tywin Lannister’s running dog Grego Clegane? How is it possible to still live in the world!?”

The young man put away the evil light towards Dany in his eyes, stood up and lowered his head slightly, with one hand on Yue Hung, and formally said hello: “Good evening, aunt, I am indeed your nephew, the son of Lei Jia, too The resurrected Aegon, the son of Princess Ilia of Dorne, was crushed to death by the Devil Mountain and the usurper Robert Baratheon personally inspected King Aegon VI. It was just a silver hair Varys found from Tylosi. The blue-eyed Jianhezhong, that was a lucky Jianhezhong, because he was lucky enough to die for the true prince.”

His arrogance and coldness made Dani a little displeased, but it was very likely that this person was her nephew, which made her feel even more pleasantly surprised.

Little Aegon’s words can be fabricated by a clever person. Clinton quickly added: “In these years, we have come a long way to prevent Prince Aegon from being discovered. When we heard that you became the mother of dragons, we washed away. The time has come for him to dye his blue hair and announce his true identity. Maybe you don’t believe it, just look at the real dragon he hides.”

When he finished speaking, the young man opened his hood in a timely manner, revealing a long silver-gold hair, showing the characteristics of the blood of the Targaryen royal family.

Then Little Aegon took off his robe again, revealing a set of extremely dazzling black ice armor.

This is the most popular dress of the beautiful man Rega. With his characteristics, Dany believes it, and walks over with a shiver, grabbing the little Aegon’s arm, staring into his face and subconsciously asking: “My big brother Ray Do you look like him?”

The local guy Clinton’s eyes flashed with confusion, and he muttered: “Yes, it’s very similar.”

Dani heard it, tears of joy welled up in her eyes. She was crying for the relatives in the world, her lips squirming, she wanted to say something, but she was too excited to say it for a while.

Seeing her high emotions, Clinton hurriedly blinked at the little Aegon who had the same confused face, sucking Dani’s deodorant deeply without avoiding suspicion.

Little Aegon knew, staring fiercely at the pure and flawless Dany, and struck the iron while the iron was hot to achieve this goal: “Aunt, you are so beautiful, I want a dragon, and I also want a pure blood of the Royal Targaryen clan. ”

The wise mother of dragons of ice and snow heard his thoughts, and suddenly collapsed in the excitement of her loved ones, let go of Little Aegon like being struck by lightning, and fled back to where the blood alliance guard stood.

The snowball rolled his eyes and let out an angry roar: “Wow!”

Even if the Blood Guardian who didn’t understand the Valyrian language showed killing intent, he glared at Little Aegon viciously, and only waited for Carriexi’s order to cut off his head.

The atmosphere became tense, but Little Aegon remained unmoved, and warned unconsciously: “Auntie, we are the last true dragon bloodlines in the world, our union, we will be able to repeat the glory of the true dragon dynasty, think about it, I control the entire Golden Warriors, and you have three-headed dragons, as well as immortal ones, and horse-riding warriors. Together, we dare to ask which force can resist, and we are just around the corner to regain the Iron Throne!”

In order to maintain a pure bloodline, the Targaryen family has always married close relatives. Three hundred years ago, Dragon King Aegon married his two younger sisters.

Of course these Dany knew, and before she married Zhuo Ge, she always thought that her husband would be the second brother Viselis, and she had already seen the desire of the beggar prince for her.

Even so, she had no intention of letting her marry her nephew at this time.

Danni was very angry by the frivolity of the nephew she had just met. She yelled, “I am the wife of Zhuo Gokao. The dragon only obeys the orders of my husband and me, and the unsullied and the horse-riding warrior. It belongs to my husband. I can’t give you anything. If you join us with the Golden Group, I’m very welcome. Otherwise, there’s nothing to say!”

Clinton took the little Aegon as the standard, regardless of the situation of the collapse, and the earnest Xiao took advantage: “His Royal Highness, Zhuo Ge is just a barbarian leader in a sea of ​​grass, and you have the blood of a true dragon, and only the iron throne is in front of you. Only then can Prince Aegon be worthy of you, listen to me, leave the grassland barbarian king who made enemies from all directions, take the magic dragon belonging to the descendant of the true dragon, Prince Aegon, and join us on the westward expedition!”

After a pause, he patted the Targaryen family badge on his chest, and continued from his own standpoint: “Zogo’s atrocities have angered the dignitaries of Sinkis, Trois, and even Valantis, and they will soon carry them. The Legion, riding the gray behemoth and jointly destroying him, and Giaco Cao in the Great Caohai Sea will also fight alongside them. The barbarians do not have enough forces to fight against them. The defeat is already foreseeable, so you must leave him and join us, once We landed in Westeros and raised the red three-headed dragon flag with a black background. The Martell family of Dorne, the Tyrell family of the High Court, and many people will gather to join us, to When Prince Aegon ascended the throne, you accompany him to rule the Seven Kingdoms. I believe that picture is what you hope for!”

Seeing Danny’s face down and short of breath, the shameless little Aegon thought she had been transferred to her passion, and hurriedly said: “Auntie, Clinton is right. We will be riding a dragon. By then, it will be more than Westeros. Even the whole world belongs to us.”

Having said that, he deliberately changed his name, and said very lightly: “Accept my request, the beautiful Daenerys. The dragon has three heads and needs three knights. I don’t mind if you get the scent of horses. Add a child, ride the dragon, and make all the forces in the world tremble under our feet!”

Dany felt that this nephew was even more whimsical and shameless than her second brother. She couldn’t help taking a sip, and warned coldly: “Put away your disgusting delusions, if you don’t know how to speak carefully. , I will endure my husband’s terrible anger and tell you that I will ride a dragon to conquer Westeros, but I will not leave Zogo. My husband stands upright, the threats you talk about are not in his eyes. For a moment, he is my sun and star, and I am the moon in his life. In my mind, no man can be more dazzling than my sun and star!”

Seeing the little Aegon speak out, Clinton waved his hand to stop him, implied threateningly said: “The tycoon of Quells provided us with the ship, so that we can escape the coveting of the three patriarchs of Valantis, so we must protect them. This has nothing to do with interest, only honesty. It was supposed to be the Queen of the Seven Kings. Although the motto of the Golden Warriors is like gold, now I am the principal of the Golden Group, so the choice is yours, Your Royal Highness. , You are in a bad mood, I will wait for your good news, just before sunrise.”

Speaking, Clinton took Aegon and walked out of the cabin.

Ago stared at their backs coldly, and admonished: “Kalyxi, do you need me to chop off the head of the guy who annoys you?”

Danni declined his loyalty with a crying voice: “No need, let’s go back.”

On the golden throne of the Dragon Horse Leap, when Zhuo Ge closed his eyes, a strong murderous intent appeared, and he whispered in a deep voice: “Dare to offend Danni and provoke the relationship between our husband and wife, you are all Dead man! There is also Sinkis, the stupid pig of Valantis. If you dare to commit an offence, you will be wiped out!”

When Danny got on the boat, Zhuo Ge, who knew the process, calmed her and asked her the reason for her sadness and the content of the meeting.

Danni regained her appearance as a weak little girl. She threw herself into Zhuo Ge’s broad arms, and Ewha shook out her grievances with rain.

After this meeting, Dany felt that the battle between the two sides was inevitable. She was afraid of her husband’s anger and decided to kill the nephew she didn’t agree with, so she deliberately omitted some content.

What shocked her inexplicably was that Zhuo Ge not only did not rise to the top of the fire, and immediately ordered the attack on the golden ship, but instead ordered Missandei to speak loudly and let Little Aegon come tomorrow and give him a satisfactory answer.

Danni was at a loss: “Zo Ge, they want to kill you, you can’t compromise with them because of me!”

Zhuo Ge mysteriously replied: “I have a sense of measure. Rega’s widow survived the bitter cold wind. Since that guy is known as the son of the true dragon, he must be able to stand the test.”

Dani knew her husband’s character well, and asked a little anxiously: “What test?”

Kao smiled and said, “You will know tomorrow.”

In order to sweep away the haze in his wife’s heart, Zhuo Ge decided to put aside his domineering and let her become a conqueror tonight.

“Satisfactory reply, it seems that the barbarian is a strict wife.”

Jon Clinton secretly thought, took off his armor and put it on the bed stool and took off the glove of his right hand.

His **** nail is as black as dragon crystal, and the gray has almost spread to the position of the second knuckle, and the tip of the ring finger has also begun to darken, and when he touched it with the tip of a dagger, he didn’t feel any pain.

Death is doomed, but he feels that he still has time, because some of the stone people who were driven to the ruins of Valyria even lived for ten years because of the gray scale disease.

Such a long time is enough for him to cross the ocean to see the griffon’s lair again, to permanently end the family of the usurper, and to embrace the son of Rega on the Iron Throne.

Then he will die well, and die gloriously!

The next day, Cao, the strongest who could not be defeated by iron, stood on the deck with a tired face, and greeted the cheerful little Aegon and Clinton leading a team of mercenaries to board a full 200 paddles. Long Teng Ma Yue.

Zhuo Ge left his wife, strode very enthusiastically towards Little Aegon, opened his arms, and embraced the so-called true dragon heirs with his arms, giving him a hug that could not be refused to make people fractured.

Clinton thought that the barbarian king was showing good, so he did not stop it.

Just when Little Aegon was struck by the tall barbarian king and was about to yell at him, Zhuo Ge adjusted his head, squeezed a weird smile at him, and then turned his head towards Zhuo Genggao who hovered above his head. Shouted: “Dragon Flame!”

Clinton and Danny screamed in horror at the same time: “No!”


A spiral of red and black **** fire violently rushed on the two in a group!

Zhuo Ge’s sonorous and powerful voice floated from the flames: “True dragons are not afraid of flames.”

Until then, Danni, who was almost shocked in her throat, understood what the test her husband was talking about!

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